【評論主題】美國職業籃球聯盟的簡稱為何?(A)CNN (B)CBS (C)NBC (D)NBA


(A)CNN 是美國一個透過有線電視與衛星電視播出的頻道,由泰德·透納於1980年創辦,由時代華納旗下的透納廣播公司所有。CNN被認為是世界第一個全天候播出的新聞頻道,除了在美國境內播出,也有境外頻道對全世界服務。(B)CBS 是一家美國商業無線電視網,而其最早是一家廣播聯播網。(C)NBC 國家廣播公司是美國一家商業電視聯播網及體育廣播電台網,總部位於紐約GE大樓。由於NBC以孔雀圖案作為台徽,NBC又被稱為「孔雀台」。-資料來源:維基百科

【評論主題】美國職業籃球聯盟的簡稱為何?(A)CNN (B)CBS (C)NBC (D)NBA


(A)CNN 是美國一個透過有線電視與衛星電視播出的頻道,由泰德·透納於1980年創辦,由時代華納旗下的透納廣播公司所有。CNN被認為是世界第一個全天候播出的新聞頻道,除了在美國境內播出,也有境外頻道對全世界服務。(B)CBS 是一家美國商業無線電視網,而其最早是一家廣播聯播網。(C)NBC 國家廣播公司是美國一家商業電視聯播網及體育廣播電台網,總部位於紐約GE大樓。由於NBC以孔雀圖案作為台徽,NBC又被稱為「孔雀台」。-資料來源:維基百科

【評論主題】44 The green sulphur spring only in Beitou and in Japan is especially rare and has many _____ health


(B) pleatiful 無此字,應更正為 plentiful (adj.) 豐富的

【評論主題】6 Don’t ____trying to explain it to me. I’ll never understand.(A) pull my leg (B) see eye to eye (C)


題目:I’ll never understand 我絕對不會了解

A 愚弄

B 達成共識

C 喜歡吃甜食

D 白費唇舌







【評論主題】56 Releasing the prisoners for fear of overcrowding might_________ the current rule of law.(A) under


題目:Releasing the prisoners 釋放囚犯/overcrowding 過度擁擠





【評論主題】76 This sleek and sophisticated design might be _________to some of you who don’t believe in the aes


題目:sophisticated 複雜的

【評論主題】65 Many people have made “getting in shape” one of their new year_________ .(A) recreations (B) revo


題目:getting in shape 身體健康狀態變好





【評論主題】70 A _________breakfast of coffee and rolls is served in the lobby between 7 and 10 am.(A) complete






【評論主題】60 Many people engage in risky tasks only for personal satisfaction—they are _________only with thei


題目:engage in 參與/risky tasks 危險的任務/self-esteem 自尊





【評論主題】61 The term rites of passage was introduced by the Flemish anthropologist Arnold van Gennep in 1090


題目:rites of passage 通過儀式





【評論主題】17 Despite his effort to combat fear of height, the dip and turn of the roller coaster still_______


題目:effort to 努力/combat 戰鬥/roller coaster 雲霄飛車





【評論主題】3 Am I _______ to compensation if my ferry is canceled?(A) asked (B) entitled (C) qualified (D) requ






【評論主題】52.An __________ gambler will have a hard time when deciding to stop this bad habit.(A) introvert(B)






【評論主題】47.Jessica’s customers complained because they had to pay twice for their __________.(A) accommodati






【評論主題】40.The newlyweds are on their __________ tour.(A) blossom(B) bosom(C) begotten(D) bridal






【評論主題】11.The 【rustic】 scenery appealed to him so much that he bought a house there.(A) rural(B) deserted(C


題目:rustic 鄉下的





【評論主題】67.When it comes to catching the bad guys, a ________ camera is a police officer’s best friend.(A) m


surveillance camera 監控攝影機

【評論主題】59.Soon all our natural resources will be used up if we do not ________ our levels of consumption.(A












【評論主題】76 This sleek and sophisticated design might be _________to some of you who don’t believe in the aes


題目:sophisticated 複雜的

【評論主題】65 Many people have made “getting in shape” one of their new year_________ .(A) recreations (B) revo


題目:getting in shape 身體健康狀態變好





【評論主題】70 A _________breakfast of coffee and rolls is served in the lobby between 7 and 10 am.(A) complete






【評論主題】60 Many people engage in risky tasks only for personal satisfaction—they are _________only with thei


題目:engage in 參與/risky tasks 危險的任務/self-esteem 自尊





【評論主題】61 The term rites of passage was introduced by the Flemish anthropologist Arnold van Gennep in 1090


題目:rites of passage 通過儀式





【評論主題】56 Releasing the prisoners for fear of overcrowding might_________ the current rule of law.(A) under


題目:Releasing the prisoners 釋放囚犯/overcrowding 過度擁擠





【評論主題】17 Despite his effort to combat fear of height, the dip and turn of the roller coaster still_______


題目:effort to 努力/combat 戰鬥/roller coaster 雲霄飛車





【評論主題】3 Am I _______ to compensation if my ferry is canceled?(A) asked (B) entitled (C) qualified (D) requ






【評論主題】52.An __________ gambler will have a hard time when deciding to stop this bad habit.(A) introvert(B)






【評論主題】47.Jessica’s customers complained because they had to pay twice for their __________.(A) accommodati






【評論主題】40.The newlyweds are on their __________ tour.(A) blossom(B) bosom(C) begotten(D) bridal






【評論主題】11.The 【rustic】 scenery appealed to him so much that he bought a house there.(A) rural(B) deserted(C


題目:rustic 鄉下的





【評論主題】67.When it comes to catching the bad guys, a ________ camera is a police officer’s best friend.(A) m


surveillance camera 監控攝影機

【評論主題】59.Soon all our natural resources will be used up if we do not ________ our levels of consumption.(A






【評論主題】44 The green sulphur spring only in Beitou and in Japan is especially rare and has many _____ health


(B) pleatiful 無此字,應更正為 plentiful (adj.) 豐富的

【評論主題】6 Don’t ____trying to explain it to me. I’ll never understand.(A) pull my leg (B) see eye to eye (C)


題目:I’ll never understand 我絕對不會了解

A 愚弄

B 達成共識

C 喜歡吃甜食

D 白費唇舌

【評論主題】48 張三於民國 101 年 10 月 15 日訂約參加旅行社舉辦之蘭卡威夢中海 5 日遊,並已繳付團費新臺幣20,000 元,該旅遊團預定於民國 101 年 10 月 31 日出團;因旅行社與航空公




當天以後 100%

前1天 50%

2~20天 30%

21~30天 20%

31~40天 10%

41天~ 5%

【評論主題】57 日本三大祭典中位於大阪的是:(A)祗園祭 (B)神田祭 (C)天神祭 (D)時代祭


(D) 時代祭 是日本京都每年舉辦的祭典,為京都三大祭(葵祭、祇園祭、時代祭)之一,每年10月22日於京都的平安神宮舉行。











選項D為 500+100+100+100=800

【評論主題】65 Many people have made “getting in shape” one of their new year_________ .(A) recreations (B) revo


題目:getting in shape 身體健康狀態變好





【評論主題】76 This sleek and sophisticated design might be _________to some of you who don’t believe in the aes


題目:sophisticated 複雜的

【評論主題】70 A _________breakfast of coffee and rolls is served in the lobby between 7 and 10 am.(A) complete






【評論主題】56 Releasing the prisoners for fear of overcrowding might_________ the current rule of law.(A) under


題目:Releasing the prisoners 釋放囚犯/overcrowding 過度擁擠





【評論主題】73 On occasions of loss and grief, we should use the most appropriate words to express our_________


題目:occasions 場合/loss and grief 失落或悲傷(A)考慮(B)沉思(C)弔辭;弔唁;慰問(D)自滿

【評論主題】52 A group of young students has taken the _________through social media to organize a rally against


(C)instruction 教學;教育(+in);教誨

【評論主題】39 The past years have seen many_________ in the telecommunications industry, such as the developmen






【評論主題】61 The term rites of passage was introduced by the Flemish anthropologist Arnold van Gennep in 1090


題目:rites of passage 通過儀式





【評論主題】60 Many people engage in risky tasks only for personal satisfaction—they are _________only with thei


題目:engage in 參與/risky tasks 危險的任務/self-esteem 自尊





【評論主題】53 Wild Formosa Sika deer became_________ due to extensive hunting of the animal during the Dutch co






【評論主題】40 Joe works around the clock. He’s really_________ to make money and get ahead in the company.(A) d






【評論主題】45 The “Ambassador” is centrally located in Hsinchu, a few minutes by car from the station. It offer






【評論主題】38 Do they have a _________plan if it rains tomorrow and they can’t go hiking?(A) convenience (B) co






【評論主題】17 Despite his effort to combat fear of height, the dip and turn of the roller coaster still_______


題目:effort to 努力/combat 戰鬥/roller coaster 雲霄飛車





【評論主題】13Recently, extreme weather and climate events in the form of heat waves, droughts and floods seem t






【評論主題】3 Am I _______ to compensation if my ferry is canceled?(A) asked (B) entitled (C) qualified (D) requ






【評論主題】2 Seeing the rise of new media technology, many people predict newspapers will soon be _______ .(A)






【評論主題】67 Client: Are there any direct flights to Paris?Clerk: No, you would have to_________ in Amsterdam.






【評論主題】【題組】36 (A) viewpoint (B) advantage (C) share (D) control






【評論主題】52.An __________ gambler will have a hard time when deciding to stop this bad habit.(A) introvert(B)






【評論主題】47.Jessica’s customers complained because they had to pay twice for their __________.(A) accommodati






【評論主題】40.The newlyweds are on their __________ tour.(A) blossom(B) bosom(C) begotten(D) bridal






【評論主題】55.The __________at the information desk in a hotel provides traveling information to guests.(A) bel






【評論主題】50.People __________fireworks to celebrate New Year.(A) get off(B) take off(C) let off(D) put off






【評論主題】44.If you want to work in tourism, you need to know how to work as part of a team. But sometimes, yo






【評論主題】40.Cathedrals, mosques, and temples are all __________ buildings.(A) religious(B) natural(C) politic






【評論主題】12.Due to the impending disaster, we have to __________ our flight to Bangkok.(A) provide(B) cancel(






【評論主題】11.The 【rustic】 scenery appealed to him so much that he bought a house there.(A) rural(B) deserted(C


題目:rustic 鄉下的





【評論主題】28.The Ministry of the Interior has decided to __________ telephone fraud.(A) dismiss(B) discharge(C


題目:telephone fraud 電話詐騙





【評論主題】27.The Department of Health urged the public to receive H1N1 flu shot as a __________ against potent






【評論主題】26.These ancient porcelains are very __________ and might break easily, so please handle them carefu


題目:porcelain 瓷器





【評論主題】22.The birth rate in Taiwan was at a/an __________ low last year.(A) record(B) recorded(C) recording


accordingly 照著;相應地

【評論主題】19.Mary is __________ divorce because her husband is having an affair with his secretary.(A) control


題目:having an affair 婚外情

(A) controlling to 控制(B) filing for 提起訴訟(C) calling for 來取某物;要求(D) accustomed to 習慣


(A)選項錯誤,control少一個「 l 」

【評論主題】16.There are eight __________ for the Academy Award for the best picture this year.(A) attendants(B)


題目:Academy Award 學術獎





【評論主題】14.Tom was __________ from his school for stealing and cheating on the exams.(A) exempted(B) expelle






【評論主題】13.It is said that there are only a few lucky days __________ for getting married in 2010.(A) elated






【評論主題】8.Living in a highly __________ society, some Taiwanese children are forced by their parents to lear






【評論主題】6.Although the unemployment rate reached an all-time high in mid-2009, it has fallen for four ______


題目:unemployment rate 失業率





【評論主題】33.If you’re travelling to the United States, you may need a __________.(A) vicar(B) villa(C) vista(


vicar 教區牧師;代理人

vista 遠景

【評論主題】28.You must check the __________ date of your passport. You may need to apply for a new one.(A) expl






【評論主題】24.Neither you, nor I, nor he __________ in Mr. Brown’s class.(A) am(B) is(C) are(D) be


1. either A or B ___

2. neither A nor B ____v._ 須與B相符

【評論主題】67.When it comes to catching the bad guys, a ________ camera is a police officer’s best friend.(A) m


surveillance camera 監控攝影機

【評論主題】59.Soon all our natural resources will be used up if we do not ________ our levels of consumption.(A






【評論主題】8.________ and you will overcome these difficulties.(A) Persecute(B) Predominate(C) Persevere(D) Pre


(A) Persecute 迫害(B) Predominate 掌握(C) Persevere 持之以恆(D) Preserve 保留

【評論主題】57.It is always a good idea to buy ________. If you get sick or lose one of your possessions while t


(D) travel insurance 旅遊保險