【評論主題】48. Being a teacher, you are supposed to use your sense of humor to __________ a difficult situation


congeal  使凍結;使凝結  使固定;使癱瘓

depute  指定……為代理人;委任;授權給  把(工作、責任等)交託給

defuse  緩和 

【評論主題】48. Being a teacher, you are supposed to use your sense of humor to __________ a difficult situation


congeal  使凍結;使凝結  使固定;使癱瘓

depute  指定……為代理人;委任;授權給  把(工作、責任等)交託給

defuse  緩和 

【評論主題】48. Being a teacher, you are supposed to use your sense of humor to __________ a difficult situation


congeal  使凍結;使凝結  使固定;使癱瘓

depute  指定……為代理人;委任;授權給  把(工作、責任等)交託給

defuse  緩和 

【評論主題】48. Being a teacher, you are supposed to use your sense of humor to __________ a difficult situation


congeal  使凍結;使凝結  使固定;使癱瘓

depute  指定……為代理人;委任;授權給  把(工作、責任等)交託給

defuse  緩和 

【評論主題】48. Being a teacher, you are supposed to use your sense of humor to __________ a difficult situation


congeal  使凍結;使凝結  使固定;使癱瘓

depute  指定……為代理人;委任;授權給  把(工作、責任等)交託給

defuse  緩和 

【評論主題】48. Being a teacher, you are supposed to use your sense of humor to __________ a difficult situation


congeal  使凍結;使凝結  使固定;使癱瘓

depute  指定……為代理人;委任;授權給  把(工作、責任等)交託給

defuse  緩和 

【評論主題】48. Being a teacher, you are supposed to use your sense of humor to __________ a difficult situation


congeal  使凍結;使凝結  使固定;使癱瘓

depute  指定……為代理人;委任;授權給  把(工作、責任等)交託給

defuse  緩和 

【評論主題】48. Being a teacher, you are supposed to use your sense of humor to __________ a difficult situation


congeal  使凍結;使凝結  使固定;使癱瘓

depute  指定……為代理人;委任;授權給  把(工作、責任等)交託給

defuse  緩和 

【評論主題】48. Being a teacher, you are supposed to use your sense of humor to __________ a difficult situation


congeal  使凍結;使凝結  使固定;使癱瘓

depute  指定……為代理人;委任;授權給  把(工作、責任等)交託給

defuse  緩和 

【評論主題】48. Being a teacher, you are supposed to use your sense of humor to __________ a difficult situation


congeal  使凍結;使凝結  使固定;使癱瘓

depute  指定……為代理人;委任;授權給  把(工作、責任等)交託給

defuse  緩和 

【評論主題】48. Being a teacher, you are supposed to use your sense of humor to __________ a difficult situation


congeal  使凍結;使凝結  使固定;使癱瘓

depute  指定……為代理人;委任;授權給  把(工作、責任等)交託給

defuse  緩和 

【評論主題】48. Being a teacher, you are supposed to use your sense of humor to __________ a difficult situation


congeal  使凍結;使凝結  使固定;使癱瘓

depute  指定……為代理人;委任;授權給  把(工作、責任等)交託給

defuse  緩和 

【評論主題】48. Being a teacher, you are supposed to use your sense of humor to __________ a difficult situation


congeal  使凍結;使凝結  使固定;使癱瘓

depute  指定……為代理人;委任;授權給  把(工作、責任等)交託給

defuse  緩和 

【評論主題】48. Being a teacher, you are supposed to use your sense of humor to __________ a difficult situation


congeal  使凍結;使凝結  使固定;使癱瘓

depute  指定……為代理人;委任;授權給  把(工作、責任等)交託給

defuse  緩和 

【評論主題】48. Being a teacher, you are supposed to use your sense of humor to __________ a difficult situation


congeal  使凍結;使凝結  使固定;使癱瘓

depute  指定……為代理人;委任;授權給  把(工作、責任等)交託給

defuse  緩和 

【評論主題】48. Being a teacher, you are supposed to use your sense of humor to __________ a difficult situation


congeal  使凍結;使凝結  使固定;使癱瘓

depute  指定……為代理人;委任;授權給  把(工作、責任等)交託給

defuse  緩和 

【評論主題】48. Being a teacher, you are supposed to use your sense of humor to __________ a difficult situation


congeal  使凍結;使凝結  使固定;使癱瘓

depute  指定……為代理人;委任;授權給  把(工作、責任等)交託給

defuse  緩和 

【評論主題】48. Being a teacher, you are supposed to use your sense of humor to __________ a difficult situation


congeal  使凍結;使凝結  使固定;使癱瘓

depute  指定……為代理人;委任;授權給  把(工作、責任等)交託給

defuse  緩和 

【評論主題】8. Marty ____ control of the Parent-Teacher Association after his children graduated from elementary


relinquish  放棄 

elucidated 闡明;說明

nnpenetraten穿過;刺入;透過 看透;識破 (感情等)深入於,打動 了解;洞察

【評論主題】IV. Cloze Test: Choose the answer that best fits the given text.Questions 41-45At least 330 million


Authorities say this number __41 is likely to__ rise further given that some states with water shortages have not yet submitted status reports.

【評論主題】9. The fiddler crab has _______ build: one pincer is much larger thanthe other.(A) a prolific (B) an


asymmetric  不對稱的,不勻稱的

untarnished  未失去光澤的

【評論主題】【題組】10. Japanese Prime Minister denounced the beheading of a Japanese hostage by Islamic State (IS)


despicable 可鄙的 卑劣的

triumphant 勝利的 成功的 得意洋洋的 大獲全勝的

 justifiable 無可非議的 有理由的 可證明為正當的

【評論主題】83.高雄市立歷史博物館位於中正四路愛河畔,且曾為高雄市役所,舊高雄市政府所在地,深具高雄發展之歷史意義,是一棟具有歷史意義、城市地標與市政形象的老建築。請問它的建築屬:(A)羅馬式 (B)唐博風式

【評論內容】2F熙 高二下 (2015/10/22 10:47):3人 帝冠式樣3F熙 高二下 (2016/06/15 14:44):1人 建築本體興建於西元1938年(昭和13年),翌年9月16日完工啟用,曾為第二個「高雄市役所」所在地的是指現在的?(A)高雄市立歷史博物館 (B)高雄市電影館 (C)高雄市音樂館 (D)高雄市美術館。教甄◆高雄文史- 104 年 - 高雄市104學年度公立幼兒園教師甄選-高雄文明史題目#22887答案:A4F熙 高二下 (2016/06/15 14:45):1人 高雄市立歷史博物館位於中正四路愛河畔,且曾為高雄市役所,舊高雄市政府所在地,深 具高雄發展之歷史意義,是一棟具有歷史意義、城市地標與市政形象的老建築。請問它的 建築屬:(A)羅馬式 (B)唐博風式 (C)雅...

【評論主題】48. Being a teacher, you are supposed to use your sense of humor to __________ a difficult situation


congeal  使凍結;使凝結  使固定;使癱瘓

depute  指定……為代理人;委任;授權給  把(工作、責任等)交託給

defuse  緩和 

【評論主題】83.高雄市立歷史博物館位於中正四路愛河畔,且曾為高雄市役所,舊高雄市政府所在地,深具高雄發展之歷史意義,是一棟具有歷史意義、城市地標與市政形象的老建築。請問它的建築屬:(A)羅馬式 (B)唐博風式

【評論內容】2F熙 高二下 (2015/10/22 10:47):3人 帝冠式樣3F熙 高二下 (2016/06/15 14:44):1人 建築本體興建於西元1938年(昭和13年),翌年9月16日完工啟用,曾為第二個「高雄市役所」所在地的是指現在的?(A)高雄市立歷史博物館 (B)高雄市電影館 (C)高雄市音樂館 (D)高雄市美術館。教甄◆高雄文史- 104 年 - 高雄市104學年度公立幼兒園教師甄選-高雄文明史題目#22887答案:A4F熙 高二下 (2016/06/15 14:45):1人 高雄市立歷史博物館位於中正四路愛河畔,且曾為高雄市役所,舊高雄市政府所在地,深 具高雄發展之歷史意義,是一棟具有歷史意義、城市地標與市政形象的老建築。請問它的 建築屬:(A)羅馬式 (B)唐博風式 (C)雅...

【評論主題】【題組】76. The exaggeration of the piranha being deadly and vicious is used at the beginning of the par


juxtapose 將……並置,將……並列

【評論主題】48. Being a teacher, you are supposed to use your sense of humor to __________ a difficult situation


congeal  使凍結;使凝結  使固定;使癱瘓

depute  指定……為代理人;委任;授權給  把(工作、責任等)交託給

defuse  緩和 

【評論主題】8. Marty ____ control of the Parent-Teacher Association after his children graduated from elementary


relinquish  放棄 

elucidated 闡明;說明

nnpenetraten穿過;刺入;透過 看透;識破 (感情等)深入於,打動 了解;洞察

【評論主題】3. When planning for the future, I think of my mentor’s often-repeated ____, “Hope for the best, but


refrain (詩歌或樂曲的)疊句;副歌

【評論主題】16. The International Olympic Committee said 31 athletes in six sports couldbe banned from the Rio O

【評論內容】dope  n. 麻醉剂; 笨蛋; 内幕消息; 兴奋剂             v. 给…服麻醉剂; 使昏昏沉沉; 给…用兴奋剂; 在…中加入麻醉剂

【評論主題】3. Images were not put on the page randomly, but were there to work in_____ with verbal part to gene


tantrum 發脾氣;發怒

tandem 一前一後地

【評論主題】IV. Cloze Test: Choose the answer that best fits the given text.Questions 41-45At least 330 million


Authorities say this number __41 is likely to__ rise further given that some states with water shortages have not yet submitted status reports.



Her death certificate says she died of heatstroke and __44__dehydration.



India is heavily dependent on monsoon rains, __45 which have been__ poor for two years in a row.



She began __43 vomiting__ after returning home and was rushed to hospital, but died next day.

vomiting 嘔吐

begin + Ving (+to V)

【評論主題】7. Many corporations create their cash flow or financing channels through _____ because they can obt


spinoff 副產品 附帶的利益

【評論主題】9. The fiddler crab has _______ build: one pincer is much larger thanthe other.(A) a prolific (B) an


asymmetric  不對稱的,不勻稱的

untarnished  未失去光澤的

【評論主題】2. His honesty and ________won everybody’s respect.(A) inventory (B) integrity (C) integration (D) i


integrity 正直;廉正;誠實

【評論主題】19What is onomatopoeia?(A) Words that sound like the thing that they name. (B) A kind of bee communi


onomatopoeia  擬聲;象聲詞

【評論主題】10. Notwithstanding the__________warning on each package of cigarettes for years, the__________effec


whimsical 異想天開的 古怪的 反覆無常的

judicial 司法的 審判的 公平的

blatant 明顯的 公然的

detrimental 有害的 不利的

poignant 氣味濃烈的 酸辣的 辛酸的 慘痛的 深刻的 切中要害的 痛悔的

deleterious 有害的 有毒的

 explicit 詳盡的 清楚的 明確的relentless 殘酷的 無情的 持續的 堅韌的 不懈的

【評論主題】4. The largest-ever show of the__________,which debuted at the Tate Modem in London earlier this yea


collages 拼貼畫

hoagies 特大號三明治

stoma 呼吸孔 氣門 氣孔

harlequins 丑角

【評論主題】3. In late 2006, as a(n)__________ was launched for freshman Illinois Senator Barack Obama, a Tom To


 boomlet 小景氣

 allele 對偶基因

 presage 預兆

emblem 象徵 標誌

【評論主題】【題組】7. Some of US President Barack Obama’s email correspondence was swept up by Russian hackers last


 intrusive 侵入的

 munificent 慷慨的 寬宏的

nonchalant 漠不關心的 冷靜的

【評論主題】【題組】5. The discovery of the New World made it _____ that more accurate maps be devised in order to a


 incontrovertible 無可爭辯的

debatable 可爭辯的 有爭議的

【評論主題】【題組】4. An annular solar eclipse will take place on May 20, when the moon will pass between Earth and


obscure 使變暗 遮掩 混淆

devolve 轉移 移交 轉讓 被繼承

lampoon 諷刺 譏諷 嘲罵

dawdle 閒混 偷懶 浪費 拖延

【評論主題】【題組】3. The candidates were closely examined. They were under careful _______.(A)preconceptions (B) p


 scrutiny 詳細檢查

portrayals 描繪

inscription 銘文 獻詞

preconception 偏見

【評論主題】【題組】2. The game-show host offered _______ to the contestants. His words made themfeel better, even t


consolation 安慰

affliction 苦惱

neurology 神經學

【評論主題】14. The earthquake destroyed thousands of people's lives but I was struck by the incredible ___


resilience 恢復力

vacillation 猶豫不決 躊躇

【評論主題】12. The manager was so impressed by the worker's ______; he suggested a promotion.(A) alacrity


alacrity 敏捷 活潑 輕快

umbrage  使人感到冒犯 憤怒生氣 

peccadillo 輕罪 過失 小瑕疵

levity 輕浮 輕率 多變

【評論主題】4. Hypertension and high blood cholesterol level are oftentimes referred to as the first ______ of a


harbingers 通報者 先驅 預示 前兆

neophytes 新信徒 生手

parvenus 暴發戶 新貴

martinets 嚴格執行紀律的人

【評論主題】【題組】12.The 21st century is perhaps the deadliest in human history. Driven by irrational hatred andsu


inflicted 強加 再加以 帶來

trickled 滴 細流 涓流

slander 毀謗

【評論主題】【題組】10.The company hopes revenues from several new products can ______ losses taken earlier in the y


offset 抵銷

refurbish 整修

belittle 輕視 貶低

【評論主題】【題組】7.I felt most _______ at the mean way he treated me.(A) indignant (B) indigenous (C) indiscreet


 indignant 憤怒的

indigenous 本土的 土產的 固有的

indiscreet 不慎重的 輕率的

indulgent 縱容的 放縱的 寬容的

【評論主題】【題組】5. Robert Peary, an ________ explorer, was the first to reach the North Pole.(A) insipid (B) pet


intrepid 勇敢的

petrified 驚呆的

insipid 無趣的 清淡的

【評論主題】【題組】10. Japanese Prime Minister denounced the beheading of a Japanese hostage by Islamic State (IS)


despicable 可鄙的 卑劣的

triumphant 勝利的 成功的 得意洋洋的 大獲全勝的

 justifiable 無可非議的 有理由的 可證明為正當的

【評論主題】【題組】12. A few ______ spectators watched on as Albert, ranked 105th in the world, beat the champion i


unsuspecting 不懷疑的 沒料想到的

 incredulous 不輕信的 懷疑的

speculative 推測的 冒險性的 投機的

【評論主題】【題組】11. Although his mom had him attend many guitar classes, Zach still didn’t have a(n) ______ of i


 spark 火花 激勵 鼓舞 策畫發動

catalyst 催化劑 刺激因素

glee 快樂 歡欣

 trivia 瑣事

【評論主題】【題組】8. Pakistan’s interior minister said that the nonstop anti-government protest movements had left


meditation 沉思 冥想

medication 藥物治療

mediation 調解

manipulation 操作 運作 操縱 控制 竄改

【評論主題】【題組】6. To save the two journalists held captive by Islamic State (IS), the Japanese government tried


 conceivable 可想到的 可理解的 可相信的

dispensable 可有可無的 可拋棄的 非必要的 可分配的

formidable 可怕的 令人畏懼的 難以克服的 巨大的 傑出的

【評論主題】【題組】4. Taipei Mayor Ko Wen-je received a threatening phone call a few weeks ago; therefore, Ko’sbody


jeopardize 危及 冒...的危險

escort 護送 為...護航

【評論主題】【題組】20. The hotel ______ a brand new leisure centre offering comprehensive gymnasium,whirlpool spa b


campaign 戰役 從事活動 參加競選

distribute 分發 分配 分類 散布

【評論主題】一、選擇題部分 (30%)I. Vocabulary (10%)【題組】1. Jan looked through the telescope. It seemed as though she cou


 infinity 無限 無窮

charisma 非凡的領導力

【評論主題】【題組】03、( ) Drug use and alcohol use are increasing among youth, leaving parents, teachers, civic lea


escalating  使…升級; 使…惡化; 使…增加

descending  下降的;下行的

degrading  降低品格的;丟臉的;卑鄙的

disparaging  輕蔑的;毀謗的  貶低的 

【評論主題】【題組】02、( ) Since 1997, when the birth of the cloned Dolly the sheep was announced, scientists, ethic


severed  切斷,割斷 斷絕,中斷 分離;分裂

seduced 誘惑;引誘

grappled 抓住,抓牢 與……扭打  努力解決(問題等) discomfited 使為難;讓人坐立難安  破壞;擾亂(計畫)

【評論主題】【題組】17.(A) ailments (B) complaints (C) infections (D) breakdowns

【評論內容】ailments  疾病

【評論主題】9. The DVD is malfunctioned; the sound track is not_____ with the action.(A)synthesized (B)synchroni


synthesized  (聲音)用合成器合成的

synchronized  同步的;步驟一致的

surmised  推測;猜測,臆測

【評論主題】48. 良好的智力測驗應該包含哪五個條件?(A)標準化、評鑑標準、客觀、信度、效度 (B)變通性、流暢性、精密性、獨創性、客觀性(C)流暢性、精密性、獨創性、信度、效度 (D)標準化、常模、客觀、信度

【評論內容】一個良好的測驗通常具有四個主要特徵,哪四個?(A)效度、難度、常模、實用性(B)效度、廣度、常模、實用性(C)效度、信度、常模、實用性(D)深度、信度、常模、實用性。教甄◆教育社會學- 95 年 - 嘉義市95學年度教師聯合甄選教育專業試題-1#49

【評論主題】7. If you've gone through a(n) _____ experience, you maybe struggling with upsetting emotions,


ecstatic  狂喜的;著迷的;入神的

traumatic  創傷(性)的

【評論主題】15. Rather than lasting forever, George and Mary’s love proved _____.(A) stolid (B) verbose (C) cred

【評論內容】stolid 不關心的verbose 冗長的

【評論主題】14. I thought the argument was valid, but my attorney advised me that it was _____.(A) fallacious (B

【評論內容】fallacious 謬誤的. 靠不住的mundane 平凡的

【評論主題】13. In 2012, ___ predicted the hit would be a new iPhone app called Highlight, which tracks your loc

【評論內容】pundit 專家. 行家proletarian 勞工

【評論主題】11. His enlightened view helped ___ our school forward, in a world where you need to be at the top o

【評論內容】vault 跳躍ditch 溝. 水溝. 掘溝. 迫降

【評論主題】8. Joyce’s company ______ the local community’s trust and destroyed the area’s natural resources to

【評論內容】dribble 滴下. 一滴. 毛毛細雨exploit 剝削. 開發

【評論主題】22. If you are _____ of something or someone, you are cautious because you do not know much about th


wary 小心翼翼的 警惕的 謹防的

【評論主題】11. Overindulgence, although well-intentioned, may _____ thechild’s need to develop independence and


Overindulgence 放縱;沉溺

surmount 克服;越過

gratify  使高興,使滿意  滿足(慾望等)

【評論主題】9. A fearsome shark is often viewed as crude and malevolent,feeding just as heartily on humans as on


unpalatable  討厭的;使人不快的

finicky  吃穿)過分講究的;愛挑剔的

【評論主題】【題組】22. (A) pernicious (B) conducive (C) congenital (D) moribund


moribund  垂死的即將滅亡的 缺活力的

conducive  有助的,有益的

congenital 天生的

【評論主題】5. After three hours of diplomatic negotiations, the representatives’ energy ___________ andthus the


coagulate 使凝結 凝固

mesmerize 對...施催眠術 迷住 迷惑

flag 疲乏 = tire.  weaken

rail 抱怨 怒斥 用欄杆隔開

【評論主題】9.The wedding is the biggest event we’ve ever ________ for. (A) bobbed (B) waded (C) catered (D) sna


cater for  提供飲食;承辦宴席

【評論主題】10.Although modern physiology is quite developed, we may just have a ______ knowledge of human body.


rudimentary 基本的 初步的 早期的 發展為完全的

predatory 食肉的 掠奪性的

prodigal 非常浪費的 揮霍的 十分慷慨的 物產豐富的 大量的

【評論主題】53. The new student irritates a lot of her classmates by _____ her expensive dress and jewelry.(A) d


flaunting 炫耀,誇示

digressing  脫離主題

【評論主題】52. The project ended up a _____ that embarrassed all the optimistic advocates.(A) connotation (B) f


fiasco  完全失敗;可恥的失敗

【評論主題】46. The actor received the award in great _____ . “This is what I’ve longed for during my entire car


exultation 狂喜;洋洋得意

emancipation  從束縛、支配下)解放

ramification  分枝;分派;縱橫交錯  後果resurrection 復活;復甦

【評論主題】32. Mrs. Jones was awarded $15,000 monthly __________ by the courtwhen she was divorced from her hus


alimony  【律】贍養費;生活費;扶養費

【評論主題】73.高雄市立歷史博物館位於中正四路愛河畔,且曾為高雄市役所,舊高雄市政府所在地,深具高雄發展之歷史意義,是一棟具有歷史意義、城市地標與市政形象的老建築。請問它的建築屬:(A)羅馬式 (B)唐博風式

【評論內容】2F熙 高二下 (2015/10/22 10:47):3人 帝冠式樣3F熙 高二下 (2016/06/15 14:44):1人 建築本體興建於西元1938年(昭和13年),翌年9月16日完工啟用,曾為第二個「高雄市役所」所在地的是指現在的?(A)高雄市立歷史博物館 (B)高雄市電影館 (C)高雄市音樂館 (D)高雄市美術館。教甄◆高雄文史- 104 年 - 高雄市104學年度公立幼兒園教師甄選-高雄文明史題目#22887答案:A4F熙 高二下 (2016/06/15 14:45):1人 高雄市立歷史博物館位於中正四路愛河畔,且曾為高雄市役所,舊高雄市政府所在地,深 具高雄發展之歷史意義,是一棟具有歷史意義、城市地標與市政形象的老建築。請問它的 建築屬:(A)羅馬式 (B)唐博風式 (C)雅...

【評論主題】83.高雄市立歷史博物館位於中正四路愛河畔,且曾為高雄市役所,舊高雄市政府所在地,深具高雄發展之歷史意義,是一棟具有歷史意義、城市地標與市政形象的老建築。請問它的建築屬:(A)羅馬式 (B)唐博風式

【評論內容】2F熙 高二下 (2015/10/22 10:47):3人 帝冠式樣3F熙 高二下 (2016/06/15 14:44):1人 建築本體興建於西元1938年(昭和13年),翌年9月16日完工啟用,曾為第二個「高雄市役所」所在地的是指現在的?(A)高雄市立歷史博物館 (B)高雄市電影館 (C)高雄市音樂館 (D)高雄市美術館。教甄◆高雄文史- 104 年 - 高雄市104學年度公立幼兒園教師甄選-高雄文明史題目#22887答案:A4F熙 高二下 (2016/06/15 14:45):1人 高雄市立歷史博物館位於中正四路愛河畔,且曾為高雄市役所,舊高雄市政府所在地,深 具高雄發展之歷史意義,是一棟具有歷史意義、城市地標與市政形象的老建築。請問它的 建築屬:(A)羅馬式 (B)唐博風式 (C)雅...

【評論主題】81.六龜區地處屏東平原與中央山脈之丘陵交會地,位置居於荖濃溪縱谷西岸河階上,南北狹長。其中十八羅漢山,山形峻峭,有:(A)小溪頭 (B)小泰山 (C)小羅漢 (D)小桂林之譽,假日經常吸引許多遊客。

【評論內容】C 85.有「南部小溪頭」之稱的「藤枝森林遊樂區」位在: (A)六龜區 (B)茂林區 (C)桃源區 (D)那瑪夏區。

【評論主題】【題組】76. The exaggeration of the piranha being deadly and vicious is used at the beginning of the par


juxtapose 將……並置,將……並列

【評論主題】21. The boy scouts made a _____ to do good deeds that will help mankind. (A) porridge (B) plague (C)


scouts  童子軍 偵察兵;偵察機 偵察,搜索

【評論主題】44.下列何者不是高雄市的閒置空間再利用場館?(A)旗山生活文化園區(B)橋頭仔 糖廠藝術村(C)駁二藝術特區(D)内惟埤文化園區。

【評論內容】D 42.是全台第三座公立美術館,成為南部藝術重地的高雄市立美術館,它座落 於?(A)高雄市文化中心内 (B)鳳山大東文化藝術中心内 (C)岡 山文化中心内 (D)内惟埤文化園區内。教甄◆高雄文史- 104 年 - 高雄市104學年度公立幼兒園教師甄選-高雄文明史題目#22887