【評論主題】1. Each player begins at START. 2. In each turn, first take one of the four cards to decide how many

【評論內容】(A)Anna 134 最後位置是在 Gate Watchdog(B)Kate 234 最後位置是在 Gate Watchdog

【評論主題】【題組】23. What does them mean?(A) Pets.(B) Books.(C) Stories.(D) Parents.

【評論內容】Those stories have always stayed in my mind. One day, I will share them with people by drawing and writing

【評論主題】第14題(A) Ask for her money back.(B) Choose a different book.(C) Wait for the new order.

【評論內容】Woman: Excuse me, Sir. I bought this book yesterday, and found one page missing. Can I have a new one?Man: Let me see. I'm sorry, this book's been sold out, but I can order you a new one if you don't mind waiting for five days.Woman: Oh~ that's a long time.Man: Or you can choose another book at the same price.Woman: OK. I think I'll do that.B正解

【評論主題】第13題(A) The skirt will be on sale next week.(B) The skirt is too expensive for her to buy.(C) The sk

【評論內容】「cost an arm and a leg 」是什麼意思? 所費不貲 東西昂貴到必須用一隻手臂跟一條腿才能換得,表示「這東西可是花了我大筆鈔票的呢」另外,近義表達中有cost a fortune 「耗盡所有的家產」或cost a bundle,都是誇張的表達法,也就是cost too much 或是cost a lot of money。而penny雖是美金一分錢,但聚沙可以成塔,在此用cost a pretty penny 表示東西「所費不貲」;至於buck則是口語的美金,one buck 表示一塊錢,cost big bucks表示花了為數不少的錢。無論是以上那一個近似用法,所表達的意思都跟本段一樣,就是指某樣東西很昂貴。出處:http://apex.get.com.tw/epaper/detail.aspx?sF=epaper/176&sT=%E7%89%87%E8%AA%9E%E5%B0%8F%E5%...

【評論主題】第11題(A) Coffee.(B) Water.(C ) Te a .

【評論內容】Woman: Which one do you like, tea, coffee or water?Man: Water, please. My doctor does not want me to coffee and tea.B正解

【評論主題】第8題(A) I can’t believe you got the job!(B) What a small world!(C) You’re really lucky!

【評論內容】I can't believe it, I won two plane tickets from Taipei to London.(A)與job無關(B)世界真小?(C)你真幸運!正解

【評論主題】第7題(A) Give me five more minutes.(B) It’s not early enough.(C) The taxi driver will be late.

【評論內容】Hurry up! We're late, the taxi is waiting.(A)再給我五分鐘(B)還不夠早(C)計程車司機要遲到了A正解

【評論主題】第6題(A) Sorry. I need it right now.(B) Thanks. You’re very nice.(C) I already have one.

【評論內容】Excuse me, can I use your computer?(A)很抱歉,我現在需要用它(B)謝謝。你人真好!(C)我已經有一個A正解

【評論主題】第5題(A) I got it from my grandparents.(B) L-I-N-D-Y.(C) My name is Lindy.

【評論內容】How do you spell your name, Lindy?B正解

【評論主題】第4題(A) Since when?(B) Almost there.(C) No problem.

【評論內容】I can't talk right now, can I call you back?C正解


【評論內容】The old man finds the TV program interesting, but the little girl doesn't look like she does.B正解

【評論主題】9. On Children’s Day, Ms. Lee, a famous storybook writer, ______ to Molly’s Bookstoreto talk about h

【評論內容】題文 My two little kids just can’t wait to see her. 表還未到來, 故選(D) is going to come

【評論主題】7. I don’t like any one of these three watches. Can you show me ______ one?(A) the others (B) other

【評論內容】這三支手錶我都不喜歡,可以給我看其他的嗎?空格後有one 所以選項A不適用Other 當限定詞使用時,有"另外的"、"不同的"、"對面"等意思。Other 及其他形態(others, the other 與 another)的另一種用法則是當做代名詞使用。D正解

【評論主題】6. Tom ______ ten pounds over the past two months. He looks much thinner now.(A) loses (B) has lost

【評論內容】over the past two months 在過去的兩個月裡從過去到現在, 用現在完成式, 故選(B) has lost

【評論主題】5. Charles ______ a day in the department store looking for a hat for his wife.(A) cost (B) spent (C

【評論內容】人 + spend + 時間/ $ + V-ing.   (人)花(時間/ $ )做(事)或買(物)選項(B) cost 主格應為"物"

物品 + cost(s) + 人 + $.   (物)花了(人)($)

It + cost(s) + 人 + $ + to + 原形動詞.   買(物)花了(人)($)

【評論主題】38.小胖、小優、大虎、大牛各自在網路上認識了幾個網友,圖(九)是他們的網友年齡分布狀況。根據圖中內容判斷,下列何者的朋友們,其年齡皆在「觸犯《刑法》時,雖會受《刑法》處罰但可減輕其刑」的範圍內? (


【評論主題】2153succeed (A) 確認 (B) 成功 (C) 催促 (D) 翻覆

【評論內容】vi. 不及物動詞


【評論內容】A-turn in 上交; 睡覺; 拐彎進入; 取得; 放棄; 交換; 告發; 出賣B-turn on 打開 ;取決於... ;(使)高興或興奮C-turn up 【商】(指股票、股市等)上揚, 反彈, 升值                 露面; 來到                 (失去後)被發現或找到(尤指偶然地)                 (指機會)出現, 到來                 出現, 被發現; 翻起, 翻轉; 開大; 上升; 使嘔吐; 殺死D-turn down (被)向下折轉; (被)翻下                  掀開(被單)準備睡覺; 鋪(床)準備睡覺                  使顛倒; 使(紙牌等)面朝下                  拒絕(某人或其請求、忠告等); 【美】【口】拒絕......