【評論主題】11.請問下列何者沒有錯別字? (A)膾炙人口 (B)大塊朵頤 (C)被水一戰 (D)病入膏盲


【評論主題】【題組】22.(A) worthy(B) global(C) sticky(D) physical

【評論內容】A值得的B全球的  (變成一.....觀...

【評論主題】Popcorn is one of the snacks that rarely fail to make watching a movie more fun. However, the modern




【評論主題】【題組】22.(A) worthy(B) global(C) sticky(D) physical

【評論內容】A值得的B全球的  (變成一.....觀...

【評論主題】Popcorn is one of the snacks that rarely fail to make watching a movie more fun. However, the modern




【評論主題】【題組】34.(A) cooperation(B) prosper(C) teacher(D) behave(E) isolated




【評論主題】29.Let’s walk ________ this street.(A) of (B) between (C) under (D) along

【評論內容】walk along沿著...走路The☆ ☆☆☆☆☆☆...

【評論主題】15.將 123.12510轉換成二進位,結果為何?(A)1111011.0012(B)1110011.0012(C)1111001.0112(D)1110001.0112

【評論內容】請教一下為何123的最後還要  2/1  呢??

【評論主題】2. The boy was _____ by a man he met on the Internet. Fortunately, he was rescued by the police two


【評論主題】7.當考試院行文給監察院時,其稱謂語應作:(A)大院 (B)台端(C)貴院 (D)鈞長


平行 稱 貴  那答案怎麼是A?

【評論主題】22. I told Adam how much I liked his jacket, and he gave it to me ________.(A) ever since (B) then a


I told Adam how much I liked his jacket, and he gave it to me _______



(B )then and there  立即 馬上

c within reach  伸手可及

d start off   從....開始

【評論主題】4. ( )Jane: Where are my chopsticks? Irene: They are ________ the box.(A) in (B) of (C) to (D) with


【評論主題】15.將 123.12510轉換成二進位,結果為何?(A)1111011.0012(B)1110011.0012(C)1111001.0112(D)1110001.0112

【評論內容】請教一下為何123的最後還要  2/1  呢??

【評論主題】7. Due to the recent _____ of measles, thousands of vaccines have been distributed to hospitals and


outbreak 爆發


【評論主題】12. The High Speed Rail has the ___ policy of giving a discount on tickets for early morning trains.



【評論主題】25. [ ] After the big fire, there was much _____ in the city.(A) confession (B) destruction (C) elec


confession 坦承

destruction  破壞

compossition 作曲

【評論主題】23. [ ] She sang a song while she took a shower to _____ herself.(A)refresh (B) refrain (C) reflect


refresh  振作精神恢復精力

refreain  避免節制

reflect  反射

【評論主題】13. [ ] We don’t have much time today. Let’s _____ business.(A) get down to (B) get away with (C) ge


get down to 開始做  開始認真怎樣怎樣的....

【評論主題】11. [ ] I wash my hands often because I don’t want to come _____ with a cold.(A) up (B) into (C) awa


come down with 是指說    染上   患上小病 

【評論主題】9. [ ] Be sure to _____ about different hotels before you make a reservation.(A) sign up (B) ask aro


ask around 多方詢問 打探

【評論主題】5. [ ] Are you planning to go _____ for the weekend?(A) far (B) off (C) around (D) away

【評論內容】走開; 離開

We're going away for a few days. 我們要外出幾天(如度假)。

Last month Mr. White went away for holidays. 上個月懷特先生度假去了。from 奇摩字典

【評論主題】三、克漏字測驗(請依照段落上下文意,選出最適當的答案) If you had 18 minutes free, what would you do? It would be a good i

【評論內容】請問這句前面不是it would.....怎不是用take?Spend的主詞不是 人嗎?

【評論主題】10. ( )閱讀下文,由范增所言,可以看出劉邦:范增說項羽曰:「沛公居山東時,貪於財貨,好美姬;今入關,財物無所取,婦女無所幸,此其志不在小。吾令人望其氣,皆為龍虎,成五采,此天子氣也。急擊勿失!」



【評論主題】11. The country’s economy remains ___________ despite the fact that several countries have offered h


1.flourish  茂盛

2.sluggish   懶得動,蕭條

3.escalate   使上升

【評論主題】8. Every science must develop ways of recognizing errors and correcting them; otherwise it will not


1. endrose   背書

2.worship    崇拜

3.discard     拋棄

4.legalize   使合法化

【評論主題】7. You have to ______ your bike very hard and fast when you try to go up on a mountain road.(A) fix


PEDAL 是腳踏板 當V使用做 " 踩 "

【評論主題】50. He was sentenced to death ______ what he has stolen from the bank.   (A) that                   



what he has stolen from the bank  這不是已經算是子句了嗎??

because of 不是接名詞??

【評論主題】21. At the edge of the forest____ .(A) did a magnificent palace stand (B) stood a magnificent palace

【評論內容】倒裝法是指主要動詞置於主詞(subject)之前,例如:At the edge of the garden stood a stranger(花園邊緣站着一個陌生人)。句中的stood是顯示位置的動詞,置於主詞a stranger之前。假如不用倒裝法,這一句可寫作A stranger stood at the edge of the garden。跟這個一樣

【評論主題】【題組】 8.毛「ㄖㄨㄥˊ ㄖㄨㄥˊ」:


【評論主題】21. At the edge of the forest____ .(A) did a magnificent palace stand (B) stood a magnificent palace

【評論內容】倒裝法是指主要動詞置於主詞(subject)之前,例如:At the edge of the garden stood a stranger(花園邊緣站着一個陌生人)。句中的stood是顯示位置的動詞,置於主詞a stranger之前。假如不用倒裝法,這一句可寫作A stranger stood at the edge of the garden。跟這個一樣

【評論主題】【題組】 8.毛「ㄖㄨㄥˊ ㄖㄨㄥˊ」:


【評論主題】8.政府機關經常遭受外部環境的各方關注、批評、反對,甚至抗爭,其運作應開放給外界知悉之要求甚囂塵上,行政學將此現象稱作:(A)暈輪效應 (B)鄰避效應(C)金魚缸效應 (D)不稀罕效應


金魚缸是玻璃做的,透明度很高,不論從哪個角度去看,都可以一目瞭然地觀察到缸內金魚的活動情況。 這就是“金魚缸法則”。 它是一種比喻,也就是極高透明度的民主管理模式

【評論主題】12. The High Speed Rail has the ___ policy of giving a discount on tickets for early morning trains.



【評論主題】6. We must all bear in mind that good nutrition is not just smart, it is _____.(A) vital (B) generou



生命的  維生所需的

【評論主題】23. [ ] She sang a song while she took a shower to _____ herself.(A)refresh (B) refrain (C) reflect


refresh  振作精神恢復精力

refreain  避免節制

reflect  反射

【評論主題】25. [ ] After the big fire, there was much _____ in the city.(A) confession (B) destruction (C) elec


confession 坦承

destruction  破壞

compossition 作曲

【評論主題】13. [ ] We don’t have much time today. Let’s _____ business.(A) get down to (B) get away with (C) ge


get down to 開始做  開始認真怎樣怎樣的....

【評論主題】11. [ ] I wash my hands often because I don’t want to come _____ with a cold.(A) up (B) into (C) awa


come down with 是指說    染上   患上小病 

【評論主題】9. [ ] Be sure to _____ about different hotels before you make a reservation.(A) sign up (B) ask aro


ask around 多方詢問 打探

【評論主題】5. [ ] Are you planning to go _____ for the weekend?(A) far (B) off (C) around (D) away

【評論內容】走開; 離開

We're going away for a few days. 我們要外出幾天(如度假)。

Last month Mr. White went away for holidays. 上個月懷特先生度假去了。from 奇摩字典

【評論主題】三、克漏字測驗(請依照段落上下文意,選出最適當的答案) If you had 18 minutes free, what would you do? It would be a good i

【評論內容】請問這句前面不是it would.....怎不是用take?Spend的主詞不是 人嗎?



VALS 2水平面以自我導向分為三類:理想、成就、自我表現--(理成表)

【評論主題】8.The reason for her absence was ______. (A) sick (B) sickness (C) due to sickness (D) because sickn


to be absent because of sickness 因病缺席

【評論主題】10. ( )閱讀下文,由范增所言,可以看出劉邦:范增說項羽曰:「沛公居山東時,貪於財貨,好美姬;今入關,財物無所取,婦女無所幸,此其志不在小。吾令人望其氣,皆為龍虎,成五采,此天子氣也。急擊勿失!」



【評論主題】12. We are not ___________ consumers of health insurance. We have no idea what we're buying. We


1.adolescent  青少年時期

2.savvy  懂 知曉

3.amateurish  外行

4.illiterate    文盲

【評論主題】11. The country’s economy remains ___________ despite the fact that several countries have offered h


1.flourish  茂盛

2.sluggish   懶得動,蕭條

3.escalate   使上升

【評論主題】8. Every science must develop ways of recognizing errors and correcting them; otherwise it will not


1. endrose   背書

2.worship    崇拜

3.discard     拋棄

4.legalize   使合法化

【評論主題】7. You have to ______ your bike very hard and fast when you try to go up on a mountain road.(A) fix


PEDAL 是腳踏板 當V使用做 " 踩 "

【評論主題】35 The police _____ the whole town during the Chinese New Year in order to maintain order and securi


exploit   剝削

patrol  巡邏

intimidate   威脅

possess 擁有

【評論主題】34 A_____ refers to the situation when a person promises you that you can make a lot of money by inv


fraud  欺騙詐騙

prostitution  賣淫

murder   謀殺

raid      突襲

【評論主題】33 A search_____ is a court order issued by a judge that authorizes law enforcement officers to cond

【評論內容】warrant   授權書  搜查令

【評論主題】32 The woman went to the police station and wanted to file a_____ report because someone took her ba


1.burglary    竊盜

2.robbery     搶劫

3.arson         縱火

4.smuggling  走私

【評論主題】31 It is wrong for a policeman to_____ his/her power while in office.(A)attempt (B)abduct (C)assault


1.attempt   企圖

2.abduct    誘拐

3.assault     攻擊

4.abuse      濫用

【評論主題】50. He was sentenced to death ______ what he has stolen from the bank.   (A) that                   



what he has stolen from the bank  這不是已經算是子句了嗎??

because of 不是接名詞??

【評論主題】3.下列國字運用,何者正確? (A)暴力之氣 (B)鳶飛唳天(C)風聲鶴戾 (D)人生轉捩點。


A  暴戾之氣

B 鳶飛戾天

C 風聲鶴唳

【評論主題】19.The man became a vegetarian several years ago after his recovery from a sudden stroke. He often t




【評論主題】29. The whirlwind of technology changes our lives so quickly that there’s no way to ________ how the


dissipate    驅除

participate  參加

anticipate   預測

emancipate  解放+from

【評論主題】27. Most people are held back not by their ________ ability, but by their mindset.(A) intimate (B) i


intimate  親密.熟悉+with

insane    瘋狂的

intensive 密集的.加強的

innate      與生俱來的

【評論主題】14.____ the heavy rain, we still decided to follow our original schedule and went camping.(A) Despit

【評論內容】the heavy rain 是名詞,後面只能加名詞或是動名詞的只能選a或b但是b後面缺了of

【評論主題】20. Be sure to make a____ before going to that well-known restaurant. It is very popular in this are


【評論主題】19. The competition is very fierce, so it’s difficult for us to ________ which team will succeed.(A)

【評論內容】戰況激烈導致我們無法"辨別"哪一隊會獲勝 選b

【評論主題】11. (甲)刎頸之交/烏集之交 (乙)星羅棋布/秋月春風 (丙)難分軒輊/平分秋色 (丁)總角之交/青梅竹馬 (戊)村夫野老/白丁俗客 (己)枕石漱流/山高水長。上列各組成語意義相近的選項是: (A
