【評論主題】14 如果執行卡方適合度檢定(顯著水準為α )時有許多細格(cell)的期望次數太少,會造成下列那一種影響?(A)該檢定比較容易拒絕 H0 (B)該檢定的檢定力會變小(C)該檢定的檢定統計量自由度會變




有許多細格(cell)的期望次數太少 > 被合併的格子越多>自由度越少>檢定統計量越小>越容易拒絕Ho?

【評論主題】14 如果執行卡方適合度檢定(顯著水準為α )時有許多細格(cell)的期望次數太少,會造成下列那一種影響?(A)該檢定比較容易拒絕 H0 (B)該檢定的檢定力會變小(C)該檢定的檢定統計量自由度會變




有許多細格(cell)的期望次數太少 > 被合併的格子越多>自由度越少>檢定統計量越小>越容易拒絕Ho?

【評論主題】14 如果執行卡方適合度檢定(顯著水準為α )時有許多細格(cell)的期望次數太少,會造成下列那一種影響?(A)該檢定比較容易拒絕 H0 (B)該檢定的檢定力會變小(C)該檢定的檢定統計量自由度會變




有許多細格(cell)的期望次數太少 > 被合併的格子越多>自由度越少>檢定統計量越小>越容易拒絕Ho?

【評論主題】8. Education helps us gain more _____ of the world and makes us better people.(A)university (B) popu


popularity n.  受歡迎  to win popularity with the students.

【評論主題】3 Let's be honest about it we'll never agree on that because our views are diametrically .


 our views are diametrically opposed on this issue.  在這個問題上 我們的觀點大相徑庭

【評論主題】7. _____ John _____ Mary went to the party yesterday because they had to work overtime.(A) Either…or


依題意不行去 : neither A nor B 表示「A 或 B 都不行去」

【評論主題】3 Let's be honest about it we'll never agree on that because our views are diametrically .


 our views are diametrically opposed on this issue.  在這個問題上 我們的觀點大相徑庭

【評論主題】7. _____ John _____ Mary went to the party yesterday because they had to work overtime.(A) Either…or


依題意不行去 : neither A nor B 表示「A 或 B 都不行去」

【評論主題】8. Education helps us gain more _____ of the world and makes us better people.(A)university (B) popu


popularity n.  受歡迎  to win popularity with the students.

【評論主題】7國際回信郵票券係由何種會員國相互約定、發售及兌換郵票之一種有價證券?(A)聯合國 (B)萬國郵政聯盟(C)世界貿易組織 (D)國際聯盟



【評論主題】3 Let's be honest about it we'll never agree on that because our views are diametrically .


 our views are diametrically opposed on this issue.  在這個問題上 我們的觀點大相徑庭

【評論主題】7. _____ John _____ Mary went to the party yesterday because they had to work overtime.(A) Either…or


依題意不行去 : neither A nor B 表示「A 或 B 都不行去」

【評論主題】The driver was driving her car and reading a text message, and that was exactly _____ she bumped int


(A)why   名詞子句的用法  *正確(B)which 關係代名詞  前面沒有名詞 不可以選它(C)where 沒有講到地方(D)whether   是否  與文意不符

【評論主題】【題組】 ⑵請求出以下每一等價類(the equivalence classes)之內容:[(1, 3)], [(2, 4)], [(1, 1)]。

