【評論主題】10.「對權貴諂媚巴結,是小人行徑,為正人君子所不□。」缺空處宜填入:(A)恥 (B)齒 (C)侈 (D)持


【評論主題】31. She is known chiefly for her ___________ to left-wing politics. Her family does not understand w

【評論內容】(A) commitment 承諾.支持.犯罪(B) sideline 兼職(C) affectation 假裝(D) illusion幻覺

【評論主題】30. The kid can notice even a slight change of his toy room. He is indeed very ___________.(A) inatt

【評論內容】(A) inattentive 失神(B) distracted 轉移(C) observant 觀察力敏銳(D) lofty崇高

【評論主題】28. We found a ___________ supply of coconuts on the island. Now, no one will get thirsty again.(A)

【評論內容】(A) bountiful慷慨的.豐富的 (B) meager 瘦的.粗劣的.不足的(C) miserable 不幸的(D) scanty不足的.狹窄的

【評論主題】27. The film’s plot is predictable and the acting is ___________. I wonder if the producer and the d

【評論內容】(A) sincere 真誠的(B) mediocre 中等的(C) awesome 敬畏的(D) fantastic想像中的.奇異的我想知道製片和導演"是否"認真對待這工作

【評論主題】26. If you describe something as ___________ you mean that it is unclear or confusing because it can

【評論內容】(A) ambiguous 模糊不清(B) comical 滑稽的(C) rational 理性的(D) lucid清楚的

【評論主題】【題組】37(A)be(B)is(C)were(D)will be

【評論內容】現在事實相反的假設句型 be-v 一律用were



【評論主題】19.Imight have the chance to visit the theater____person.(A) to(B) in(C) of(D) at

【評論內容】in person 親自

【評論主題】【題組】46 (A) Additionally (B) However (C) By contrast (D) Thankfully

【評論內容】however 通常連接"相對"(意思相反)兩個句子我是這樣覺得啦,有錯還請會的人糾正我

【評論主題】42 Bobby lied to me yesterday. I wish that he _____ me the truth then.(A) tells (B) has told (C) wou


wish-- 事與願違,用在與現在事實相反和與過去事實相反的句子中,與假設語氣中 if 段用法一致


與現在事實相反: wish +過去式

與過去事實相反: wish + had + p.p.參考資料 →奇摩知識加

【評論主題】39 Many countries, Taiwan _____ , are facing the problem of low birth rate and aging population.(A)

【評論內容】including + N=inclusive of + N=N + included

【評論主題】1.It rained so hard yesterday that the baseball game had to be until next Saturday.(A) surrendered(B

【評論內容】It rained so hard yesterday that the baseball game had to be _____ until next Saturday

【評論主題】2. 設A、B、C皆為多項式,且A=-3x2-7+x,B=1-2x2,C=-2x+6,則:A-(B+C)=?(5分)


【評論主題】【題組】4. see →


【評論主題】1..將空格中填入適當答案,使此數列成為等差數列:(每格 2 分)【題組】(1).,______ , ,________
