
4. I knew my company was polluting the water, but I was afraid I would lose my job if I blew _______ on it.
(A) my nose
(B) a kiss
(C) the whistle
(D) out






【評論內容】blow the whistle :告密  ;whistle-blower : 揭密者



【評論內容】blew my nose: 打噴嚏

【用戶】Elia Cheng


【評論內容】I knew my company was polluting the water,nbut I was afraid I would lose my job if I blew _______ on it. (A) my nose (B) a kiss (C) the whistle (D) out1. blow your nose 擤鼻子2. blow sb a kiss 向…送飛吻 3. blow the whistle on sb/sthto tell people publicly about something bad that someone is doing叫停,取締(壞事);(尤指)告發,揭發4. blow sb out to disappoint someone by not meeting them nor not doing something that you had arranged to do together失約於…;放…的鴿...



【評論內容】blow the whistle :告密  ;whistle-blower : 揭密者



【評論內容】blew my nose: 打噴嚏

【用戶】Elia Cheng


【評論內容】I knew my company was polluting the water,nbut I was afraid I would lose my job if I blew _______ on it. (A) my nose (B) a kiss (C) the whistle (D) out1. blow your nose 擤鼻子2. blow sb a kiss 向…送飛吻 3. blow the whistle on sb/sthto tell people publicly about something bad that someone is doing叫停,取締(壞事);(尤指)告發,揭發4. blow sb out to disappoint someone by not meeting them nor not doing something that you had arranged to do together失約於…;放…的鴿...