【評論主題】You can’t master English overnight! Remember that speaking it well ________ a lot of practice.(A) ta


【評論主題】I was so hungry that I ate one cookie after ________ until they were all gone.(A)other (B) others (C

【評論內容】one after another 一個接一個

【評論主題】Can you ________ how old Ms. Wang is? She is 50, but she looks as if she were only 30.(A) drop(B) cr

【評論內容】look as if  看起來好像…

【評論主題】10. I ordered a beautiful ceramic vase from a shopping site on the Internet. Unfortunately, it


【評論主題】_____________ does not seem worthwhile to spend the entire monthly salary on a luxury product.(A)Wha

【評論內容】To spend the entire monthly salary on a luxury product does not seem worthwhile.把整個月的薪水花費在奢侈品上似乎不太值得。

【評論主題】A: “Excuse me. Do you know where the bus terminal is?”B: “It is _____________ the large police stati


【評論主題】I remember _____________ Mt. Jade for the first time. The sight was spectacular and impressive.(A)to

【評論內容】remember to + 原形動詞  我記得要去做某某事(還沒做)

【評論主題】When the phone rang, I _____________ reading the financial report.(A)was to concentrate on (B)would


【評論主題】The new coffee shop is advertised as a place _____________ you can find yourself feeling at ease wit


【評論主題】When reading, you’d better mark _____________ you have questions.(A)what (B)that (C)where (D)which




【評論主題】Mike: Jane’s only two years old, but she can count up to ten. Sarah: Really? She _____ for her age.

【評論內容】for one's age  就其年齡而言

【評論主題】Pat borrowed three books from me, and he hasn’t given _____ yet.(A)them back(B)back them(C)it back(D


【評論主題】Pat borrowed three books from me, and he hasn’t given _____ yet.(A)them back(B)back them(C)it back(D

【評論內容】因為是用代名詞,所以是given them back



第 五 條  中華郵政公司,得經營下列業務:

一、 遞送郵件。

二、 儲金。

三、 匯兌。

四、 簡易人壽保險。

五、 集郵及其相關商品。

六、 郵政資產之營運。

七、 經交通部核定,得接受委託辦理其他業務及投資或經營第一款至第六款相關業務。



第 七 條  非中華民國國民,不得為被保險人。
