【評論主題】20 西元1428年,領導越南人驅逐中國明朝的統治,建立大越王國的人是:(A)吳權 (B)陳國峻 (C)黎利 (D)李公蘊


【評論主題】30 被稱為「臺灣新文學之父」的醫生作家是:(A)賴和(B)蔣渭水(C)陳五福(D)楊逵


【評論主題】30 被稱為「臺灣新文學之父」的醫生作家是:(A)賴和(B)蔣渭水(C)陳五福(D)楊逵


【評論主題】10 John dragged the injured woman out of the kitchen while Jack used a fire __________to fight the f







【評論主題】8 The police have not _______that the man in the car accident is indeed the suspect of the bankrubbe



【評論主題】61 The fund-raising project ______ fortwoweeks by the time you join us.(A) ran(B)will have been runn


欲表示“到未來某個時間點時....已持續了多少時間,要用未來完成進行式,句型結構為 will have been + V-ing


【評論主題】28 In Africa, some democratic countries have vibrant political scenes, while other countries go thro


在非洲, 一些民主國家有充滿活力的政治場面,其他國家則經歷了選舉的常規, 但治理似乎並沒有改善。

(a) 暴力和腐敗主導著非洲大多數國家的政治舞臺。

(b)在非洲, 有些國家的民主國家蓬勃發展, 但也有一些國家的選舉未能取得進展。

(c)非洲的民主已經發生了醜陋的轉變, 因為大多數選舉要麼被執政黨操縱, 要麼被猖獗的買票破壞。

(d)隨著選舉教育和經驗逐步提高政府效率和廉正, 非洲的民主正在蓬勃發展。

【評論主題】64 We had no choice but to ________ to force in order to settle the dispute.(A)refer(B)renounce(C)re

【評論內容】*C▸ to resort to violence and intimidation 訴諸武力與恐嚇

【評論主題】41 Teamwork plays a vital ___ in fulfilling any mission, particularly at a time when an economic rec


loom on the horizon 悄悄的從地平面升起。。意謂即將發生的。。

【評論主題】17 To keep the bills down, I ________ turning off the computer the minute I was finished with it.(A)



(A)was sidetracked by  改變話題(B)got into the habit of 養成...習慣(C)made a big impact on 產生巨大的影響(D)came face to face with 與...面對面

【評論主題】10 Shelly has adhered_______ a low-fat diet for over two months and succeeded in losing 12 pounds.(A

【評論內容】adhered to sth...堅持;遵守;忠於

【評論主題】48.The non-smoking policy will apply to any person working for the company __________ of their statu


regardless of...不管,不顧,不拘。。

【評論主題】17.Being a tour guide, one needs to be more concerned about the major important matters instead of s



  (A) 明智的




【評論主題】12.We must not allow our creative protest ________ to into physical violence.(A) defect(B) betray(C)




【評論主題】62 A canal ______ along a leafy bike pass, through green parks, and pass the city’s four remaining w


一條運河蜿蜒沿著一條綠樹成蔭的自行車通道, 穿過綠色的公園, 穿過這座城市僅存的四座風車。

【評論主題】45 I hate to go through the ______ process of application again. I need an assistant to do it for me

【評論內容】我討厭再次經歷繁瑣的申請過程。我需要一個助手來幫我做這件事。 (a) 有趣的 (b) 充滿活力的 (c) 迷人的 (d) 乏味的、令人厭煩的

【評論主題】26 The landscape of this natural park is best seen on bike or foot, and there are _______ trails in


【評論主題】64 We had no choice but to ________ to force in order to settle the dispute.(A)refer(B)renounce(C)re

【評論內容】*C▸ to resort to violence and intimidation 訴諸武力與恐嚇

【評論主題】41 Teamwork plays a vital ___ in fulfilling any mission, particularly at a time when an economic rec


loom on the horizon 悄悄的從地平面升起。。意謂即將發生的。。

【評論主題】17 To keep the bills down, I ________ turning off the computer the minute I was finished with it.(A)



(A)was sidetracked by  改變話題(B)got into the habit of 養成...習慣(C)made a big impact on 產生巨大的影響(D)came face to face with 與...面對面

【評論主題】10 Shelly has adhered_______ a low-fat diet for over two months and succeeded in losing 12 pounds.(A

【評論內容】adhered to sth...堅持;遵守;忠於

【評論主題】48.The non-smoking policy will apply to any person working for the company __________ of their statu


regardless of...不管,不顧,不拘。。

【評論主題】17.Being a tour guide, one needs to be more concerned about the major important matters instead of s



  (A) 明智的




【評論主題】12.We must not allow our creative protest ________ to into physical violence.(A) defect(B) betray(C)




【評論主題】62 A canal ______ along a leafy bike pass, through green parks, and pass the city’s four remaining w


一條運河蜿蜒沿著一條綠樹成蔭的自行車通道, 穿過綠色的公園, 穿過這座城市僅存的四座風車。

【評論主題】45 I hate to go through the ______ process of application again. I need an assistant to do it for me

【評論內容】我討厭再次經歷繁瑣的申請過程。我需要一個助手來幫我做這件事。 (a) 有趣的 (b) 充滿活力的 (c) 迷人的 (d) 乏味的、令人厭煩的

【評論主題】26 The landscape of this natural park is best seen on bike or foot, and there are _______ trails in


【評論主題】10 John dragged the injured woman out of the kitchen while Jack used a fire __________to fight the f







【評論主題】8 The police have not _______that the man in the car accident is indeed the suspect of the bankrubbe



【評論主題】34 A: Do you know____ tomorrow?B: I am afraid that it will have heavy showers.(A) what will the weat



原始問句為:What will the wether be like tomorrow?

【評論主題】22 As meat consumption grows, ____ the environmental and health consequences of producing it.(A) so



As meat consumption grows, the environmental and health consequences of producing it grow, too

使用倒裝句後則變成 so do the environmental ...

【評論主題】5 The artist mixed three inks to create the color spectrum he was seeking—a seamless _________ from


(A)  突破




【評論主題】61 The fund-raising project ______ fortwoweeks by the time you join us.(A) ran(B)will have been runn


欲表示“到未來某個時間點時....已持續了多少時間,要用未來完成進行式,句型結構為 will have been + V-ing


【評論主題】48 The author of this Mathematics textbook uses plain language and humorous examples to make the boo


(A) accessible 易於接近、理解(B) hesitated 猶豫(C) incredible 難以置信(D)frustrated 挫敗的

【評論主題】34 There are several ways to_____ our natural resources, including the reduction of paper usage, the


(A)prevent 預防(B) conserve 保護、保存(C)predict 預言(D) construct 建造

【評論主題】32 The political _____ willdefinitely undermine the development of tourism.(A) turnaround(B)turmoil(


(A) turnaround 周轉的時間

(B) turmoil 動盪

(C) stability 穩定(D) solidarity 團結

【評論主題】9 被水母螫傷時,下列那一種溶液可緩解症狀?(A)肥皂加清水(B)醋或醋酸(C)木瓜酶質(D)雙氧水



【評論主題】44Theharmfuleffects of pesticides andchemical fertilizers made the farm family decide totake a moree



*for the sake of 的意思是「為了...利益」

(C)at large 在名詞之後,意思是「總地、整個地。」

【評論主題】31 Driving at the Central Cross-Island Highway needs a great caution and patience because of many si


Central Cross-Island Highway 中橫公路

【評論主題】34 As children grow and mature, they will leave behind ___ pursuits, and no longer be so selfish and


【評論主題】30 ___ people are sensitive to others’ wants and feelings.(A) Blunt (B) Considerate (C) Arrogant (D


(A) Blunt 直率

(B) Considerate 細心

(C) Arrogant 傲慢自大

(D) Dominant 優勢

【評論主題】28 In Africa, some democratic countries have vibrant political scenes, while other countries go thro


在非洲, 一些民主國家有充滿活力的政治場面,其他國家則經歷了選舉的常規, 但治理似乎並沒有改善。

(a) 暴力和腐敗主導著非洲大多數國家的政治舞臺。

(b)在非洲, 有些國家的民主國家蓬勃發展, 但也有一些國家的選舉未能取得進展。

(c)非洲的民主已經發生了醜陋的轉變, 因為大多數選舉要麼被執政黨操縱, 要麼被猖獗的買票破壞。

(d)隨著選舉教育和經驗逐步提高政府效率和廉正, 非洲的民主正在蓬勃發展。

【評論主題】36 Jack was the least popular student in our class because he always enjoyed teasing and making joke


at the expense of (something/ somebody)= with loss or damage to somebody/ something, 在犧性(或損害)....的情况下, 以....為代價 

【評論主題】68 The Taiwan High Prosecutors Office vowed to harshly _______ anyone caught hoarding food staples a


The Taiwan High Prosecutors Office 台灣檢察院


【評論主題】67 _______ numerous typhoon disasters in recent years, the government has drafted a coastline law in


 in (the) light of


【評論主題】49 Jason is thinking of purchasing a new _______ because the springs in the old one have gone.(A)the







【評論主題】38 Middle-aged smokers are far more likely than nonsmokers to _______ dementia later in life, and he







【評論主題】20 _______ you need to get in touch with me, you can reach me at 224338654 at my travel agency.(A)Th

【評論內容】in case,意思是「以防萬一」,亦可寫作just in case,可作連接詞使用,指出預先做一些行動的原因,是以防萬一,以策安全,因為某些情況有可能發生,例如:You should take an umbrella in case it rains.你應該帶把雨傘,以防一旦下雨。美式in case同指如果可是,現在美式英語也會把in case解釋作if「如果」,一如下面例子:In case he is late, we will start without him.如果他遲到,我們會在他缺席下開始。

【評論主題】17 It is _______ time to talk about travel as the holiday season is now beginning in most countries


high time 意思是某事需要盡快辦,因為已經遲了,不能再拖下去了

【評論主題】64 We had no choice but to ________ to force in order to settle the dispute.(A)refer(B)renounce(C)re

【評論內容】*C▸ to resort to violence and intimidation 訴諸武力與恐嚇

【評論主題】63 The murderer ________ before the detective arrived on the crime scene.(A)left(B)has left(C)leaves


【評論主題】50 A: It seems I have lost all the work I did on the computer this afternoon.B: Oh, no! I am afraid


start from scratch 從頭開始進行某事

【評論主題】39 Being ________ means that you anticipate problems before they arise and come up with solutions ah


anticipate 採取行動來防止;先發制人

【評論主題】41 Teamwork plays a vital ___ in fulfilling any mission, particularly at a time when an economic rec


loom on the horizon 悄悄的從地平面升起。。意謂即將發生的。。

【評論主題】32 ________ their military to become weak, their country might be invaded.(A)If(B)Were(C)Should(D)Su


此句為 If their military were to become weak, their country might be invaded. 


【評論主題】36 Professor Lee thought that the small college town would be a ___ place to live, but in fact, he f


provincial 偏僻的;鄉下的。。

【評論主題】17 To keep the bills down, I ________ turning off the computer the minute I was finished with it.(A)



(A)was sidetracked by  改變話題(B)got into the habit of 養成...習慣(C)made a big impact on 產生巨大的影響(D)came face to face with 與...面對面

【評論主題】19 When you are interviewed, you had better not volunteer any additional information because that co


(A)perform for 為...表演

(B)cut down on 削減(C)work against 不利(D)keep abreast of 與...並駕齊驅

【評論主題】73.導遊人員針對穆斯林團體應安排清真餐食,以表示我國的觀光環境對於穆斯林的友善。清真餐食英文應如何表達?(A)Kosher Meal (B)Halal Meal (C)Vegetarian Meal


(A)Kosher Meal 猶太餐(B)Halal Meal 清真餐

(C)Vegetarian Meal 素食餐(D)Hindu Meal 印度餐

【評論主題】70 澳洲的大堡礁面臨太平洋那一個緣海?(A)塔斯曼海 (B)帝汶海 (C)阿拉夫拉海 (D)珊瑚海



【評論主題】33 清代圓明園造景蒐集天下名勝,兼及西方巴洛克式庭院,所藏藝術珍寶琳瑯滿目,卻在 19 世紀那一場戰爭中遭到焚毀?(A)鴉片戰爭 (B)英法聯軍 (C)甲午戰爭 (D)八國聯軍



【評論主題】12 綜合旅行業取得經中央主管機關認可足以保障旅客權益之觀光公益法人會員資格者,辦理旅客出國及國內旅遊業務時,應投保履約保證保險,其投保最低金額為新臺幣多少元?(A) 1 千萬元 (B) 2 千萬元

【評論內容】旅行業已取得經中央主管機關認可足以保障旅客權益之觀光公益法人會員資格者,其履約保證保險應投保最低金額如下,不適用前項之規定:一、綜合旅行業新臺幣四千萬元。二、甲種旅行業新臺幣五百萬元。三、乙種旅行業新臺幣二百萬元。四、綜合旅行業、甲種旅行業每增設分公司一家,應增加新臺幣一百萬元 ,乙種旅行業每增設分公司一家,應增加新臺幣五十萬元。

【評論主題】10 高雄的某旅行社是成立逾 10 年的乙種旅行業,同時在臺南市及臺北市設有分公司,亦是中華民國旅遊品質保障協會的會員,辦理旅客國內旅遊等相關業務,依據旅行業管理規則之規定,應投保履約保證保險,其投保

【評論內容】旅行業辦理旅客出國及國內旅遊業務時,應投保履約保證保險,其投保最低金額如下:一、綜合旅行業新臺幣六千萬元。二、甲種旅行業新臺幣二千萬元。三、乙種旅行業新臺幣八百萬元。四、綜合旅行業、甲種旅行業每增設分公司一家,應增加新臺幣四百萬元 ,乙種旅行業每增設分公司一家,應增加新臺幣二百萬元。旅行業已取得經中央主管機關認可足以保障旅客權益之觀光公益法人會員資格者,其履約保證保險應投保最低金額如下,不適用前項之規定:一、綜合旅行業新臺幣四千萬元。二、甲種旅行業新臺幣五百萬元。三、乙種旅行業新臺幣二百萬元。四、綜合旅行業、甲種旅行業每增設分公司一家,應增加新臺幣一百萬元 ,乙種旅行業每增設分公司一家,應增加新臺幣五十萬元。履約保證保險之投保範圍,為旅行業因財務困難,未能繼續經營,而無力支付辦理旅遊所需一部或全部費用,致其安排之旅遊活動一部或全部無法完成時,在保險金額範圍內,所應給付旅客之費用。

【評論主題】24 有關參加旅行業經理人訓練之資格,下列何者錯誤?(A)需大專以上學校畢業或高等考試及格,曾任旅行業代表人 2 年以上者(B)需大專以上學校畢業或高等考試及格,曾任旅行業專任職員 4 年或領隊、導遊


【評論主題】14 依旅行業管理規則之規定,旅行業以電腦網路接受旅客線上訂購交易者,下列何者錯誤?(A)將旅遊契約登載於網站者,得免與旅客簽訂書面旅遊契約(B)於收受全部或一部價金前,應將其銷售商品或服務之限制及確


第 33 條




【評論主題】10 Shelly has adhered_______ a low-fat diet for over two months and succeeded in losing 12 pounds.(A

【評論內容】adhered to sth...堅持;遵守;忠於

【評論主題】21.Since the economy is improving, many people are hoping for a __________ in salary in the coming y

【評論內容】(C) surplus 盈餘(D) bonus 獎金

【評論主題】48.The non-smoking policy will apply to any person working for the company __________ of their statu


regardless of...不管,不顧,不拘。。

【評論主題】17.Being a tour guide, one needs to be more concerned about the major important matters instead of s



  (A) 明智的




【評論主題】12.We must not allow our creative protest ________ to into physical violence.(A) defect(B) betray(C)




【評論主題】38 機票欄內之票種代碼(Fare Basis)顯示「YLAP14」,下列敘述何項錯誤?(A) Y 表示經濟艙(B) L 表示淡季期間(C) AP 表示經由北大西洋之行程(D)表示出發前 14 天完成


          票種代碼 (FARE BASIS)




訂位代號(Prime code),包括F, C, Y, U, I, D, M, B, H…等季節代號(Seasonal code),包括H(旺季)、L(淡季)等週末/平日代號(Part of week code),包括W(週末)、X(週間)等夜晚代號(Part of day code),例如以N表示Night票價和旅客種類代號(Fare and Passenger type code)票價等級代號(Fare level identifier)

        例如:FARE BASIS 是MXEE21時, 表示M艙級平日出發效期為21 


【評論主題】62 A canal ______ along a leafy bike pass, through green parks, and pass the city’s four remaining w


一條運河蜿蜒沿著一條綠樹成蔭的自行車通道, 穿過綠色的公園, 穿過這座城市僅存的四座風車。

【評論主題】45 I hate to go through the ______ process of application again. I need an assistant to do it for me

【評論內容】我討厭再次經歷繁瑣的申請過程。我需要一個助手來幫我做這件事。 (a) 有趣的 (b) 充滿活力的 (c) 迷人的 (d) 乏味的、令人厭煩的

【評論主題】26 The landscape of this natural park is best seen on bike or foot, and there are _______ trails in


【評論主題】62 A canal ______ along a leafy bike pass, through green parks, and pass the city’s four remaining w


一條運河蜿蜒沿著一條綠樹成蔭的自行車通道, 穿過綠色的公園, 穿過這座城市僅存的四座風車。

【評論主題】55 With its palaces, sculptured parks, concert halls, and museums, Vienna is a city_______ in cultur


維也納擁有宮殿、雕刻公園、音樂廳和博物館, 是一座充滿文化氣息的城市。

(a) 長期 (b) 精英 (c) 省 (d) 沈浸

【評論主題】45 I hate to go through the ______ process of application again. I need an assistant to do it for me

【評論內容】我討厭再次經歷繁瑣的申請過程。我需要一個助手來幫我做這件事。 (a) 有趣的 (b) 充滿活力的 (c) 迷人的 (d) 乏味的、令人厭煩的

【評論主題】28 With crystal clear water, emerald green mountains and various outdoor activities to offer, it’s n







【評論主題】26 The landscape of this natural park is best seen on bike or foot, and there are _______ trails in


【評論主題】17 All resources are _______ in the sense that there are not enough to fill everyone’s wants to the


所有的資源都是稀缺的, 因為沒有足夠的資源來滿足每個人的願望, 達到了滿意的程度。

(a) 稀缺的 (b) 不存在 (c) 豐富 (d) 肥沃