【評論主題】People living in the society are very mean and greedy; that is, we live in a(n) ______ society. (A)


記:Adam亞當  ant螞蟻  是世界上最堅定不移的東西

【評論主題】______ is the scientific study of sound. (A) Linguistics (B) Phonology (C) Phonetics (D) Acoustics.




【評論主題】People living in the society are very mean and greedy; that is, we live in a(n) ______ society. (A)


記:Adam亞當  ant螞蟻  是世界上最堅定不移的東西

【評論主題】______ is the scientific study of sound. (A) Linguistics (B) Phonology (C) Phonetics (D) Acoustics.




【評論主題】16. A:Jimmy Fallon is such a great comedian.B: Yeah, his talk show always ___.(A) lifts me up (B) cr


lift sb. up 是不是「鼓舞~人」的意思

【評論主題】32. 何人主張教師應盡量免用體罰,但若頑劣不冥者必須施用體罰,則要鞭打徹底,否則失去體罰的效用?(A)盧梭(J. Rousseau) (B)裴斯塔洛齊(J. Pestalozzi)(C)福祿貝爾(F





【評論主題】【題組】29. (A) disbanded (B) dispersed (C) met (D) split

【評論內容】disband   解散disperse  分散

【評論主題】10. In the second article we look at one outcome: a _____ pension crisis.(A) booming(B) looming(C) l

【評論內容】booming 激增的looming 即將到來的

【評論主題】8. The two countries can agree to _____ on this issue and still have a cooperativerelationship.(A) a

【評論內容】agree to disagree 比較類似compromise的感覺

【評論主題】【題組】30. Neuroscientists have a growing ________ of tools—fMRIs, PET scans, high-density EEGs—towatch



high-density 高濃度、高密度

nocturnal (adj.) 夜間的、夜間活動的

【評論主題】7. It’s a good news for our research team since the government plans to _______ the research and dev


absorb 吸收

divulge 洩漏(107新北也有考出來)

subsidize 資助 

fete 招待(補充:fetus:胎兒

【評論主題】【題組】40. How did women in the 1960s use hair to show objection?(A) They grew long hair.(B) They dyed


 A different formof objection could be seen in the women’s hairstyles in the 1960s. Women’s liberation was expressed in a short-cut,straight and simple hairstyle which underlined equality with men without neglecting femaleattributes.