【評論主題】3. In spring, mangoes are plentiful in the markets of Thailand and the _____ for mango cuisines is h



plentiful 豐富的

cuisines 菜

【評論主題】4. Though _____ for its corruption of administration, the tournament in Russia celebrates internatio



corruption 貪汙腐敗

tournament 比賽

internationalism 國際主義、國際性、國際化

【評論主題】7. The lava _____ destroyed three villages.(A) flew(B) flowed(C) flow(D) flowness


fly-- flew--flown 

flow--flowed-- flowed

Lava Flow 熔岩流

【評論主題】【題組】16. (A) copyrighted (B) registered (C) trademarking (D) illegal


‘This is a significant escalation of our enforcement actions against people who are uploading and distributing 16 music on p2p networks,’ saidnIFPI chief John Kennedy.

escalation 升級

to become or make something become greater or more serious

enforcement 強制

the process of making sure that people obey something such as a law or rule

(A) copyrighted 受版權保護的

(B) registered 註冊

(C) trademarking 商標

(D) illegal 違法


【評論主題】【題組】15. (A) during (B) throughout (C) since (D) in


Thousands of people have agreed to pay compensation(賠償金) since the campaign began. In the US, civil lawsuits(民事訴訟) have been brought against more than  15,597 people 15 September 2003 and there have been 3,590 settlements(和解協議).

(A) during 期間

(B) throughout 在各處;自始至終

(C) since 此後,從此

(D) in

自競選活動開始以來,已有數千人同意支付賠償金。 在美國,自2003年9月以來,已有超過15,597人提起民事訴訟(民事訴訟),並且已有3,590個和解協議。

【評論主題】3. Nancy needs to really _______ what’s important instead of going off on a lot of tangents.(A) zone


Nancy needs to really _______ what’s important instead of going off on a lot of tangents.

(A) zone out on 區域外 (B) zero in on  (C) zoom out in  (D) zoom out on

tangents (n. 離題)


1. zero in on

to direct all your attention towards a particular thing把注意力全部集中於

We must decide on our target market, then zero in on it.



a) to move very quickly 快速移動

They got into the car and zoomed off. 他們鑽進汽車一溜煙地開走了。

b) If prices or sales zoom, they increase suddenly and quickly.(價格或銷售額...

【評論主題】7. We are all _______ familiar with at least one language, our own. Yet few of us ever stop to consi


We are all _______ familiar with at leastnone language, our own. Yet few of us ever stop to consider what we know when wenknow a language.

(A) promptly 及時地

(B) abruptly 突然地

(C) intimately 親密地

(D) legitimately合法地

nnnnnnnnnn我們都至少一種語言非常熟悉,那就是我們自己的語言。 然而,當我們認識一種語言時,很少有人會停下來思考我們還知道的什麼。

【評論主題】4. I knew my company was polluting the water, but I was afraid I would lose my job if I blew _______


I knew my company was polluting the water,nbut I was afraid I would lose my job if I blew _______ on it.

(A) my nose

(B) a kiss

(C) the whistle

(D) out

1. blow your nose 擤鼻子

2. blow sb a kiss 向…送飛吻

3. blow the whistle on sb/sth

to tell people publicly about something bad that someone is doing


4. blow sb out

to disappoint someone by not meeting them nor not doing something that you had arranged to do together


【評論主題】2. Jack caused _______ to raise when he married a poor girl from Russia.(A) tongues (B) ears (C) eye


Jack caused _______ to raise when he married a poor girl from Russia. 

(A) tongues 

(B) ears 

(C) eyebrows 

(D) lips


cause one's eyebrows to raise  亦作 raise one's eyebrows

to show surprise by moving your eyebrows upwards揚起眉毛(表示驚訝)

【評論主題】1. Both elevators are _______, so I had to use the stairs.(A) neither serving (B) no serving (C) no



【評論主題】21In English, the past tense marker –ed has three pronunciations, [t], [d] and [əd]. The three forms


(A)three phonemes

音素(phoneme) : 為一個最小卻有意義功能的語音單位 ex: a、bat、bee

(B)three morphemes

詞素(morpheme) : 只具有完整的詞彙意義,能夠單獨更成一個獨立使用的詞彙。ex : ship(船)

(C)allophones of a phoneme

同位音(allophone) : 與音素相比,實際發音時,本位音素會產生一些發音質量的變化。peak、speak

(D)allomorphs of a morpheme



【評論主題】II. Language Teaching Pedagogy: Choose the answer that best fits the given text.Questions 31-35【題組】3


Information gap tasks require collaboration between or among English learners to ________ the desired information. 

(A) advance 提前

(B) change 改變

(C) derive 導出

(D) proceed繼續


【評論主題】【題組】29. The Yellow fever outbreak _______ the global supply of the yellow fever vaccine several time


The Yellow fever outbreak depleted the global supply of the yellow fever vaccine several times and forced the World Health Organization to give fractional doses of the shot.

(A) dismantled 拆除

(B) depleted 耗盡

(C) refurbished 翻新

(D) escalated 升級


【評論主題】【題組】28. On a ________ hot day in the nation’s capital, protesters made their way down PennsylvaniaAv


On a ________ hot day in the nation's capital, protesters made their way down Pennsylvania Avenue chanting, singing and banging drums.

(A) sweltering 悶熱

(B) poaching 盜獵、煮

(C) bolstering 支持、撐腰

(D) shuttering 模板


【評論主題】【題組】26. 26. Psychologists have always stressed that learning is best _________ by capturing the lear


Psychologists have always stressed that learning is best _________ by capturing the learner’s interest in the subject matter.

(A) proclaimed (v.)宣布

(B) fostered  (v.)培養;栽培

(C) desensitized (v.)使不敏感

(D) annexed (v.)併吞;附加


【評論主題】【題組】25. Teachers in New York are demanding greater______ as the city seeks to standardize lessonplan


Teachers in New York are demandingngreater______ as the city seeks to standardize lesson planning, detailing subjects and dates for instruction. Many of the nation’s largest school districts have introduced a centralized curriculum in recent months, taking control from teachers.

(A) automation (n.) 自動化

(B) audacity (n.)大膽

(C) autonomy (n.) 自治、自主

(D) aristocracy (n.) 貴族


【評論主題】【題組】24. Last Friday, the speaker presented a hypothesis that _____ differences between men and women


Last Friday, the speaker presented a hypothesis that _____ differences between men and women might be one reason there are fewer women in the fields of science and engineering.

(A) incarnate (a.) 人體化的,化身的

(B) inadvertent (a.) 非故意的,無意的

(C) innocuous (a.) 無害的

(D) innate (a.) 天生的,固有的


【評論主題】【題組】23. For the purpose of environmental protection, no consideration on earth _____ a person in usi


For the purpose of environmental protection, no consideration on earth _____ a person in using disposable chopsticks every day at his/her own house.

(A) indicts (v.) 控告,告發;起訴

(B) accuses (v.) 指控,控告;指責;譴責

(C) justifies (v.) 為…辯護;證明…正當(或有理、正確);是…的正當理由

(D) arraigns (v.) 提審;提訊;控告


【評論主題】【題組】22. Even though Mr. Smith is articulate, he cannot deny that there are some _____ occurrences in


Even though Mr. Smith is articulate, he can not deny that there are some _____ occurrences in his room.

(A) abstract (n.)摘要;(a.) 抽象的;空泛的

(B) inexplicable (a.) 無法說明的

(C) transcendental (a.) 超凡的,玄奧的

(D) ethereal (a.) 縹緲的;優雅的


【評論主題】16Which of the following is a minimal pair in standard American English?(A)rough/roof (B)bear/ear (C


當兩個詞語在發音上,只有一個些微的不同之處時,我們就稱這兩個詞語為最小配對n(Minimal Pair) https://www.englishisnotthathard.com/minimal-pair/

(A)rough [rəf] /roof [ro͝of,ro͞of]

(B)bear [be(ə)r ] /ear [i(ə)r]

(C)bee [bē] /peel [pēl]

(D)paidn[pād] /saidn[sed]

【評論主題】I.Vocabulary: Choose the word that best fits the given sentence.Questions 21-30【題組】21. It takes the


It takes the scholar ten years to gather evidences to _____ her literary theory. (A) contest (B) satisfy (C) substantiate (D) finish 


(A) 比賽(B) 滿足(C) 證實(D) 完成

【評論主題】6. The children were so noisy that they caused their grandfather to become _______ and nervous.(A) e



【評論主題】7. It’s a good news for our research team since the government plans to _______ the research and dev



【評論主題】3. The delicate and _____ sculpture in the National Palace Museum has soon become the most popular t


【評論主題】2. There is a great _____ of opinions with regard to the construction of a nuclear power plant.(A) d


【評論主題】5. Being a billionaire overnight, he _____ all the moneywithout any hesitation.(A) stymied (B) squan


(B) 5. Being a billionaire overnight, he squandere dall the money without any hesitation. 

(A) stymied 停滯、困難的境地

(B) squandered 浪費

squander (v.) 揮霍 = lavish

(C) waved 揮動

(D) pacified 安撫

→ pacific (adj.)和平的

→  pacifier(n.) 撫慰者:奶嘴:鎮靜劑


【評論主題】1. I was very excited; I could feel my heart________ .(A) throbbing (B) shedding (C) skimming (D)shu


1. I was very excited; I could feel my heart________ .

(A) throbbing --throb (v)跳動

(B) shedding  --shed (v)擺脫

(C) skimming --skim (v)略讀

(D)shuddering --shudder (v)顫動


【評論主題】5. 次數分配曲線之峰頂偏於左方,而眾數小於中數與平均數的情形,下列何者是此種現象的概念?(A)常態 (B)正偏態 (C)負偏態 (D)中偏態



1. 大家都考差了,這次出題"真變態"(正偏態)→右偏(人"扁")(低分人數較多,圖型右邊人較少)

2. 大家都考得很高,這次出題佛心來著,一點都"不變態"(負偏態)→左偏(高分人數較多,圖型左邊人較少)


【評論主題】【題組】39.(A) task (B) presentation (C) model (D) role model


In their school environments, students acquire these values and behaviors from adult (39) and peers, and in particular, through an understanding of the principles of academic integrity.

academic integrity 學術操守


(A) task (n.) 任務

(B) presentation (n.)報告,演講,陳述

(C) model (n.) 模型

(D) role model (n.)榜樣

【評論主題】14. ______Amy woke up, she jumped out of bed and rantoward the window.(A) Since (B) Before (C) By th



【評論主題】5. 次數分配曲線之峰頂偏於左方,而眾數小於中數與平均數的情形,下列何者是此種現象的概念?(A)常態 (B)正偏態 (C)負偏態 (D)中偏態



1. 大家都考差了,這次出題"真變態"(正偏態)→右偏(人"扁")(低分人數較多,圖型右邊人較少)

2. 大家都考得很高,這次出題佛心來著,一點都"不變態"(負偏態)→左偏(高分人數較多,圖型左邊人較少)


【評論主題】【題組】39.(A) task (B) presentation (C) model (D) role model


In their school environments, students acquire these values and behaviors from adult (39) and peers, and in particular, through an understanding of the principles of academic integrity.

academic integrity 學術操守


(A) task (n.) 任務

(B) presentation (n.)報告,演講,陳述

(C) model (n.) 模型

(D) role model (n.)榜樣

【評論主題】14. ______Amy woke up, she jumped out of bed and rantoward the window.(A) Since (B) Before (C) By th



【評論主題】3. In spring, mangoes are plentiful in the markets of Thailand and the _____ for mango cuisines is h



plentiful 豐富的

cuisines 菜

【評論主題】4. Though _____ for its corruption of administration, the tournament in Russia celebrates internatio



corruption 貪汙腐敗

tournament 比賽

internationalism 國際主義、國際性、國際化

【評論主題】7. The lava _____ destroyed three villages.(A) flew(B) flowed(C) flow(D) flowness


fly-- flew--flown 

flow--flowed-- flowed

Lava Flow 熔岩流

【評論主題】【題組】16. (A) copyrighted (B) registered (C) trademarking (D) illegal


‘This is a significant escalation of our enforcement actions against people who are uploading and distributing 16 music on p2p networks,’ saidnIFPI chief John Kennedy.

escalation 升級

to become or make something become greater or more serious

enforcement 強制

the process of making sure that people obey something such as a law or rule

(A) copyrighted 受版權保護的

(B) registered 註冊

(C) trademarking 商標

(D) illegal 違法


【評論主題】II. Cloze Test: Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate answer. (18%) Passage #14-17      The g


The global recording industry has launched its largest wave of legal action against people suspected of sharing music files on the Internet. The latest move by the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI) 14 2,100 alleged uploaders using peer-to-peer (p2p) networks in 16 nations including the UK, France, Germany, and Italy.

(A) aimed 目標

(B) targeted 有針對性

(C) directed 指示

(D) pointed 指出

全球唱片業對涉嫌在互聯網上共享音樂文件的人發起了最大規模的法律訴訟。 國際唱片業聯合會(IFPI)的最新舉措針對包括英國,法國,德國和意大利在內的16個國家的2,100個涉嫌上傳者使用點對點(p2p)...

【評論主題】4. I knew my company was polluting the water, but I was afraid I would lose my job if I blew _______


I knew my company was polluting the water,nbut I was afraid I would lose my job if I blew _______ on it.

(A) my nose

(B) a kiss

(C) the whistle

(D) out

1. blow your nose 擤鼻子

2. blow sb a kiss 向…送飛吻

3. blow the whistle on sb/sth

to tell people publicly about something bad that someone is doing


4. blow sb out

to disappoint someone by not meeting them nor not doing something that you had arranged to do together


【評論主題】【題組】15. (A) during (B) throughout (C) since (D) in


Thousands of people have agreed to pay compensation(賠償金) since the campaign began. In the US, civil lawsuits(民事訴訟) have been brought against more than  15,597 people 15 September 2003 and there have been 3,590 settlements(和解協議).

(A) during 期間

(B) throughout 在各處;自始至終

(C) since 此後,從此

(D) in

自競選活動開始以來,已有數千人同意支付賠償金。 在美國,自2003年9月以來,已有超過15,597人提起民事訴訟(民事訴訟),並且已有3,590個和解協議。

【評論主題】7. We are all _______ familiar with at least one language, our own. Yet few of us ever stop to consi


We are all _______ familiar with at leastnone language, our own. Yet few of us ever stop to consider what we know when wenknow a language.

(A) promptly 及時地

(B) abruptly 突然地

(C) intimately 親密地

(D) legitimately合法地

nnnnnnnnnn我們都至少一種語言非常熟悉,那就是我們自己的語言。 然而,當我們認識一種語言時,很少有人會停下來思考我們還知道的什麼。

【評論主題】2. Jack caused _______ to raise when he married a poor girl from Russia.(A) tongues (B) ears (C) eye


Jack caused _______ to raise when he married a poor girl from Russia. 

(A) tongues 

(B) ears 

(C) eyebrows 

(D) lips


cause one's eyebrows to raise  亦作 raise one's eyebrows

to show surprise by moving your eyebrows upwards揚起眉毛(表示驚訝)

【評論主題】3. Nancy needs to really _______ what’s important instead of going off on a lot of tangents.(A) zone


Nancy needs to really _______ what’s important instead of going off on a lot of tangents.

(A) zone out on 區域外 (B) zero in on  (C) zoom out in  (D) zoom out on

tangents (n. 離題)


1. zero in on

to direct all your attention towards a particular thing把注意力全部集中於

We must decide on our target market, then zero in on it.



a) to move very quickly 快速移動

They got into the car and zoomed off. 他們鑽進汽車一溜煙地開走了。

b) If prices or sales zoom, they increase suddenly and quickly.(價格或銷售額...

【評論主題】1. Both elevators are _______, so I had to use the stairs.(A) neither serving (B) no serving (C) no



【評論主題】21In English, the past tense marker –ed has three pronunciations, [t], [d] and [əd]. The three forms


(A)three phonemes

音素(phoneme) : 為一個最小卻有意義功能的語音單位 ex: a、bat、bee

(B)three morphemes

詞素(morpheme) : 只具有完整的詞彙意義,能夠單獨更成一個獨立使用的詞彙。ex : ship(船)

(C)allophones of a phoneme

同位音(allophone) : 與音素相比,實際發音時,本位音素會產生一些發音質量的變化。peak、speak

(D)allomorphs of a morpheme



【評論主題】20Which of the following statements is true?(A)Piglet is a hyponym of pig.(B)Eat and dinner are co-h


(A)Piglet is a hyponym of pig. V

superordinate上位詞 & hyponym下位詞:指概念範圍或較狹隘的關係。


(B)Eat and dinner are co-hyponyms.  X


例如:家具(furniture)概念中可包含三種項目,床(bed)沙發(sofa)、鞋櫃(shoe cabinet),那這三種就都在同一位階,就是共同下位詞。

(C)Finger and hand are synonyms.  X


(D)Pear and pale (a. 蒼白) are homographs.  X

homograph (同形異義字):A word that is spelled like another but has a different sound and meaning.


【評論主題】17The word “smog” is an example of _____ in word formation.(A)acronym (B)blending (C)backformation (



  United States of America → USA / automated teller machine → ATM

(B)blending融合(A word formed by joining parts of two words after clipping.)

smoke+ fog → smog / spoonn+ fork → spork / breakfastn+ lunch → brunch


  editorn編輯(n.) → edit(v.) / euthanasia安樂死 (n.) → euthanize安樂死(v.)


  professor → prof、hamburger → burger、doctor → doc

【評論主題】17The word “smog” is an example of _____ in word formation.(A)acronym (B)blending (C)backformation (



  United States of America → USA / automated teller machine → ATM

(B)blending融合(A word formed by joining parts of two words after clipping.)

smoke+ fog → smog / spoonn+ fork → spork / breakfastn+ lunch → brunch


  editorn編輯(n.) → edit(v.) / euthanasia安樂死 (n.) → euthanize安樂死(v.)


  professor → prof、hamburger → burger、doctor → doc

【評論主題】II. Language Teaching Pedagogy: Choose the answer that best fits the given text.Questions 31-35【題組】3


Information gap tasks require collaboration between or among English learners to ________ the desired information. 

(A) advance 提前

(B) change 改變

(C) derive 導出

(D) proceed繼續


【評論主題】【題組】28. On a ________ hot day in the nation’s capital, protesters made their way down PennsylvaniaAv


On a ________ hot day in the nation's capital, protesters made their way down Pennsylvania Avenue chanting, singing and banging drums.

(A) sweltering 悶熱

(B) poaching 盜獵、煮

(C) bolstering 支持、撐腰

(D) shuttering 模板


【評論主題】【題組】29. The Yellow fever outbreak _______ the global supply of the yellow fever vaccine several time


The Yellow fever outbreak depleted the global supply of the yellow fever vaccine several times and forced the World Health Organization to give fractional doses of the shot.

(A) dismantled 拆除

(B) depleted 耗盡

(C) refurbished 翻新

(D) escalated 升級


【評論主題】【題組】26. 26. Psychologists have always stressed that learning is best _________ by capturing the lear


Psychologists have always stressed that learning is best _________ by capturing the learner’s interest in the subject matter.

(A) proclaimed (v.)宣布

(B) fostered  (v.)培養;栽培

(C) desensitized (v.)使不敏感

(D) annexed (v.)併吞;附加


【評論主題】【題組】25. Teachers in New York are demanding greater______ as the city seeks to standardize lessonplan


Teachers in New York are demandingngreater______ as the city seeks to standardize lesson planning, detailing subjects and dates for instruction. Many of the nation’s largest school districts have introduced a centralized curriculum in recent months, taking control from teachers.

(A) automation (n.) 自動化

(B) audacity (n.)大膽

(C) autonomy (n.) 自治、自主

(D) aristocracy (n.) 貴族


【評論主題】【題組】22. Even though Mr. Smith is articulate, he cannot deny that there are some _____ occurrences in


Even though Mr. Smith is articulate, he can not deny that there are some _____ occurrences in his room.

(A) abstract (n.)摘要;(a.) 抽象的;空泛的

(B) inexplicable (a.) 無法說明的

(C) transcendental (a.) 超凡的,玄奧的

(D) ethereal (a.) 縹緲的;優雅的


【評論主題】【題組】24. Last Friday, the speaker presented a hypothesis that _____ differences between men and women


Last Friday, the speaker presented a hypothesis that _____ differences between men and women might be one reason there are fewer women in the fields of science and engineering.

(A) incarnate (a.) 人體化的,化身的

(B) inadvertent (a.) 非故意的,無意的

(C) innocuous (a.) 無害的

(D) innate (a.) 天生的,固有的


【評論主題】【題組】23. For the purpose of environmental protection, no consideration on earth _____ a person in usi


For the purpose of environmental protection, no consideration on earth _____ a person in using disposable chopsticks every day at his/her own house.

(A) indicts (v.) 控告,告發;起訴

(B) accuses (v.) 指控,控告;指責;譴責

(C) justifies (v.) 為…辯護;證明…正當(或有理、正確);是…的正當理由

(D) arraigns (v.) 提審;提訊;控告


【評論主題】16Which of the following is a minimal pair in standard American English?(A)rough/roof (B)bear/ear (C


當兩個詞語在發音上,只有一個些微的不同之處時,我們就稱這兩個詞語為最小配對n(Minimal Pair) https://www.englishisnotthathard.com/minimal-pair/

(A)rough [rəf] /roof [ro͝of,ro͞of]

(B)bear [be(ə)r ] /ear [i(ə)r]

(C)bee [bē] /peel [pēl]

(D)paidn[pād] /saidn[sed]

【評論主題】I.Vocabulary: Choose the word that best fits the given sentence.Questions 21-30【題組】21. It takes the


It takes the scholar ten years to gather evidences to _____ her literary theory. (A) contest (B) satisfy (C) substantiate (D) finish 


(A) 比賽(B) 滿足(C) 證實(D) 完成

【評論主題】【題組】13.(A) on (B) off (C) for (D) in


Pension reform involves promises made to a great many people about their lives after they retire since the size of someone’s pension has a direct impact on that person’s post-retirement life.


【評論主題】5. Those _____ wires can be very dangerous, so you should at least wrap them with some tapes to keep



【評論主題】9. Copyrights, customer lists and company goodwill are the so-called _______ business assets.(A) ame



【評論主題】【題組】12.(A) likely (B) probably (C) probable (D) like


If the government does not do something to right these misconceptions, trouble is probably to ensue. Reform takes more than a reliance on ideals and a moral stance.


【評論主題】II. Cloze Test(28%, 2% each): Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate answer.There are all kind


There are all kinds of misconceptions floating around concerning pension reform in Taiwan, and these will only hamper the progress of reform and widen existing rifts.


【評論主題】7. It’s a good news for our research team since the government plans to _______ the research and dev



【評論主題】8. A person who has the trait of _______ is always careful and putting a lot of effort into his work



【評論主題】6. The children were so noisy that they caused their grandfather to become _______ and nervous.(A) e



【評論主題】4. To overcome budget shortages, some small schools in rural areas have set up _____ programs to sha



【評論主題】2. There is a great _____ of opinions with regard to the construction of a nuclear power plant.(A) d


【評論主題】3. The delicate and _____ sculpture in the National Palace Museum has soon become the most popular t


【評論主題】1. That child’s bad behavior is a clear indication of a lack of _____.(A) discipline (B) display (C)


That child’s bad behavior is a clear indication of a lack of _____.




(A)九重/思/曉奏,萬里/見/春歸。 (B)驚禽/翻/暗葉,流水/注/幽叢。 (C)關雲/常/帶雨,塞水/不/成河。 (D)征軒明日遠,空望郢門間。( X )



(A)「舳」艫千里╱厥疾不「瘳」  ㄓㄡˊ /ㄔㄡ     「舳」艫千里  : ㄓㄡˊ ㄌㄨˊ ㄑ|ㄢ ㄌ|ˇ        舳:船後持舵處;艫:船前刺棹處。形容船多,首尾相接,千里不絕。       厥疾不「瘳」:ㄐㄩㄝˊㄐㄧˊㄅㄨˋㄔㄡ      病的很嚴重而不得痊癒

(B) 前「倨」後恭╱癰「疽」      ㄐㄩˋ / ㄐㄩ    前倨後恭 ㄑ一ㄢˊㄐㄩˋㄏㄡˋㄍㄨㄥ     倨:傲慢;恭:恭敬。以前傲慢,後來恭敬。形容對人的態度改變。    癰疽 :ㄩㄥ ㄐㄩ   常見的毒瘡

(C) 率爾操「觚」╱「怙」惡不悛ㄍㄨ/ ㄏㄨˋ       率爾操「觚」 :  不加思索,揮筆...



(A)「舳」艫千里╱厥疾不「瘳」  ㄓㄡˊ /ㄔㄡ     「舳」艫千里  : ㄓㄡˊ ㄌㄨˊ ㄑ|ㄢ ㄌ|ˇ        舳:船後持舵處;艫:船前刺棹處。形容船多,首尾相接,千里不絕。       厥疾不「瘳」:ㄐㄩㄝˊㄐㄧˊㄅㄨˋㄔㄡ      病的很嚴重而不得痊癒

(B) 前「倨」後恭╱癰「疽」      ㄐㄩˋ / ㄐㄩ    前倨後恭 ㄑ一ㄢˊㄐㄩˋㄏㄡˋㄍㄨㄥ     倨:傲慢;恭:恭敬。以前傲慢,後來恭敬。形容對人的態度改變。    癰疽 :ㄩㄥ ㄐㄩ   常見的毒瘡

(C) 率爾操「觚」╱「怙」惡不悛ㄍㄨ/ ㄏㄨˋ       率爾操「觚」 :  不加思索,揮筆...

【評論主題】4. It is too late for the government to place a ____ around theneighborhood since the disease has be


(A) 4. It is too late for the government tonplace a ____ around the neighborhood since the disease has been spread to othernplaces.

(A) quarantine 隔離;(n.)檢疫,檢疫期

(B) embargo 禁運

(C) prescription 處方

(D) sensation 感覺


【評論主題】5. Being a billionaire overnight, he _____ all the moneywithout any hesitation.(A) stymied (B) squan


(B) 5. Being a billionaire overnight, he squandere dall the money without any hesitation. 

(A) stymied 停滯、困難的境地

(B) squandered 浪費

squander (v.) 揮霍 = lavish

(C) waved 揮動

(D) pacified 安撫

→ pacific (adj.)和平的

→  pacifier(n.) 撫慰者:奶嘴:鎮靜劑


【評論主題】3. Hundreds of people laid ________to the President Palace,protesting the sharp increase of hosing p


(D) 3. Hundreds of people laid siege to the President Palace, protesting the sharp increase of "housing prices". (應該是題目誤植成hosing prize) 

(A)staple (n.)主要產品;主食;訂書針 (v.)把…分類   → stapler 釘書機

(B)spire  (n.)尖塔;錐形體 → spiral (adj.)螺旋形

(C) spectrum (n.)光譜

(D) siege (n.) 圍攻;包圍;劫持 

lay--laid 放置,安放,平放


【評論主題】2. His honesty and ________won everybody’s respect.(A) inventory (B) integrity (C) integration (D) i


2. His honesty and ________wonneverybody’s respect.

(A) inventory 存貨清單

(B) integrity 正直、誠信

(C) integration 整合/積分(數學)

(D) intervention 介入, 調停


【評論主題】1. I was very excited; I could feel my heart________ .(A) throbbing (B) shedding (C) skimming (D)shu


1. I was very excited; I could feel my heart________ .

(A) throbbing --throb (v)跳動

(B) shedding  --shed (v)擺脫

(C) skimming --skim (v)略讀

(D)shuddering --shudder (v)顫動


【評論主題】1. Animals hunting or preying on other animals are called ___.(A) toddlers (B) predators (C) adolesc


Animals hunting or preying on other animals are called ___.

(A) toddlers嬰兒 (B)predators 獵食性動物 (C) adolescents 青少年 (D) colleagues同事


【評論主題】5. 次數分配曲線之峰頂偏於左方,而眾數小於中數與平均數的情形,下列何者是此種現象的概念?(A)常態 (B)正偏態 (C)負偏態 (D)中偏態



1. 大家都考差了,這次出題"真變態"(正偏態)→右偏(人"扁")(低分人數較多,圖型右邊人較少)

2. 大家都考得很高,這次出題佛心來著,一點都"不變態"(負偏態)→左偏(高分人數較多,圖型左邊人較少)


【評論主題】【題組】38.(A) cultural integration (B) cultural accommodation(C) cultural socialization (D) cultural ci


It is derived through a process of (38) -- influences from all spheres of a child's life. 


derive 從…中得到,從…中獲得


(A) cultural integration 文化融合

(B) cultural accommodation 文化住宿

(C) cultural socialization 文化社會化

(D) cultural civilization 文化文明

【評論主題】【題組】39.(A) task (B) presentation (C) model (D) role model


In their school environments, students acquire these values and behaviors from adult (39) and peers, and in particular, through an understanding of the principles of academic integrity.

academic integrity 學術操守


(A) task (n.) 任務

(B) presentation (n.)報告,演講,陳述

(C) model (n.) 模型

(D) role model (n.)榜樣

【評論主題】【題組】37.(A) stand up (B) stand up for (C) put up to (D) put up with


and the courage to (37) what they believe is right. 



(A) stand up 起立

(B) stand up for 支持

(C) put up to -- put sb up to sth 唆使(某人)做

例句: I think he was put up to it by his friends.


(D) put up with 忍受,忍耐

例句: I can put up with the house being messy, but I hate it if it's not clean.


【評論主題】36-45)Children are not born with integrity or the behaviors we (36) it, like honesty, honor, respect


Children are not born with integrity or the behaviors we (36) it, like honesty, honor, respect, authenticity, social responsibility, 


integrity (n.) 正直;誠實

authenticity (n.) 確實性;真實性;可靠性


(A) associate with (v.) 與...相關

(B) are associated with (a.)

(C) associate to 

(D) are associated to 

【評論主題】【題組】42.(A) increasing demands (B) increase demand (C) increased demand (D) increases demands


Most K-12 educators recognize that the students they teach today will become the leaders of tomorrow. Academic curriculum is (41)to meet the (42) of a changing knowledge society.



 K-12 指從幼稚園(Kindergarten) 到12歲(中學)

Academic curriculum 學術課程

41. 應選動詞被動式

(A) constantly update 不斷地更新

(B) instantly upgrade 立即更新

(C) constantly updated 不斷地更新(被動式) (v.)

(D) instantly upgraded 立即地更新(被動式)

42. 應接名詞

(A) increasing demands 需求的增加 (n.)


【評論主題】【題組】35. (A) operated (B) discontinued (C) involved (D) released


You can go from coast to coast in comfort at very affordable prices. Long-distance trains in the USA are (35) by Amtrak.

(A) operated (v.) 營運、經營

(B) discontinued (v.) 停止

(C) involved (v.) 參與

(D) released (v.) 發布


【評論主題】【題組】34. (A) exhaustion (B) scenery (C) network (D) involvement


However, you can still see America by traveling by train. You'll see nothing of America at 11,000 meters, so instead of flying over the country, catch the (34) from an Amtrak train. 

(A) exhaustion (n.) 疲憊

(B) scenery (n.) 風景

(C) network (n.) 網路

(D) involvement (n.) 參與


【評論主題】【題組】33. (A) replacement (B) outfit (C) system (D) outlay


In Taiwan, most trains are passenger trains and run very often every day. In the US, most trains are freight trains. 

在台灣,大多火車都是旅客列車,每天經常運行的。 在美國,大多火車卻都是貨運列車。

There used to be many more passenger trains in the US, but they have been (32) by cars driving on a huge highway (33) . 


(A) replace (v.) 取代

(B) renovated (v.) 修復

(C) redundant (a.) 過剩的、多餘的

(D) responded (v.) 回應



(A) replacement (n.) 替換

(B) outfit (n.) 裝備

(C) system (n.) 系統、制度

(D) outlay (n.) 經費、支...

【評論主題】III.Cloze31-35)Train traffic in the United States is much (31) from Taiwan. In Taiwan, most trains a


Train traffic in the United States is much (31) from Taiwan.

(A) evolved (v.)發展、演變

(B) different 

(C) sustained (a.)持續

(D) rejected 


【評論主題】16. Jennifer’s easygoing personality allows her to fit ______well with everyone.(A) into (B) for (C)


Jennifer’s easygoing personality allows her to fit ______ well with everyone. Jennifer隨和的個性使她能夠很好地和所有人相處。

【評論主題】19. Why don’t you ______ Bonnie? She’s going to thesupermarket, and she can get the butter you need.


Why don’t you go along with Bonnie? She’s going to the supermarket, and she can get the butter you need. 

你怎麼不跟Bonnie一起去呢? 她要去超市,就可以買到你需要的奶油。

go along (通常指未經仔細計劃)去(某個地方),參加(某個活動),這裡指與...同行

to go to a place or event, usually without much planning

【評論主題】17. It seems obvious, when looking at a map, that the easternpart of Brazil ______ connected to Afri



【評論主題】20. We sent out lots of party invitations, but very few people______.(A) looked us up (B) hit it off



【評論主題】12. Because of the emphasis on nutrition in recent decades,Americans now consume ______ chicken and


【評論主題】21. I have to finish this report in an hour. I’m afraid I’m______ to help you right now.(A) busy eno



【評論主題】10. You know how everyone feigns surprise when you tell themhow tall you are.(A) prevents (B) preten



【評論主題】18. Parking is not allowed in this area. If you park your carhere, it will be ______ .(A) towed away



【評論主題】15. Stephen was named ______ his dad’s college coach, Mr.Stevens.(A) as (B) by (C) of (D) after

