【評論主題】104. Our company works _____ to assist employees and their families as they apply forand receive fin

【評論內容】Our company works(動詞) _____ to assist employees and their families as they apply for and receive financial aid.

【評論主題】104. Our company works _____ to assist employees and their families as they apply forand receive fin

【評論內容】Our company works(動詞) _____ to assist employees and their families as they apply for and receive financial aid.

【評論主題】220. 臺南市地理位置最南的是下列哪一個區?(A)白河區 (B)七股區 (C)關廟區 (D)南化區。


【評論主題】【題組】15. (A) among (B) regarding (C) including (D) through


 Since its opening, the Nobel Peace Center has been educating, inspiring and entertaining its visitors __15__ exhibitions, activities, lectures, and cultural events. 

自開放以來,諾貝爾和平中心一直在教育、啟發和娛樂訪客 __15__ 展覽、活動、講座和文化活動。

(A) among其中

(B) regarding關於

(C) including包括

(D) through通過 透過


 Since its opening, the Nobel Peace Center has been educating, inspiring and entertaining its visitors through exhibitions, activities, lectures, and cultural events. 

The Nobel Peace Center is located in an old train...

【評論主題】【題組】14. (A) in this regard (B) one on one (C) on their own (D) by and large


Visitors are welcome to experience the Center __14__ or join a guided tour.

歡迎遊客體驗中心 __14__ 或參加導覽遊。

(A) in this regard在這方面

(B) one on one一對一  

(C) on their own靠自己 自行體驗

(D) by and large總的來說

【評論主題】【題組】13. (A) related (B) limited (C) addicted (D) contributed

【評論內容】In addition, it serves as a meeting place where exhibits, discussions, and reflections __13__ to war, peace, and conflict resolution are in focus. 此外,它還是一個集會場所,展示、討論和反思 __13__ 戰爭、和平和解決衝突的焦點。(A) related相關 有關(+to)(B) limited有限的,不多的(+in/to)(C) addicted使沉溺;使成癮(+to)(D) contributed捐獻(+to/towards)

【評論主題】【題組】12. (A) so much as (B) as well as (C) in spite of (D) on behalf of


 It is a center where you can experience and learn about the various Nobel Peace Prize Laureates and their activities __12__ the remarkable history of Alfred Nobel, the founder of the Nobel Prize.


(A) so much as 這麼多

(B) as well as以及

(C) in spite of儘管

(D) on behalf of代表

【評論主題】第 11 至 15 題為題組 The Nobel Peace Center is located in an old train station building close to the Oslo


It was officially opened on June 11, 2005 as part of the celebrations to __11__ Norway’s centenary as an independent country.

它於 2005 年 6 月 11 日正式開放,作為慶祝 __11__ 挪威成為獨立國家一百週年的一部分。

(A) help幫

(B) solve解決

(C) take拿

(D) mark標記(紀念)

【評論主題】5. Poor _____ has caused millions of deaths in developing countries where there is only a limitedamo


 Poor _____ has caused millions of deaths in developing countries where there is only a limited amount of food.


(A) reputation聲譽

(B) nutrition營養

(C) construction施工

(D) stimulation刺激

 poor  nutrition營養不良

【評論主題】4. Jason always _____ in finishing a task no matter how difficult it may be. He hates to quit halfwa


Jason always _____ in finishing a task no matter how difficult it may be.

He hates to quit halfway in anything he does.

無論多麼困難,傑森總是_____完成任務。 他討厭做任何事情都半途而廢。

(A) persists持續

(B) motivates激勵

(C) fascinates令人著迷

(D) sacrifices 犧牲

persist (v.) 堅持+ in + Ving 

【評論主題】60. 效標參照測驗的信度適合下列何者表示之?(A)折半信度 (B)百分比一致性 (C)再測信度 (D)預期表






【評論主題】79. 當學生回答教師的提問時所說出的答案不完全時,教師會說:「請再加一些,說詳細點」,是屬於下列哪一種處理方式?(A)釐清(B)證明(C)延伸(D)再發問






2釐清:要求學生解釋的更清楚些。→學生表達不清楚、詞不達意或是用詞不適切→「請用你自己的話說說看」、「請舉例說明你的意思」、「請重說你的答案」 可使師生之間的溝通更清楚也適用於同學相互間的溝通 



【評論主題】28. 若資料的分布呈現左偏(skewed to the left)分布時,中位數、眾數、平均數,其數值由小到大的順序為?(A) 平均數、中位數、眾數 (B) 中位數、平均數、眾數(C) 眾數、中位數


資料的分布呈現左偏→左偏態→曲線 左端 的尾部較長,資料大多在右邊故平均數<中位數<眾數 

【評論主題】24. 雲林縣警察局為拼治安,每天晚上十點鐘起在中山高速公路斗南收費站攔檢車輛,每通過100 輛小客車攔檢一輛,直到隔日凌晨兩點止,此一攔檢屬於:(A) 分層抽樣法 (B) 集體抽樣法 (C) 立意抽


(A) 分層抽樣法 :將母體分為各個不重複的「層」,再從中抽出相同比例樣本。

                           • 層與層之間的樣本差異較大,層內樣本差異較小 。

(B) 集體抽樣法= 叢集抽樣=群集抽樣=部落抽樣:將母體分為數個群集,再 從群集抽出數個團體做樣調查。

                             • 群集與群集間的差異較小,群集內 的差異 較大 。

(C) 立意抽樣法=判斷抽樣,由研究者根據個人主觀判斷而選取最適合研究目的的樣本;是在特殊狀況下被接受的抽樣種類。(D) 系統抽樣法: 只做一次簡單隨機抽樣,就依固定間隔取樣。每通過 100 輛小客車攔檢一輛→固定間隔取樣

【評論主題】23. 使用集體抽樣法 ( cluster sampling ) 進行抽樣時,所須注意的群體特性劃分原則是:(A) 群體內差異要大,群體間差異要小 (B) 群體內差異要小,群體間差異要大(C) 群體內


集體抽樣法= 叢集抽樣=群集抽樣=部落抽樣:將母體分為數個群集,再 從群集抽出數個團體做樣調查。

                             • 群集與群集間的差異較小,群集內 的差異 較大 。

【評論主題】10 若 26 位參加統計學測驗之考生的成績皆不相同,在進行複閱之後,發現最高分者分數有誤,還要再加 2 分。試問以下統計量何者不受最高分者加分影響?(A)算術平均數 (B)標準差 (C)中位數 (D

【評論內容】答案為C發現最高分者分數有誤,還要再 加 2 分→只有最高分者分數加2分,其他人分數不變(A)算術平均數 →受極端值影響