【評論主題】18 中央銀行公開市場操作,主要是交易:(A)政府發行的證券 (B)外國債券 (C)股票 (D)外匯

【評論內容】公開市場操作(Open market o...

【評論主題】33 關於定有施行期限之法規,依中央法規標準法之規定,下列敘述何者錯誤?(A)法規定有施行期限者,期滿當然廢止,應由主管機關公告之 (B)法律定有施行期限,主管機關認為需要延長者,應於期限屆滿 1 個


(D)命令定有施行期限,主管機關認為需要延長者,應於期限屆滿 1 個月前,送立法院審查

ANS: 命令定有施行期限,主管機關認為需要延長者,應於期限屆滿一個月前,由原發布機關發布之。

【評論主題】【題組】15 (A) significance (B) difference (C) diversion (D) reverse


The reverse also holds true; those who lead depraved lives can suffer a series of rebirths, each lower and more wretched than the last.


【評論主題】【題組】16 (A) follows (B) detaches (C) embodies (D) transcends


This process is not endless, however. The soul seeks the upward path, and after innumerable incarnations can, through meditation and contemplation, become aware of the universal meaning of things. The Buddha is released from the cycle of death and rebirth, transcends the forms and changes of the material universe, and dwells forever in a timeless, formless, and unchanging state known as Nirvana.


【評論主題】【題組】14 (A) advanced (B) retarded (C) conditioned (D) defected


Those who led virtuous lives and attained merit are reborn into conditions that allow them to practice even greater virtue and to achieve a yet more  advanced  incarnation.


【評論主題】請依下文回答第 17 題至第 20 題        An experimental Ebola drug healed all 18 monkeys infected with the deadly


An experimental Ebola drug healed all 18 monkeys infected with the deadly virus in a study,  boosting hopes that the treatment might help fight the outbreak raging through west Africa — once more of it can be made. The monkeys were given the drug, ZMapp, three to five days after they were infected with the virus and when most were showing symptoms. It is not known how well the drug would work in people, who can take up to 21 days to show symptoms and are not infected  the way  the lab monkeys were. Several experts said it is not possible to  estimate   a window of opportunity for treati...

【評論主題】【題組】13 (A) depend (B) keep (C) switch (D) turn


The kind of body and the station of life into which the individual is reborn depend upon the kind of life he or she led previously.


【評論主題】7 Add some ______into the dish because the sour taste can make people have a better appetite.(A) gin

【評論內容】vinegar :醋ex: Use half a lemon dipped in salt and vinegar. 用半個檸檬蘸上鹽和醋。

【評論主題】18 當一個廠商處於規模不經濟(diseconomies of scale)時:(A)其長期平均總成本小於長期邊際成本 (B)其長期平均總成本達到最小 (C)其長期平均總成本大於長期邊際成本 (D)其



當LAC遞增時,LMC就會大於LAC ; 同理LAC遞減時,LMC就會小於LAC

【評論主題】8 有關需求的敘述,下列何者正確?(A)需求指的是需求量與所得之間的關係 (B)需求法則是指在其他條件不變下,物品的需求量與其價格間正向變動的關係 (C)需求法則的兩個例外為炫耀財及劣等財 (D)劣等



替代效果(SE): Px下降, Qx上升

所得效果(IE):  Px下降,實質所得上升,X為劣等財, Qx減少

當(SE)>(IE) ==>Px下降, Qx上升 (符合需求法則)

當(SE)<(IE) ==>Px下降, Qx減少 (違反需求法則)


【評論主題】33 假設其他條件不變且政府政策沒有時間落後問題。當總合需求增加時,下列何種政策組合可以降低經濟波動的幅度?(A)政府增加購買支出且中央銀行調高應提準備率 (B)政府增加購買支出且中央銀行調降應提準備











【評論主題】33 假設其他條件不變且政府政策沒有時間落後問題。當總合需求增加時,下列何種政策組合可以降低經濟波動的幅度?(A)政府增加購買支出且中央銀行調高應提準備率 (B)政府增加購買支出且中央銀行調降應提準備









