【評論主題】The woman told the truth to her lawyer without ____ because he was the only person she could rely on

【評論內容】(A)reservation 預約,保留 (B) combination結合,團體,聯盟 (C) impression印象 (D) foundation基礎,根據,建立

【評論主題】【題組】33 (A) absurd (B) unused (C) abuse (D) absolve

【評論內容】(A) absurd荒謬,不合理 (B) unused 不習慣,不使用的(D) absolve使免除,寬恕

【評論主題】32. Since a separate bicycle track offers a slow lane, small children can _____around freely without

【評論內容】(A) goof 傻子,呆子(B) dim 模糊的,黯淡的(C) pedal 踏板(D) swing搖擺,搖晃

【評論主題】10. 依憲法增修條文第3條之規定,下列有關立法院通過對行政院長所提之不信任案之敘述,何者正確?(A)行政院院長即日解職(B)行政院院長是否須提出辭職,由總統決定(C)行政院院長應於十日內提出辭職(D

【評論內容】其實C的答案也沒講清楚吧,請修改。 立法院得經全體立法委員三分之一以上連署,對行政院院長提出不信任案。不信任案提出七十二小時後,應於四十八小時內以記名投票表決之。如經全體立法委員二分之一以上贊成,行政院院長應於十日內提出辭職,並得同時呈請總統解散立法院;不信任案如未獲通過,一年內不得對同一行政院院長再提不信任案。

【評論主題】2 Unfortunately, I live in a remote part of town where few services are ____.(A)accessible (B)edible

【評論內容】(A)accessible易受影響的,可進入的,易接近的 (B)edible可食用 (C)associable (D)audible可聽見的

【評論主題】2 Environmental protection is an issue we can’t afford to _____ . Everyone has to contribute to this

【評論內容】grasp 抓住,抓緊,緊握

【評論主題】1 The CEO of a large brokerage was forced to resign because he became engulfed in ____ again. This t

【評論內容】(B)triumph勝利(C) scandals醜聞,毀謗

【評論主題】8 The dog raised a _____ snarl as the veterinarian tried to give him a shot.(A) capricious (B) falla

【評論內容】veterinarian獸醫。 snarl吠

【評論主題】12 Most scientists believe it is _____ to use animals in medical research. However, some people disa

【評論內容】(A) contiguous 接近的,鄰近的(B) legitimate 合法,正當(C) solitary獨居者,獨居的 (D) fractional部分的,少量的

【評論主題】4 Increasingly famous, Goethe became in his own lifetime a _____ figure: all Europe flocked to Weima

【評論內容】(A) disgraceful 可恥的(B) hysterical歇斯底里的,異常興奮的 (C) legendary 傳說的,傳奇的(D) skeptical懷疑的,多疑的

【評論主題】10 When gas is leaking, don’t panic! Open the window immediately and the gas will_____ quickly after

【評論內容】(A) dissipate 失散,浪費,浪蕩。 (B) hesitate 躊躇,猶豫(C) mitigate減輕,減緩 (D) evacuate撤散,撤出………B答案修改為hesitate

【評論主題】8 Movies move us both emotionally and physically. Locations depicted on screen often see a_____ in t

【評論內容】(A) boost 推進,推動(B) crush 撞(C) ditch 溝渠(D) grain穀物,殼粒

【評論主題】8 The dog raised a _____ snarl as the veterinarian tried to give him a shot.(A) capricious (B) falla

【評論內容】(A) capricious反覆無常,善變的 (B) fallacious靠不住的,謬誤的 (C) delicious 美味的(D) vicious

【評論主題】The woman told the truth to her lawyer without ____ because he was the only person she could rely on

【評論內容】(A)reservation 預約,保留 (B) combination結合,團體,聯盟 (C) impression印象 (D) foundation基礎,根據,建立

【評論主題】【題組】33 (A) absurd (B) unused (C) abuse (D) absolve

【評論內容】(A) absurd荒謬,不合理 (B) unused 不習慣,不使用的(D) absolve使免除,寬恕

【評論主題】【題組】38 (A) failure (B) interest (C) mortality (D) unit


【評論主題】【題組】49 (A)after all (B)in addition (C)as usual (D)for example


【評論主題】The term home schooling or home tuition, as it is called in England, means educating children at hom


【評論主題】The term home schooling or home tuition, as it is called in England, means educating children at hom





【評論內容】1. cost 的本意為「價值」,故僅限用於「主詞」為「物」時,當然也僅限用於「金錢」上。(過去式為 cost)  句型用法:  物品 + cost(s) + 人 + $:(物)花了(人)($)   2. take 用於花費「時間」,主詞有三種可能情形,其後若有第二個動詞,則只能用「不定詞」形式。(過去式為 took)  句型用法:     It + takes + 人 + 時間 + to + 原形動詞:做(事)花了(人)(時間)     V-ing (動名詞當主詞) + takes + 人 + 時間:做(事)花了(人)(時間)     人+ take + 時間 + to + 原形動詞:(人)花(時間)做(事) 3. spend 用於花費「時間、金錢」,主詞只能是「人」,其後若有第二個動詞,則只能用「動名詞」形...

【評論主題】【題組】 ⑷因為没有很多時間,這個問題就姑且算解決了,接著進行下個議案。
