【評論主題】宣傳不是教學、說謊不是教學、制約訓練不是教學,以上論述是較強調教學的哪一特質?(A)認知性(B)價值性(C)覺知性 (D)目的性

【評論內容】這題如果用"合價值性"解釋,也說得過去呀??題幹意思 宣傳不是教學、說謊不是教學、制約訓練不是教學這些雖然不合認知,但是也不合價值(良善)呀?

【評論主題】課程改革中,強調課程統整的重要性,以下哪一種教學法比較滿足課程統整的需求:(A)方案教學 (B)差異化教學 (C)合作學習 (D)個別化教學


project method 方案教學這題硬要選的話,方案教學合作學習更能感受到"課程統整"。





【評論主題】The Avira Professional Security, also known as “the little red umbrella” by Taiwanese customers, is






【評論主題】Someone who is ______ is quick and skilful in their thoughts, behaviour, or actions. In other words,






【評論主題】______ is the scientific study of sound. (A) Linguistics (B) Phonology (C) Phonetics (D) Acoustics.


Why can't choose (B)phonology??

The answer should be (B)!

【評論主題】6.某班國語期末考平均分數為82 分,標準差為5 分,小佳的期末成績是87 分,請問有多少百分比的人比小佳的成績還要好?(A)15.87% (B)34.13% (C)65.87% (D)84.13%。







【評論主題】Someone who is ______ is quick and skilful in their thoughts, behaviour, or actions. In other words,










【評論主題】Someone who is ______ is quick and skilful in their thoughts, behaviour, or actions. In other words,






【評論主題】The Avira Professional Security, also known as “the little red umbrella” by Taiwanese customers, is






【評論主題】______ is the scientific study of sound. (A) Linguistics (B) Phonology (C) Phonetics (D) Acoustics.


Why can't choose (B)phonology??

The answer should be (B)!

【評論主題】6.某班國語期末考平均分數為82 分,標準差為5 分,小佳的期末成績是87 分,請問有多少百分比的人比小佳的成績還要好?(A)15.87% (B)34.13% (C)65.87% (D)84.13%。



【評論主題】16.第一本教育倫理學由何人在 1980 年出版?(A)裴斯塔洛齊 (B)斯普朗格 (C)邊寧 (D)歐克斯。

【評論內容】教育倫理學發展最早可以追溯到十八世紀,瑞士教育家裴斯塔洛齊(1746-1827)曾經在其所撰的《隱士的黃昏》中,從基督宗教的觀點,將人神關係與父子關係類比,以作為人際關係建構的基礎,並且應用到教育關係之中。同時,德國教育家塞勒爾(1751-1832)也倡議教育倫理學問題的研究。其後,1920年代,價值教育學的提出,也涉及教育倫理學先前圖像的探究,並且提出許多有關教育中正確和合法的問題,對於教育倫理學的建立相當重要。此外,教育家杜普·霍華德(1902-1977)支持教育實在論者的看法,聯繫精神科學教育學的傳統,從科學的觀點探討教育倫理的問題,對於教育倫理學的建立貢獻很大。德國教育家邊寧首先在1980年出版《教育倫理學》 ,探討了教...

【評論主題】39 下列何者屬於學術理性的課程知識取向?(A)主張社會建構知識 (B)強調客觀絕對的事實(C)重視博雅課程的規劃 (D)協助學生具備社會技能

【評論內容】學術理性的課程取向(B)客觀絕對的事實:既然客觀又理性,就不一定有絕對的事實。(C)正確 重視博雅教育。

【評論主題】11. The very fact that the 2000 election revealed that public sentiment is moving against their poli






【評論主題】7. Loud noises in factories may _____ factory workers’ hearing.(A) impede (B) impersonate (C) impair






【評論主題】5. Health authorities should foster good practice by _____ information.(A) disseminating (B) distend






【評論主題】40. People __________ of a crime are innocent until they are proven guilty.(A) accused (B) accusatio


被指控;被告 選(A)accused。

【評論主題】18. In 1997, the collapse of several large Ponzi schemes in Albania ______ mass disorder, the overth






【評論主題】10. All the information from this report should be treated as strictly ______ so that nobody knows t






【評論主題】3. Every day, we see or hear about suicide bombings and other violent acts ______ against innocent p


committed(v.) a crime 犯罪每天,人們都能聽到各種犯下的自殺炸彈攻擊和其他的暴力攻擊,為了政治和宗教因素,殘害無辜的民眾。



風雅頌是體裁,賦比興是做法風=15國文學 雅=音樂 頌=祭祖文 賦=直說 比=例子 興=引起他人興趣、興發聯想(B)選項是指 "比"



(A)君子有終身之憂:這裡指君子一生都有尚未盡完責任的憂慮。 按:孟子離婁篇下:「孟子曰:『……是故君子有終身之憂,無一朝之患也。乃若所憂,則有之;舜,人也;我,亦人也。舜為法於天下,可傳於後世,我由未免為鄉人也!是則可憂也。憂之如何?如舜而已矣。』」一朝之患-指突來的災禍。朝:音ㄓㄠ,一天。由:通「猶」,還。



眼動心身重建法是行為治療取向,是由Franch Shapior於1990年代創建。結合了想像洪水法、認知重建法與配合規律眼球運動及對大腦進行雙測刺激,功效為治療個案在創傷事件中所承受的壓力與記憶,目的是幫助個案重建因為創傷事件所帶來的認知與訊息處理歷程,並改變個案情緒、認知及生理對創傷事件的反應。





【評論主題】【題組】47. Which of the following statement is TRUE?(A) Some of the competitors in the first modern Gam


Since 1896, the Games have been held every four years in different countries around the world, with only three Games missed because of the two World Wars.

【評論主題】【題組】38. (A) fixation (B) review (C) stabilization (D) viewpoint


One comprehensive review of the literature on teachers’ beliefs concluded that these had a greater influence than teachers’ knowledge on the way they planned their lessons.

【評論主題】Questions 36~40There is a growing __(36)__ of evidence to indicate that teachers are highlyinfluence


(idiom) a growing body of evidence.越來越多證據顯示...

【評論主題】【題組】27. (A) capsule (B) frame (C) lag (D) series


Commonly called achievement tests, they are limited to particular material addressed in a curriculum within a particular time frame and are offered after a course has focused on the objectives in question.

【評論主題】13. _____ the health of toddlers’ bodies and brains bring multiple benefits, but toooften the wrong






【評論主題】14. You may get tired of regular physical exercise, but it’s simply _____.(A) a means to an end(B) m


a means to an end: 達到目的的手段

【評論主題】9. Many students _____ government loan programs to help pay for college.(A) available in(B) in avail


很多學生利用政府的學生貸款方案替自己付大學學費。Many students avails themselves of government loan programs to help pay for college. 

【評論主題】6. Ever since North Korea first tested a nuclear bomb, in 2006, it has repeatedlythumbed its nose at






【評論主題】5. As our special report in this issue sets out, the lifelong learning that exists todaymainly benef






【評論主題】【題組】50. Which of the following is NOT an opposition from the advocacy groups?(A) The United States F

【評論內容】下列哪一項不是倡議組織提出的反對意見?(A)Although GMO labeling is required in many countries, the United States Food and Drug Administration does not require labeling, nor does it recognize a distinction between approved GMO and non-GMO foods.

【評論主題】【題組】16. (A) copyrighted (B) registered (C) trademarking (D) illegal



【評論主題】【題組】15. (A) during (B) throughout (C) since (D) in


. In the US, civil lawsuits have been brought against more than 15,597 people since September 2003 and there have been 3,590 settlements. 

【評論主題】13. Dr. Vygotsky claimed that timely and sensitive intervention by adults when a child is _______ le


on the edge of... 在...的邊緣


【評論主題】6. Teachers need to be thinking beyond content, and _______ the development of particular ways of th



【評論主題】7. We are all _______ familiar with at least one language, our own. Yet few of us ever stop to consi






【評論主題】29. 泰勒(R. Tyler)的目標模式係透過不同來源形成課程目標,再以下列何者進行篩選? (A)國家和地區需求 (B)科學和認知心理學 (C)學生需要和社會學(D)哲學和學習心理學








【評論主題】55. 下列語詞解釋,何者正確?(A)鳶飛魚躍:形容自得其樂 (B)簞食瓢飲:形容飲食清淡 (C)好整以暇:形容時間充裕 (D)一傅眾咻:形容心悅臣服


這題沒有疑義嗎?ABCD都不太正確吧!A 鷹在天空飛翔,魚在水中騰躍。形容萬物各得其所。B 比喻安貧樂道C 形容既嚴整,又從容。也指事情雖多,仍舊從容不迫。D 一人教誨時,眾人在旁喧擾。比喻學習受到干擾,成效不佳,或環境對人的影響很大。

【評論主題】36.Which of the following tests best represents the criterion-referenced test?(A)Scholastic Aptitude



【評論主題】31Mr. White believes that a language teacher cannot teach the bulk of the vocabulary. According to h


"According to him, the most important learning strategy a teacher can give students is to train them to notice and remember clusters or chunks of words during their exposure to language. He uses a concordance詞彙索引 program to generate a printout of collocations搭配詞 of a given word from a corpus and asks students to sort the collocations into categories according to meaning."故選(A)。

【評論主題】29What are the main structures to transfer and communicate information by Total Physical Response?(A



(B)命令句。 適合用TPR教學。(stand up, sit down, put your hands up)



【評論主題】【題組】28. (A) cope (B) obliterate (C) tackle (D) undertake


While those institutions are operating in silos, often with opposing views on the way forward, it would not be easy to bust these silos, and further to regain trust and help tackle the world’s most intractable problem. 雖然這些機構的運作是孤立的,往往對未來前進的方向持相反的看法,但要打破這些孤島,進一步恢復信任,並幫助解決世界上最棘手的問題,並不容易。





【評論主題】2. The assumption that errors made are the result of transfer from learners’ first language is the b



【評論主題】III. Cloze Test: Choose the answer that best fits the given text.Questions 36-40    Learning a secon


(A)1.鍛鍊、健身 2.用盡 3.解決的




【評論主題】【題組】30. Neuroscientists have a growing ________ of tools—fMRIs, PET scans, high-density EEGs—towatch



【評論主題】II. Language Teaching Pedagogy: Choose the answer that best fits the given text.Questions 31-35【題組】3





(D)繼續Information gap tasks require collaboration between or among English learners to derived the desired information. 

【評論主題】【題組】29. The Yellow fever outbreak _______ the global supply of the yellow fever vaccine several time






【評論主題】【題組】28. On a ________ hot day in the nation’s capital, protesters made their way down PennsylvaniaAv



【評論主題】【題組】27. Throughout our language learning programs, we __________ communicative grammar techniquesin



【評論主題】I. Synonym: Please choose the word which is closest in meaning to the underlined word.(5%)1. gullibl


gullible: 輕信的、易上當的(A)可惡的




【評論主題】42. A: How could you afford a new car? B: ___________.(A)I bought it on time. (B)I’m busted.(C)I’m c



【評論主題】32. Heart disease specialists (A) advocate (B) a diet lowing (C) incholesterol (D).


(C) 改成 a diet low in cholesterol

【評論主題】31. In retail marketing, an endcap is a display(A) for a productplacing at the end of an aisle(B). I


In retail marketing, an endcap is a display (A) for a product placed (B) at the end of an aisle.

【評論主題】10. Osama bin Laden’s name and face have become so numbinglyfamiliar to Americans as in effect to___




