【評論主題】77.下列藥物之一般療效濃度範圍(therapeutic range)何者正確?(A)Digoxin 1~2 mg/mL(B)Theophylline 10~20 μg/mL(C)Phenytoin


補樓上Procainamide 理想濃度:4-10 µg/ml;Procainamide  + NAPA (procainamide 經由肝臟代謝成 N-acetylprocainamide)合併之理想濃度:20-30 µg/ml 

REF: www.fda.gov.tw/MLMS/ShowFile.aspx?LicId=06017203&Seq=001&Type=9

【評論主題】80 Vinca 生物鹼之結構屬下列何者?(A) Purine (B) Steroid (C) Imidazole (D) Bisindole

【評論內容】https://qph.fs.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-92a09a5e2a651b694148aa88166ec2ccvinca = (indol.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】15 下列何者是短效型胰島素?(A) Lente Humulin (B) NPH Humulin (C) Regular Humulin (D) Ultralente Humulin U

【評論內容】超長效: Degludec (Tresiba®)> 長    效: Glargine (Lantus®)> Detemir (Levemir®) >中    效.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】8 同一分析法,在不同實驗室或不同分析人員進行待測物分析時仍具適度之再現性,稱之為:(A)耐變度(Robustness) (B)牢靠性(Ruggedness)(C)選擇性(Selectivity) (



Robustness for expressing the stability of the method against small variations of the intrinsic method parameters and variability of sample matrix. (參數)

Ruggedness for expressing the stability of the method against extraneous influencing factors.(不同人、不同實驗室...)




類型說明重複性(repeatability)  同一實驗室、同一人中間精密度 (intermediate precision)   沒考過吧?同一實驗室、不同人再現性 (reproducibility)不同實驗室,不同人  (牢靠性,再現性...

【評論主題】63 含有可做為阿托平(atropine)拮抗劑生物鹼的生藥為:(A) Vinca (B) Calabar bean (C) Goldenseal (D) Jaborandi


有些豆 (不含膠) 

香豆素Tonka 子FabaceaeCoumarin禁用作芳香劑毒扁豆 神判豆,Ordeal , Calabar 子FabaceaePhysostgmine (indole alk. AchEi) 比較Pilocarpine (His. alk.  M agonist, Rutaceace, leaflet)Coffee子Rubiaceaecaffeine (purine alk. )Murexide testCocoaCacao butter子Sterculiaceaetheobromine(purine alk. ), Theobroma oil (Fats)可可脂 (主要 Oleic acid 油酸), 栓劑Coconut 仁ArecaceaeCocos nuciferaCoconut oil (Fixed Oil...

【評論主題】【題組】22. (A) Are you rowing (B) Do you row (C) Did you row (D) Can you and your family row


【評論主題】35 下列有關全身性麻醉劑 halothane 的敘述,何者錯誤?(A) Halothane 的肺泡最低濃度(minimum alveolar concentration)較 ether 小(B) H


C血液氣體分配係數 B/G是吸入性麻醉藥品在血中溶解度的指標,藥物在血中的溶解度高低會☆影響麻醉誘導的速度

Blood/Gas partition coefficient 越小  =溶解度越小  =誘導快、改變麻醉深度快、停用恢復快

【評論主題】35 下列有關全身性麻醉劑 halothane 的敘述,何者錯誤?(A) Halothane 的肺泡最低濃度(minimum alveolar concentration)較 ether 小(B) H


 B/G ( or λ)、效價、脂溶性、(血中)溶解度: MethoxyHaloEnIsoSevoDesN2O ; MAC、誘導&恢復速度: 反向

【評論主題】15 下列何者是短效型胰島素?(A) Lente Humulin (B) NPH Humulin (C) Regular Humulin (D) Ultralente Humulin U


超長效: Degludec (Tresiba®) 長效: Glargine (Lantus®) Detemir (Levemir®) 中效: Ultralente Lente NPH短效: Regular速效: Lispro = Aspart (NovoRapid®)

【評論主題】1 下列何者並非 ionotropic receptor?(A)GABA B receptor (B)NMDA receptor (C)Glycine receptor (D)AMPA recepto

【評論內容】SubstrateGPCR (Gq)GPCR(Gs)GPCR(Gi)Ligand gatedIon channelNE, Epiα 1β 1,2α 2AchM 1,3,5M 2,4N m,nDD 1,5D 2,3,4HH 1H 2H 3GABA GABA bGABA a,c5-HT5-HT 25-HT 45-HT 1,55-HT 3Endogenous opioidsδ, μ, κGluAMPA, NMDA, kainate receptor