【評論主題】8. Members of the Lost Generation viewed the idea of the “American Dream” as a grand _____.(A) decep


【評論主題】8. Members of the Lost Generation viewed the idea of the “American Dream” as a grand _____.(A) decep


【評論主題】5. The _____ of a family depends upon the availability of money or total income of the family.(A) ex

【評論內容】一個家庭的_____取決於金錢的可用性或家庭的總收入。(一)開支(二)拖延症(三)疑慮(D) 投機者

【評論主題】8. Members of the Lost Generation viewed the idea of the “American Dream” as a grand _____.(A) decep


【評論主題】5. The _____ of a family depends upon the availability of money or total income of the family.(A) ex

【評論內容】一個家庭的_____取決於金錢的可用性或家庭的總收入。(一)開支(二)拖延症(三)疑慮(D) 投機者

【評論主題】8. Members of the Lost Generation viewed the idea of the “American Dream” as a grand _____.(A) decep


【評論主題】4. The number of people affected is _____ to reach 4,000 in the next 5 months if nothing is done soo

【評論內容】預計受影響的人數 如果很快不採取任何措施...

【評論主題】5. The _____ of a family depends upon the availability of money or total income of the family.(A) ex

【評論內容】一個家庭的_____取決於金錢的可用性或家庭的總收入。(一)開支(二)拖延症(三)疑慮(D) 投機者

【評論主題】8. Members of the Lost Generation viewed the idea of the “American Dream” as a grand _____.(A) decep


【評論主題】1. We’ll find out what happens to the leading character in the next _____ of the TV show.(A) episode


【評論主題】5 最著名的南唐詞家有「中主」、「後主」二人。「南唐中主」係指下列何人? (A)李璟 (B)李煜 (C)李白 (D)李商隱。



【評論主題】5 最著名的南唐詞家有「中主」、「後主」二人。「南唐中主」係指下列何人? (A)李璟 (B)李煜 (C)李白 (D)李商隱。



【評論主題】40. A: Why are you studying English?B: The qualification of entering the company is to pass the Engl

【評論內容】A: Why are you studying English?B: The qualification of entering the company is to pass the English Proficiency Examination,so I need to master English as hard as I can.A: _______________B: Thank you for the suggestion. I’ll try it from today on.(A) Native speakers talk too fast to understand.(B) Speaking in my native language.(C) Listening to English broadcast every day helps a lot.(D) You should cherish your native language more.A:你為什麼要學習英語?B:進入公司的資格是通過英語水準考試,所以我需要盡我所能掌握英語。答:_______________B:謝謝你的建議。 從今天開始我就試試。(A)母語...

【評論主題】39. A: I feel excited about the discount of the department store next week.B: It sounds great. _____

【評論內容】A: I feel excited about the discount of the department store next week.B: It sounds great. _______________A: I can’t wait to go.

【評論主題】37. Charles: Hi, Roger._______Roger: Good, thanks for asking. My ankle doesn’t hurt anymore.Charles:

【評論內容】查爾斯:嗨,羅傑。_______羅傑:很好,謝謝你的提問。我的腳踝不疼了。查爾斯:太好了!我想我們很快就能再次一起打籃球了。(A) 你的康復進展如何?(B) 你在找什麼?(C) 誰是你最好的朋友?(D) 你為什么生我的氣?

【評論主題】38. A: I am looking for a new apartment.B: My building has some vacancies. Are you interested in the

【評論內容】A: I am looking for a new apartment.B: My building has some vacancies. Are you interested in them?A: _______________

【評論主題】36. Olive: What’s the biggest source of pollution? You might be surprised at the answer.Penny: Plast

【評論內容】Olive: What’s the biggest source of pollution? You might be surprised at the answer.Penny: Plastic bags?Olive: No, disposable diapers.Penny: But how come they became a source of pollution?Olive: ____________(A) About forty years ago.(B) They don’t break down easily.(C) Cotton diapers are good for the environment.(D) People are using fewer disposable diapers.Olive:最大的污染源是什麼?您可能會對答案感到驚訝。佩妮:塑料袋?Olive:不,紙尿褲。佩妮:但它們怎麼會變成污染源呢?橄欖:____________ (A) 大約四十年前。(B) 它們不容易分解。(C) 棉尿布對環境有益。(D) 人們使用的一次性尿布越來越少。...

【評論主題】35. Waitress: Are you ready to order?Mr. Liu: Not quite yet.Waitress: Oh, ______ , sir.(A) I forgot

【評論內容】Waitress: Are you ready to order?Mr. Liu: Not quite yet.Waitress: Oh, ______ , sir.









【評論主題】1.下列「」內的讀音,何者完全正確?(A)「諄」諄教誨:ㄉㄨㄣ (B)「咄」咄怪事:ㄓㄨㄛˊ(C)「款」款深情:ㄎㄨㄢˇ (D)「犖」犖大者:ㄕㄨㄛˋ

【評論內容】犖犖大者注  音ㄌㄨㄛˋ ㄌㄨㄛˋ ㄉㄚˋ ㄓㄜˇ漢語拼音luò luò dà zhě釋  義非常明顯、明確。

【評論主題】13.孔子以「其身正,不令而行;其身不正,雖令不從」強調為政者須修身正己為先。下列文句與此理念相合的是:(A)子帥以正,孰敢不正 (B)不在其位,不謀其政(C)道之以德,齊之以禮,有恥且格 (D)舉直


原  文:問政於孔子。孔子對曰:「政者正也,子帥以正,孰敢不正。」

釋  文:季康子向孔子請教爲政之道,孔子回答說:「『政』的意思就是端正,您自己先做到端正,誰還敢不端正?」

【評論主題】33. The severe water _____ last summer taught the people a lesson about water conservation.(A) short

【評論內容】去年夏天的严重缺水给人民上了一堂节约用水的课。severe 嚴重taught 教導

【評論主題】30. In the meeting before the travel, the tour guide _____ a map, a cap, and a travel bag for each g


【評論主題】27. The local people are trying to raise _____ to improve the park and make it a better and safer pl


【評論主題】6. You can find the latest numbers on line as they are _____ every ten minutes.(A) subsisted(B) upda

【評論內容】您可以在線找到最新的數位,因為它們每十分鐘____一次。 (A) 維持生計 (B) 更新 (三)克制 (D)嘶嘶聲

【評論主題】5. You’d better go to a doctor immediately if you’re showing _____ of lung diseases.(A) diameters(B)

【評論內容】如果你有肺部疾病,你最好立即去看醫生。 ...

【評論主題】2. He’s definitely not a man of _____. He’s always talking about his achievements and never misses a


【評論主題】2. He’s definitely not a man of _____. He’s always talking about his achievements and never misses a


【評論主題】4. The number of people affected is _____ to reach 4,000 in the next 5 months if nothing is done soo

【評論內容】預計受影響的人數 如果很快不採取任何措施...

【評論主題】3. The young actress _____ for a role in the new movie, hoping she would be able to appear on the bi

【評論內容】excused原諒 formatted格式化instilled灌輸

【評論主題】3. The young actress _____ for a role in the new movie, hoping she would be able to appear on the bi


【評論主題】8. Members of the Lost Generation viewed the idea of the “American Dream” as a grand _____.(A) decep


【評論主題】7. The tardiness in the investigation of the money laundering scandal is a situation that must be __

【評論內容】洗錢醜聞調查拖延是必須立即_____的情況。(一)異化(二)整頓(C) 暗示(D) 放大

【評論主題】6. The government gives financial assistance to ensure that no students are _____ of education for l

【評論內容】政府提供財政援助,以確保沒有學生因缺乏經濟能力而無法_____接受教育。(一)嵌入式(二) 訂購(C) 題為(D) 剝奪

【評論主題】5. The _____ of a family depends upon the availability of money or total income of the family.(A) ex

【評論內容】一個家庭的_____取決於金錢的可用性或家庭的總收入。(一)開支(二)拖延症(三)疑慮(D) 投機者

【評論主題】4. She gave some shocking examples to _____ the seriousness of the situation.(A) insert (B) transact

【評論內容】她舉了一些令人震驚的例子來說明情況的嚴重性。(一)插入(二) 交易(C) 下劃線(D) 改期

【評論主題】2. Passengers who wish to postpone or _____ their travel plans can obtain a refund, including for no

【評論內容】希望推遲或_____他們的旅行計劃的乘客可以獲得退款,包括不可退款的機票。(一)啟發(B) 包括(三)附上(D) 取消

【評論主題】1. We’ll find out what happens to the leading character in the next _____ of the TV show.(A) episode


【評論主題】1. The buyer did not attend the _____ but sent a representative to place the bids.(A) auction (B) ca

【評論內容】買方沒有參加 _____ 但派了一名代表★★★...

【評論主題】20 特定物買賣,若因物有瑕疵而出賣人依法應負物之瑕疵擔保責任時,下列何者非買受人依法所得主張之權利? (A)解除買賣契約 (B)請求減少買賣價金 (C)請求另行交付無瑕疵之物 (D)故意不告知瑕疵時

【評論內容】民法 (民國 110 年 01 月 20 日 ) EN 本法規部分或全部條文尚未生效第 200 條給付物僅以種類指示者,依法律行為之性質或當事人之意思不能定其品質時,債務人應給以中等品質之物。前項情形,債務人交付其物之必要行為完結後,或經債權人之同意指定其應交付之物時,其物即為特定給付物。第 354 條物之出賣人對於買受人,應擔保其物依第三百七十三條之規定危險移轉於買受人時無滅失或減少其價值之瑕疵,亦無滅失或減少其通常效用或契約預定效用之瑕疵。但減少之程度,無關重要者,不得視為瑕疵。出賣人並應擔保其物於危險移轉時,具有其所保證之品質。第 359 條買賣因物有瑕疵,而出賣人依前五條之規定,應負擔保之責者...

【評論主題】13. My father has a _____ tire in the trunk of his car.(A) spare (B) popular (C) common (D) shared

【評論內容】我父親的汽車後備箱裡有一個 _____ 輪胎。(一)備用(二)流行(三)普通(D) 共享

【評論主題】15. Without a(n) _____, you are not allowed to park your car on this campus.(A) incense (B) permit (

【評論內容】沒有(n) _____,你就不能把車停在這個校園裡。(一)香(二) 許可證(三)隱士(四) 學費

【評論主題】14. When they face the possibility of chasing the armed criminals, the police usually will wear ____

【評論內容】當他們面臨追捕持槍歹徒的可能時,警察通常會在製服下穿_____背心。(一)防水(二)防火(三)防塵(D) 防彈

【評論主題】12. _____, Christmas Eve dinner is a gathering time for the entire family.(A) Previously (B) Continu

【評論內容】_____,平安夜晚餐是全家人的聚會時間。(A) 以前(B) 持續(C) 傳統上(D) 極度地

【評論主題】【題組】33. What did Clubhouse do for people in Taiwan and China?(A) It helped them talk openly online.

【評論內容】Clubhouse為台灣和中國大陸的人們做了什麼?(A) 它幫助他們在網上公開交談。(B) 它幫助他們搜索信息。(C) 它教會了他們更多關於自己國家的知識。(D) 它幫助他們了解他們的政府。

【評論主題】【題組】32. According to the article, how is Clubhouse different from other apps?(A) You can discuss in

【評論內容】根據這篇文章,Clubhouse 與其他應用程序有何不同?(A) 你們可以分組討論。(B) 您可以通過發送消息或與他人交談來進行交流。(C) 每個人都可以免費使用。(D) 它提供了每個聊天室可以談論的話題。

【評論主題】22. Too much time with digital devices (such as computers, tablets, and cellphones) has been linked

【評論內容】include 怎麼用?

Incl☆☆☆ ★★★★★★...

【評論主題】18. The school administration has promised to strengthen security to _____ the concerns of parents.(

【評論內容】校方已承諾加強安保,以解除家長的顧慮。(A) 雙(B) 緩解(C) 肩部(D) 膝蓋

【評論主題】17. _____ unpopular, the scandal-ridden politician was hardly able to finish his speech in the booin

【評論內容】這位醜聞纏身的政治家非常不受歡迎,在觀眾的噓聲中幾乎無法完成他的演講。(A) 謹慎地(B) 勻稱地(C) 大規模地(D) 技術性地

【評論主題】15. Migrants who have fled instability and uncertainty in their home countries have arrived at the b

【評論內容】Migrants(移民) who have fled(逃離) instability(不穩定) and uncertainty(不確定) in their home countries have arrived at the border(邊界) in _____.

【評論主題】16. The unprecedented heatwaves in different parts of the world represent a _____ of climate change.


【評論主題】11. It is _____ to be late for an important meeting.(A) ideal (B) rude (C) harsh (D) common

【評論內容】參加重要會議遲到是_____。(一)理想(B) 粗魯(C) 苛刻(四) 普通

【評論主題】5 最著名的南唐詞家有「中主」、「後主」二人。「南唐中主」係指下列何人? (A)李璟 (B)李煜 (C)李白 (D)李商隱。



【評論主題】5 最著名的南唐詞家有「中主」、「後主」二人。「南唐中主」係指下列何人? (A)李璟 (B)李煜 (C)李白 (D)李商隱。



【評論主題】3. The young actress _____ for a role in the new movie, hoping she would be able to appear on the bi

【評論內容】excused原諒 formatted格式化instilled灌輸

【評論主題】3. The young actress _____ for a role in the new movie, hoping she would be able to appear on the bi


【評論主題】5. The _____ of a family depends upon the availability of money or total income of the family.(A) ex

【評論內容】一個家庭的_____取決於金錢的可用性或家庭的總收入。(一)開支(二)拖延症(三)疑慮(D) 投機者

【評論主題】5 最著名的南唐詞家有「中主」、「後主」二人。「南唐中主」係指下列何人? (A)李璟 (B)李煜 (C)李白 (D)李商隱。



【評論主題】5 最著名的南唐詞家有「中主」、「後主」二人。「南唐中主」係指下列何人? (A)李璟 (B)李煜 (C)李白 (D)李商隱。



【評論主題】1.下列「」內的讀音,何者完全正確?(A)「諄」諄教誨:ㄉㄨㄣ (B)「咄」咄怪事:ㄓㄨㄛˊ(C)「款」款深情:ㄎㄨㄢˇ (D)「犖」犖大者:ㄕㄨㄛˋ

【評論內容】犖犖大者注  音ㄌㄨㄛˋ ㄌㄨㄛˋ ㄉㄚˋ ㄓㄜˇ漢語拼音luò luò dà zhě釋  義非常明顯、明確。

【評論主題】13.孔子以「其身正,不令而行;其身不正,雖令不從」強調為政者須修身正己為先。下列文句與此理念相合的是:(A)子帥以正,孰敢不正 (B)不在其位,不謀其政(C)道之以德,齊之以禮,有恥且格 (D)舉直


原  文:問政於孔子。孔子對曰:「政者正也,子帥以正,孰敢不正。」

釋  文:季康子向孔子請教爲政之道,孔子回答說:「『政』的意思就是端正,您自己先做到端正,誰還敢不端正?」

【評論主題】3. The young actress _____ for a role in the new movie, hoping she would be able to appear on the bi

【評論內容】excused原諒 formatted格式化instilled灌輸

【評論主題】4. The number of people affected is _____ to reach 4,000 in the next 5 months if nothing is done soo

【評論內容】預計受影響的人數 如果很快不採取任何措施...

【評論主題】3. The young actress _____ for a role in the new movie, hoping she would be able to appear on the bi


【評論主題】5. The _____ of a family depends upon the availability of money or total income of the family.(A) ex

【評論內容】一個家庭的_____取決於金錢的可用性或家庭的總收入。(一)開支(二)拖延症(三)疑慮(D) 投機者

【評論主題】40. A: Why are you studying English?B: The qualification of entering the company is to pass the Engl

【評論內容】A: Why are you studying English?B: The qualification of entering the company is to pass the English Proficiency Examination,so I need to master English as hard as I can.A: _______________B: Thank you for the suggestion. I’ll try it from today on.(A) Native speakers talk too fast to understand.(B) Speaking in my native language.(C) Listening to English broadcast every day helps a lot.(D) You should cherish your native language more.A:你為什麼要學習英語?B:進入公司的資格是通過英語水準考試,所以我需要盡我所能掌握英語。答:_______________B:謝謝你的建議。 從今天開始我就試試。(A)母語...

【評論主題】39. A: I feel excited about the discount of the department store next week.B: It sounds great. _____

【評論內容】A: I feel excited about the discount of the department store next week.B: It sounds great. _______________A: I can’t wait to go.