【評論主題】7.John’s part-time experience at the cafeteria is good for running his own restaurant.(A) preparatio

【評論內容】(A) preparation 準備 (B) recognition 辨認

【評論主題】7.John’s part-time experience at the cafeteria is good for running his own restaurant.(A) preparatio

【評論內容】(A) preparation 準備 (B) recognition 辨認

【評論主題】II. Vocabulary (20%) 【題組】11.Life in the West was ______.(A) through (B) naughty (C) tough (D) rough

【評論內容】naughty  頑皮的tough 艱辛的

【評論主題】14. Deep-fried foods may _____ your body with excessive calories; therefore, you should avoid them.(

【評論內容】rescue 拯救motivate 促動

【評論主題】19. Sam speaks seven languages. ______ a smart man he is!(A) How(B) Why(C) Who(D) What

【評論內容】what + N + S+ Vhow + Adj+ S +V

【評論主題】23. Rebecca didn’t show up last night; she ________about our date.(A) has to forget (B) might be for

【評論內容】must have pp 對過去事情肯定推測

【評論主題】【題組】 ⑵應簽發那些證書、符合文件或報告給船廠?(15 分)

【評論內容】A) theater 戲院 (B) stage 舞台

【評論主題】19. Sam speaks seven languages. ______ a smart man he is!(A) How(B) Why(C) Who(D) What

【評論內容】what + N + S+ Vhow + Adj+ S +V

【評論主題】23. Rebecca didn’t show up last night; she ________about our date.(A) has to forget (B) might be for

【評論內容】must have pp 對過去事情肯定推測

【評論主題】【題組】 ⑵應簽發那些證書、符合文件或報告給船廠?(15 分)

【評論內容】A) theater 戲院 (B) stage 舞台

【評論主題】23.Logan seemed to_the bad news________and went ahead with his plans for the day.(A) take…off(B) tak

【評論內容】take sth in your stride 對....處之泰然

【評論主題】33. France’s _______ industry brings in a lot of money because many foreigners flock there for sight

【評論內容】territory 領土 tourism 旅遊業

【評論主題】25. After numerous experiments, the doctor has made____ progress in the efforts to discover the orig

【評論內容】(A) regional 地區的 (B) routine 行程

【評論主題】24. Give your hands a good____ and come and get your dinner.(A) repair (B) resource (C) scale (D) sc

【評論內容】(A) repair 修理 (B) resource 資源

【評論主題】22. As Mr. and Mrs. Williams cannot tolerate the fast-paced city life, they are considering moving t

【評論內容】rusty 生鏽的 remote 遙遠的

【評論主題】13. Without close protection, airports would be highly ___ to terrorist attacks.(A) ordinary (B) vul

【評論內容】ordinary 平凡的vulnerable 脆弱的

【評論主題】9. Due to the bad weather, the search for the missing passengers was ___.(A) treated (B) promoted (C

【評論內容】(A) treat 對待 (B) promote 促銷

【評論主題】5. All my friends think I am younger than Bill. _______, I am older than him.(A) Completely (B) Actu

【評論內容】actually 實際上probably 大概

【評論主題】14. The evening’s ____will begin at 7 o’clock. Don’t be late.(A) performance (B) position (C) founda

【評論內容】(A) performance 表演 表現(B) position 姿勢

【評論主題】28. By the time Ted arrived at the airport, the plane____ .(A) was taking off (B) took off (C) had t

【評論內容】by the time 現在式, would have pp                   過去式,had pp

【評論主題】Grammar: 14%26. The rich __________ often proud; __________, they tend to laugh at the poor.(A) is;

【評論內容】the rich= rich people 複數

【評論主題】18. Simon’s doctor was not ____this afternoon, but he can see her tomorrow morning.(A) effective (B)

【評論內容】available 有空的determined 有決心的

【評論主題】1. The captain checked the weather conditions to see if it was _______ for flying.(A) shocking (B) s

【評論內容】be suitable for N/Ving 適合做

【評論主題】39. She has long, _____ fingers, like a concert pianist.(A)positive (B)royal (C)slender (D)western

【評論內容】A)positive 正面的 (B)royal 皇室的 貴族的

【評論主題】27. The thieves were careful not to leave any ________ behind them.(A)trades (B)tours (C)tracks (D)t

【評論內容】(A)trades貿易 (B)tours旅遊

【評論主題】06. The________________of Taiwan is about 23,000,000.(A) popularity (B) population (C) puppy (D) pup

【評論內容】popularity 歡迎度population 人口

【評論主題】9. The moon is totally ______ of human beings—unless they are astronauts. (A) beyond question (B) be

【評論內容】beyond the reach 遙不可及beyond question 無庸置疑

【評論主題】5. ______ reading will help you enlarge your vocabulary. (A) Extend (B) Extensive (C) Extension (D)

【評論內容】extensive 廣泛的extend 延長

【評論主題】27.She _________ it several times up to the present time; however, she cannot get the answer yet.(A)

【評論內容】up to the present time 搭配完成式 句子為現在式 所以現在完成式

【評論主題】I didn’t realize the importance of friendship until Kyle and I became good friends. It __38__ when I

【評論內容】when I was a freshman 所以用簡單過去是

【評論主題】25.Motorists are advised to find an alternative __________. The thing is, which is the best way to t

【評論內容】sample樣品satisfaction 滿意

【評論主題】29. He had ________ his daughter for marrying a foreigner because of the fact that he didn’t like pe

【評論內容】realize 意識到'develop 發展

【評論主題】6. The _______ figure of Princess Diana will always live in our hearts.(A) elegant (B) visible (C) t

【評論內容】(A) elegant 優雅的(B) visible 可看見的

【評論主題】5. The _______ became tense as soon as the boss walked into the office.(A) registration (B) manageme

【評論內容】registration 登記 註冊management 管理

【評論主題】16. _______ speaking, we receive about fifty applications a week for membership.(A) Roughly (B) Sole

【評論內容】roughly 大約gradually 逐漸

【評論主題】14. A: Why did you lock the dog in the cage?B: Because it is _______. I don’t want it to harm anyone

【評論內容】(A) old-fashioned 老派的 (B) vicious 兇狠的

【評論主題】15. My sister is such a health-food ______. She is crazy about everything labeled “organic” and neve

【評論內容】(A) fanatic 狂熱者 (B) paramedic 醫護人員

【評論主題】7. To little Johnny, the two letters "p" and "q" are so _______ each other that

【評論內容】prone to 易傾於be similar to 和類似

【評論主題】14.The manager is suffering from severe____ as a result of working six weeks without a day off.(A) s

【評論內容】schedule  計畫表appetite 胃口

【評論主題】【題組】19. (A) For instance (B) In addition (C) However (D) As a result

【評論內容】A 例如= for exampleB 此外= what's more

【評論主題】5. The _____ started with a ritual dance performed by the young women in the tribe.(A) festivities (

【評論內容】festival 祭典burrow 洞穴

【評論主題】29. They spent much time practicing their speeches. Therefore, their performance was better than ___

【評論內容】their performance= theirs theirs vs ours

【評論主題】8. The British _____ was at its peak at the start of the 20th century.(A) stem (B) fasting (C) peasa

【評論內容】beV 前 應該要放名詞empire 帝國

【評論主題】7. If you commit a crime, you must _____ to the punishment.(A) submit (B) endure (C) conquer (D) ind

【評論內容】submit to 承服endure 忍受

【評論主題】4. Please write a _____ about your summer vacation.(A) manual (B) champion (C) cooperation (D) parag

【評論內容】(A) manual 手冊(B) champion 冠軍

【評論主題】18.( ) _______ a foreign language takes a lot of time and effort.(A) Learned (B) Learn (C) To learn

【評論內容】to learn 不定詞當主詞

【評論主題】31.My best friend, Mary, shows ______ for the homeless. She usually shares food with them or gives t

【評論內容】(A) gratitude  感激(B) patience 耐心

【評論主題】10 We were all ____by the singer’s wonderful performance on TV.(A) threatened(B) teased(C) skilled(D

【評論內容】impress 感到印象深刻threaten 使威脅

【評論主題】2 The manager has gone to Europe in search of new markets for our ____.(A) mechanics(B) phantoms(C)

【評論內容】. (A) mechanics(B) phantoms 幽魂

【評論主題】4. Long before they moved in, the couple____ the apartment.(A)were cleaning (B)had cleaned(C)have cl

【評論內容】had pp 過去的過去 選過去完成式

【評論主題】6. In recent years, the number of Internet cafés ______ greatly.(A) is increased (B) are increased (

【評論內容】in recent year 搭配 完成式使用

【評論主題】9. Peanut butter is my favorite ____ of ice cream. I love it somuch.(A) flavor (B) cave (C) degree (

【評論內容】A) flavor 口味 (B) cave 洞穴

【評論主題】54. The boy got his toys _____ working in the garden for three days.(A) according to (B) in the midd

【評論內容】A) according to 根據(B) in the middle of 在.... 之中

【評論主題】22. If Austin ________ ten million dollars, he ________ his job.(A) has; quits (B) has; would quit (

【評論內容】if 過去式,S +would/should/could/might 原v

【評論主題】10. This new hospital is ________ with high-­tech devices.(A) scared (B) frightened (C) equipped (D)

【評論內容】be equipped with 有....裝備

【評論主題】7. Technology plays a very important role in modern ________.(A) society (B) patience (C) affection

【評論內容】(A) society 社會 (B) patience 耐心

【評論主題】6、________ diet habit, physical training also plays an important role ________ weight management.(A)

【評論內容】in addition to +Nadditionally,

【評論主題】【題組】29.(A) took(B)made(C) returned(D) ignored

【評論內容】make the money 賺錢

【評論主題】【題組】8. How did the accident ?(A) come in (B) come down (C) come about (D) come across

【評論內容】come about = happencome across= bump into

【評論主題】【題組】3. Jack kept his word and made it to dinner .(A) on time (B) up to the present (C) hand in (D) w

【評論內容】on time 準時up to the present 至今

【評論主題】【題組】8、( )With the imagination, the clouds in the sky are _______ many cute animals.(A)broken into(B)

【評論內容】(A)broken into 分成 (B)related to 和....相關

【評論主題】【題組】10. His bad temper poor relationship with people.(A) showed off (B) took it easy (C) took surpri

【評論內容】show off 炫耀take it easy 放輕鬆

【評論主題】【題組】6. He _ to solve the difficult problems.(A) took over (B) took pains (C) took apart (D) took car

【評論內容】take pains 費力 勞神take over 佔領

【評論主題】【題組】5. You may ask David where he _ next week.(A) stayed (B) stays (C) will stay (D) staying

【評論內容】next week 未來式 will+原v

【評論主題】【題組】43. (A) frustrating (B) forbidden (C) entertaining (D) rewarding

【評論內容】(A) frustrating  沮喪的 (B) forbidden 被拋棄的