【評論主題】21. At the edge of the forest __________.(A) did a magnificent palace stand(B) stood a magnificent p

【評論內容】主詞+V+地點=地點+V+主詞=>倒裝At the edge of the forest stood a magnificent palace.

【評論主題】21. At the edge of the forest __________.(A) did a magnificent palace stand(B) stood a magnificent p

【評論內容】主詞+V+地點=地點+V+主詞=>倒裝At the edge of the forest stood a magnificent palace.

【評論主題】【題組】5、( )Our neighbors are such fun people! If they moved away, we would die _______ boredom!(A) by

【評論內容】die of +內在死因(如:疾病)die from+外在死因(如:車禍)

【評論主題】【題組】12. Tough laws against drunk driving are enforced to ____ people from doing thisdangerous act.(A

【評論內容】嚴法制止人們酒駕 (A) 訂做 (B) 塔 (C) 制止 (D)敵手

【評論主題】【題組】19. This bicycle is____ the latest technology of suspension system, a device which allowscyclist

【評論內容】配備最先進的懸吊系統科技(A) 併入   (B)  配備  (C) 超載  (D)  符合

【評論主題】【題組】2.()A: I think going on a diet is not good for you.B: ________A: I mean that it might hurt your

【評論內容】A進一步解釋她前一句說的話(節食對B來說不妥),表示B希望進一步了解A的意思(A) 妳的意思是?    (B)   久仰  (C)  妳最近都去哪裡了  (D) 妳怎會有這種想法

【評論主題】【題組】30. Upon release, Life of Pi, one of Ang Lee’s _________ movies, became a critical andcommercial

【評論內容】Life  of Pi (少年Pi的奇幻漂流)是李安導演佳作之一 fabulous   (A) 繁殖的 (B) 極佳的 (C)縱容的 (D) 貪婪的

【評論主題】三、片語選擇:【題組】21. The young man tried very hard to ________ bad habits but in vain.(A) get rid of (B) b

【評論內容】努力改掉壞習慣卻徒勞無功 (A)丟棄(B)偶遇(C)拒絕(D)釋放

【評論主題】【題組】13. _________ what to do, Ken asked his teacher for help.(A) To know (B) Not know (C) Knowing (D

【評論內容】Not knowing what to do, Ken asked his teacher for help.Because he didn't know what to do, Ken asked his teacher for help.

【評論主題】19. I felt so ______that I couldn’t help but sleep during her speech(A)boring (B)bored (C)interestin

【評論內容】can't help but 忍不住, 演講中忍不住睡著,表示一定感到無聊(A) 使人覺得無聊的  (B)  感到無聊的  (C) 令人感到有趣的   (C) 感到有興趣的

【評論主題】【題組】29.The following ________the names of the people who will come to my wedding.(A) is (B) are (C)


【評論主題】【題組】22.Because the oil price is so high, the number of people who ________driving cars to work _____

【評論內容】..the number of people.....is declining 這種情況的人數下滑...是某一個數字(number)下滑,不是人(people)下滑,故重點在單數名詞number..people who are driving cars to work..開車上班的人,重點是複數名詞people

【評論主題】12.It is against the law to buy, sell, or collect stolen ______.(A) goods (B) environments (C) phras

【評論內容】買賣囤積失竊物是違法的=goods 貨物

【評論主題】【題組】65. People worldwide ________ Mandela’s death. Nelson Mandela, who died at 95 in2013, is the ico

【評論內容】哀悼曼德拉的逝世 (A) 哀悼 (B) 犧牲 (C) 使...震驚 (D) 使..具特點

【評論主題】一、文意字彙:【題組】1. He lost his _________ when he started to gamble.(A) survey (B) reputation (C) misfortu

【評論內容】開始賭博後聲敗名劣 lost his reputation(聲譽)

【評論主題】38. ______, she could not change her husband’s mind. He still insisted on investing in China.(A) Har

【評論內容】Hard as she tried=Though she tried hard...雖然努力嘗試 * hard 努力地  hardly 幾乎不

【評論主題】【題組】17.The conservation of energy is of great ____ to all human beings on earth.(A) acquisition(B) s


【評論主題】五、我愛單字酷(共11分,每題1分)【題組】61.The good news brought ________ to us. We felt quite relieved.(A) component(

【評論內容】好消息使大家都感到安慰(A) 成分 (B) 困惑 (C) 安慰  (D) 良知

【評論主題】28. It’s time to ______ to the fact that you are not cut out to be an actor.(A) goof off (B) wake up

【評論內容】(A)打混(B)wake up to the fact 體認到 (C) 堅持  (D) 解決該是要認清你不適合當演員的事實了

【評論主題】17. I can’t believe the front door of my friends’house is _________! I think their privacy is not pr

【評論內容】我不敢相信我的朋友們的前門是透明的! 我認為他們的隱私沒有受到保護 - 在家裡做的一切都會被別人看到。

【評論主題】14. It’s hard to describe the color of the vase. It’s _______ blue and a little green.(A) taken off

【評論內容】kind of + 形容詞= a little +形容詞......有一點= It's kind of blue and a little green. 有點藍藍綠綠的

【評論主題】【題組】15. David always passes exams with flying colors. How I __________ him!(A) endure (B) envy(C) su

【評論內容】大衛總是以優異的成績通過考試。 我真__________他 (A)忍耐(B)羨慕(C)驚訝(D)面對

【評論主題】28. During the anti-government protests, the _____ broke into the mayor’s office and set ablaze.(A)

【評論內容】暴民闖進市長辦公室 (A) 紀律 (B) 障礙 (C) 暴亂  (D) 暴民

【評論主題】13. Problems will soon _____ if you keep avoiding responsibility.(A) absorb (B) risk (C) arise (D) p

【評論內容】如果你繼續逃避責任,麻煩很快會發生(A) 吸收 (B) 風險 (C) 發生 (D) 維護

【評論主題】16. Known as a child prodigy, Mozart started to compose music at the age of four or five,and his com

【評論內容】以神童著稱的莫札特,他的作品無疑地是名家之列(A) 艱苦地     (B)  本能地    (C)  聲名狼藉地     (D)  無疑地

【評論主題】16. The president’s visit will _____ trade between Taiwan and the United Kingdom. Businessmen are lo

【評論內容】提升台英貿易 (A)提升(B)避免(D)安定(D)需要

【評論主題】12. Everyone that came to the party had a wonderful time ___________ on good wine and food all eveni

【評論內容】出席派對的人整晚都盡情享用醇酒美食(A) 打信號 (B) 裝飾 (C) 盡情吃喝 (D)宣布

【評論主題】11. My mom is so busy that she ______ cooks for us. She usually buys food fromsupermarket for us or


【評論主題】12. The baseball game has been canceled ______ the heavy rain.(A) in addition to (B) in accordance w

【評論內容】因為下雨取消 (A)除了..還有 (B) 根據  (C) 不管  (D) 因為

【評論主題】22. Sarah had an interview for a job and the interviewer asked her____ .(A) why did she apply for th

【評論內容】問句當受詞用不倒裝:疑問詞(what, who, where, when, how, if, whether...)+主詞+動詞(A)應改為why she applied for the job

【評論主題】It is proved that high____ of red meat is linked to a host of health problems, including heart disea

【評論內容】consumption消耗, high consumption of red meat 大量消耗(食用)紅肉

【評論主題】21. At the edge of the forest __________.(A) did a magnificent palace stand(B) stood a magnificent p

【評論內容】主詞+V+地點=地點+V+主詞=倒裝At the edge of the forest stood a magnificent palace.

【評論主題】2191mislead (A) 誤導 (B) 厭惡 (C) 襲擊;影響 (D) 使再循環;再利用

【評論內容】(A) mislead (B) dislike (C) impact  (D) circulate

【評論主題】1983transform (A) 改變 (B) 控制 (C) 批評 (D) 說服

【評論內容】(A) transform (B) control (C) criticize (D) persuade

【評論主題】1937carefree (A) 愚蠢的 (B) 可治癒的 (C) 無憂無慮的 (D) 不可預測的

【評論內容】(A) stupid  (B) curable  (C) carefree  (D) unpredictable

【評論主題】1661breath (A) 巨人 (B) 溫暖 (C) 呼吸;氣息 (D) 結果

【評論內容】(A) giant (B) warmth (C) breath (D) result

【評論主題】721orchard (A) 陽臺 (B) 果園 (C) 真誠;誠摯 (D) 職位

【評論內容】(A) 陽臺balcony (B) 果園 orchard (C) 真誠;誠摯 sincerity (D) 職位 position

【評論主題】672intimidate (A) 威嚇;脅迫 (B) 使改進;改善;改良 (C) 安慰 (D) 展現出

【評論內容】(A) intimidate (B) improve (C) console (D) manifest

【評論主題】613masculinity (A) 男子氣概 (B) 暗示 (C) 尊嚴 (D) 修會

【評論內容】(A)masculinity (B) hint (C) dignity (D)休會adjourn

【評論主題】612industry (A) 供給;供應 (B) 運氣 (C) 損失;遺失 (D) 企業

【評論內容】(A) supply  (B) fortune  (C) loss  (D) industry

【評論主題】428competitive (A) 身體的 (B) 幽默的 (C) 競爭的 (D) 被標價的

【評論內容】(A)bodily (B) humorous (C) competitive (D) priced

【評論主題】411productive (A) 主要的 (B) 有收穫成效的 (C) 具體的;實在的 (D) 紀念的;祝賀的

【評論內容】(A) main  (B) productive (C) concrete  (D) memorial

【評論主題】386reject (A) 拒絕 (B) 承認 (C) 侮辱;羞辱 (D) 驚恐

【評論內容】(A) reject  (B) admit  (C) insult  (D) terrified

【評論主題】222businessperson (A) 政治 (B) 百萬 (C) 成功 (D) 生意人

【評論內容】(A) politics (B)million (C) success (D) businessperson

【評論主題】115promise (A) 敬拜 (B) 尖叫;放聲大哭 (C) 根據;以…為基礎 (D) 約定;允諾

【評論內容】(A)worship (B)scream (C)based on (D) promise


【評論內容】"When in Rome, do as Romans do" 入境隨俗故選擇相關的答案 follow Taiwanese customs 遵守台灣習俗

【評論主題】(二) 請根據文意選擇最適當的成語,將代號填入()中。【題組】6. 政府的緝毒行動,希望能拯救處在社會邊緣的年輕人。

【評論內容】某人受傷: 主詞+beV+hurt因主詞Several parts是複數,所以選複數beV=were


【評論內容】(A) 對焦 (B) 一般來說 (C) 由於這樣的原因 (D) 其實

【評論主題】2 具體而微:

【評論內容】A 要求說明舉例, 所以B部分舉例說明志工專案的工作之一是周末探視老人 (A)  別開玩笑  (B)  胡說  (C)  說明一下  (D) 猜猜看


【評論內容】A和B不同=A不同於BA and B + beV different=A +beV +from B.


【評論內容】用副詞harmoniously 修飾動詞worked


【評論內容】That's all we will eat tonight. 我們所要吃的所有東西=我們就吃這些

【評論主題】二、試述全球定位系統(GPS)之一般單點定位、精密單點定位與相對定位的定位原理為何?(25 分)

【評論內容】think of 認為 = 你認為(覺得) 這個故事怎樣?

【評論主題】【題組】 ⑷ Endocrine disrupter substance

【評論內容】pick you up at the airport 去機場接你

【評論主題】【題組】(二)在無法事先決定 k 值下,對數值資料進行分群,當反覆嘗試各種 k 值時,如何判斷該k 值已經是最適當之數值?

【評論內容】青蛙會歸還戒指,但有個條件,就是公主要親吻它=on one condition

【評論主題】一、阿太堡指數為判斷黏土特性之重要指數,請說明塑性指數(PI)與液性指數(IL)之定義(5分)?其值高或值低所代表之含意為何(5 分)?


【評論主題】【題組】⑶re =?(5 分)

【評論內容】中文招呼語習慣用"請問要買什麼?",但英文購物時招呼客人慣用語是May I help you?=How may I help you?




【評論內容】郵局員工必須將郵件分類(A) 分類 (需搭配with才能接受詞)  (B) 分類(直接接受詞) (C) 分類 (名詞, must 後須接原形動詞)  (D)分類 (動名詞, must後須接原形動詞)

