

一、犯最重本刑為死刑、無期徒刑或十年以上有期徒刑之罪者,三十年。 但發生死亡結果者,不在此限。



一、犯最重本刑為死刑、無期徒刑或十年以上有期徒刑之罪者,三十年。 但發生死亡結果者,不在此限。

【評論主題】49.Just look at how much we _____ when we worked together last week.(A) accomplished(B) can accompli

【評論內容】(B)(C)(D)都跟"現在"有關,只有(A)為"過去式"。題目為 .... last week,故答案為(A)。

【評論主題】19 關於政府與非營利組織之互動,下列敘述何者錯誤?(A)全國性非營利組織可以向不同層級的政府機關獲取資源(B)非營利組織需要政府經費以維繫運作時,依賴程度較高(C)非營利組織分配績效獎金給董(理)事


【評論主題】40. If it is bothering you, you should tell your boss______ you feel(A) how(B) what (C)where (D) whe

【評論內容】feel 用 how, think 用 what,這是美語口語,請死記。

【評論主題】37. Your supervisor asked me_______ you.(A) help(B) helps(C) helping(D) to help

【評論內容】兩個動詞相連,第2個動詞可為不定式(D) or 現在分詞 (C)。但其實兩個意思不一樣,用不定式表動作未做 (我之前沒幫過你,長官告知我要幫),現在分詞則是之前已做 (我之前幫過你了,但長官還要我幫你)。

【評論主題】14.To whom was that man ___?(A)refer (B) refers (C) referring (D) to refer

【評論內容】was + ?,只有 (c) 符合文法。這種題型已被 TOEIC 拋棄,因為台灣人超會背文法。

【評論主題】49.Just look at how much we _____ when we worked together last week.(A) accomplished(B) can accompli

【評論內容】(B)(C)(D)都跟"現在"有關,只有(A)為"過去式"。題目為 .... last week,故答案為(A)。

【評論主題】44.The best way to buy train tickets _____ book online.(A) do(B) does(C) is to(D) are to

【評論內容】be + to V, 在"條件句"中,表示某種先決條件。也就是說: "上網預訂,是買火車票的最佳方式"。

【評論主題】41.The food critic was famous for _____ chefs that didn’t give him complimentary dinner.(A) insult (

【評論內容】這題有2個文法,1) 片語 be famous for    2) for 後面接 N 或 Ving.

【評論主題】49. The movie I saw last night was simply a waste of time. I _____ home watching television instead.

【評論內容】should +V 應該.... ; should +have +Vpp 原本應該。

【評論主題】48. Veronica wants to know _____ there is anything she could do to help.(A) if (B) when (C) that (D)

【評論內容】回1F,用what當關係代名詞,只能說語意不順。用 if 順暢多了 。

【評論主題】37. Are any of the other passengers _____ as well?(A) vomit (B) vomits (C) vomited (D) vomiting

【評論內容】很簡單,是現在進行式 be (are) + Ving.

【評論主題】23. What do you do _____ you need to make photocopies.(A) why (B) what (C) when (D) where

【評論內容】如果選(A),就變成有2個疑問存在,那麼究竟是要問哪一個? 選(C),在這裡是當連接詞 (當...時候),不當疑問詞用 (何時)。

【評論主題】A visit to the zoo will ___ with many kinds of animals.(A)be acquainted with you(B)be acquatinted to

【評論內容】這句是祈使句 (Vist to ...) +倒裝 (you will acquaint with ...)。參觀動物園,你將 (主動) 熟悉多種動物。

【評論主題】There are always lines in a bank. I ___ in line for half an hour yesterday.(A)stood(B)was stood(C)ha


【評論主題】28.We need to finish this work ___________.(A)two weeks ago(B)by tomorrow(C)for two days(D)since las

【評論內容】We finish / finished / have finished this work for two days. 花2天完成 ...

【評論主題】42.Most weeks, there are twelve employees ________this office.(A)or(B)of(C)on(D)in

【評論內容】不在辦公室 =  not in the office. 簡單的東西,不用搞複雜。