【評論主題】4. King Charles III’s visit to Germany and France at the end of this month is taken as agesture of t


(A) sanction (n.) 制裁

(B) recalibration (n.) 重新調整想法或期望

(C) vexation (n.) 煩惱、苦惱

(D) reconciliation (n.) 和好、和解

【評論主題】2. To properly classify the newly discovered species, the biologist studied its unique _____characte


(A) archaeologica☆ (☆☆☆.)★★★★


【評論主題】3. The scientist’s _____ discovery involved the development of a new and highly accuratemethod for m


(A) controversial (adj.) 充滿爭議的

(B) serendipitous ---serendipity (n.) 機緣、幸運

(C) fallible (adj.) 容易出錯的

(D) trailblazing (adj.) 開創性的

【評論主題】3. Jeremiah’s family and friends had been __________ searching for him for two days after he wentmis

【評論內容】(A) detrimentally (adv.) 有危害地

(B) ludicrously (adv.) 荒謬可笑地

(C) apprehensively (adv.)擔憂地、擔心地

(D) nonchalantly (adv.) 若無其事地、漠不關心地

【評論主題】8. The wealthy tycoon’s __________ donations to charity and philanthropic causes earned himwidesprea


(A) jejune (adj.) 幼稚的、不成熟的

(B) pellucid (adj.) (意思)清楚明白的、清晰的

(C) exculpatory (adj.) 開脫罪責的

(D) munificent (adj.) 慷慨的、大方的

【評論主題】4. After hearing the jury’s verdict, the defendant, with a(n) __________ look on his face, proceeded


(A) inscrutable (adj.) (人或表情)高深莫測的、難以捉摸的

(B) querulous (adj.) 愛抱怨的、愛發牢騷的

(C) improvident (adj.) 揮霍的、奢侈的、無遠見的

(D) pernicious (adj.) 極其有害的、惡劣的

【評論主題】7. There you go __________ again! You are always finding fault with the way I do things.(A) divertin


(A) diverting --- divert (v.)分散、轉移(注意力)

(B) equivocating ---equivocate (v.) (指為隱瞞真相)含糊其詞

(C) carping ---carp (v.) 挑惕、吹毛求疵

(D) preening ---preen (v.) 精心打扮

【評論主題】6. In Kafka’s characteristically surreal story The Hunger Artist, the main character “entertains” th


(A) lachrymose (adj.) 悲傷的、愛哭的

(B) emaciated (adj.) 憔悴的

(C) superfluous (adj.) 過多的、多餘的

(D) satiated (adj.) 飽足的

【評論主題】5. The graceful curves of the colonial-era buildings that dominated the old part of the city contras


(A) festive (adj.) 節慶的

(B) grimy (adj.) 骯髒的

(C) angular (adj.) 有尖角的、尖的

(D) indolent (adj.) 懶散的、懶惰的

【評論主題】2. Last month, my wife had ignored me for a whole week, for I forgot our wedding anniversary. She wa


(A) grandiose (adj.) 誇大的、不切實際的

(B) heinous (adj.) 極其惡劣的、令人震驚的

(C) obdurate (adj.) 固執的、(人)倔強的

(D) dormant (adj.) 沈睡的、休眠的

【評論主題】1. The professor _______ his theory during the lecture and gave only a vague outline of hisideas, le

【評論內容】(A) besmirch (v.) 玷污、★★(★★★)


【評論主題】1. As a scientist, I was _______ when I first heard the claim that a single cup of coffee could cure


(A) habitable (adj.) 適合居住的

(B) incredulous (adj.) 不敢相信的、感到懷疑的

(C) anomalous (adj.) 反常的、異常的

(D) actuarial (adj.) 保險精算師的、保險精算的

【評論主題】1. The national team received ______ for the world championship in the Olympic Gamesfor the first ti


(A) compulsion (n.) 強烈慾望

(B) commendation (n.) 稱讚、讚揚(C) impeachment (n.) 彈劾

(D) opprobrium (n.) 譴責、抨擊  *opprobrious (adj.) 抨擊的、譴責的

【評論主題】1. Pathfinding in games must appeal to player expectations for plausibility and naturalness, which i


(A) optimal (adj.) 最優的、最佳的

(B) permeable (adj.) 瀰漫的

(C) quixotic (adj.) 不切實際的、異想天開的

(D) preternatural (adj.) 超自然的

【評論主題】4. King Charles III’s visit to Germany and France at the end of this month is taken as agesture of t


(A) sanction (n.) 制裁

(B) recalibration (n.) 重新調整想法或期望

(C) vexation (n.) 煩惱、苦惱

(D) reconciliation (n.) 和好、和解

【評論主題】3. The scientist’s _____ discovery involved the development of a new and highly accuratemethod for m


(A) controversial (adj.) 充滿爭議的

(B) serendipitous ---serendipity (n.) 機緣、幸運

(C) fallible (adj.) 容易出錯的

(D) trailblazing (adj.) 開創性的

【評論主題】2. To properly classify the newly discovered species, the biologist studied its unique _____characte


(A) archaeologica☆ (☆☆☆.)★★★★


【評論主題】8. The wealthy tycoon’s __________ donations to charity and philanthropic causes earned himwidesprea


(A) jejune (adj.) 幼稚的、不成熟的

(B) pellucid (adj.) (意思)清楚明白的、清晰的

(C) exculpatory (adj.) 開脫罪責的

(D) munificent (adj.) 慷慨的、大方的

【評論主題】7. There you go __________ again! You are always finding fault with the way I do things.(A) divertin


(A) diverting --- divert (v.)分散、轉移(注意力)

(B) equivocating ---equivocate (v.) (指為隱瞞真相)含糊其詞

(C) carping ---carp (v.) 挑惕、吹毛求疵

(D) preening ---preen (v.) 精心打扮

【評論主題】6. In Kafka’s characteristically surreal story The Hunger Artist, the main character “entertains” th


(A) lachrymose (adj.) 悲傷的、愛哭的

(B) emaciated (adj.) 憔悴的

(C) superfluous (adj.) 過多的、多餘的

(D) satiated (adj.) 飽足的

【評論主題】5. The graceful curves of the colonial-era buildings that dominated the old part of the city contras


(A) festive (adj.) 節慶的

(B) grimy (adj.) 骯髒的

(C) angular (adj.) 有尖角的、尖的

(D) indolent (adj.) 懶散的、懶惰的

【評論主題】4. After hearing the jury’s verdict, the defendant, with a(n) __________ look on his face, proceeded


(A) inscrutable (adj.) (人或表情)高深莫測的、難以捉摸的

(B) querulous (adj.) 愛抱怨的、愛發牢騷的

(C) improvident (adj.) 揮霍的、奢侈的、無遠見的

(D) pernicious (adj.) 極其有害的、惡劣的

【評論主題】3. Jeremiah’s family and friends had been __________ searching for him for two days after he wentmis

【評論內容】(A) detrimentally (adv.) 有危害地

(B) ludicrously (adv.) 荒謬可笑地

(C) apprehensively (adv.)擔憂地、擔心地

(D) nonchalantly (adv.) 若無其事地、漠不關心地

【評論主題】2. Last month, my wife had ignored me for a whole week, for I forgot our wedding anniversary. She wa


(A) grandiose (adj.) 誇大的、不切實際的

(B) heinous (adj.) 極其惡劣的、令人震驚的

(C) obdurate (adj.) 固執的、(人)倔強的

(D) dormant (adj.) 沈睡的、休眠的

【評論主題】1. The professor _______ his theory during the lecture and gave only a vague outline of hisideas, le

【評論內容】(A) besmirch (v.) 玷污、★★(★★★)


【評論主題】1. As a scientist, I was _______ when I first heard the claim that a single cup of coffee could cure


(A) habitable (adj.) 適合居住的

(B) incredulous (adj.) 不敢相信的、感到懷疑的

(C) anomalous (adj.) 反常的、異常的

(D) actuarial (adj.) 保險精算師的、保險精算的

【評論主題】1. The national team received ______ for the world championship in the Olympic Gamesfor the first ti


(A) compulsion (n.) 強烈慾望

(B) commendation (n.) 稱讚、讚揚(C) impeachment (n.) 彈劾

(D) opprobrium (n.) 譴責、抨擊  *opprobrious (adj.) 抨擊的、譴責的

【評論主題】1. Pathfinding in games must appeal to player expectations for plausibility and naturalness, which i


(A) optimal (adj.) 最優的、最佳的

(B) permeable (adj.) 瀰漫的

(C) quixotic (adj.) 不切實際的、異想天開的

(D) preternatural (adj.) 超自然的

【評論主題】8. The company’s announcement of the new construction project has received _______ supportfrom local

【評論內容】公司公佈的新建設計畫得到了當地居民的冷淡支持,因此有謠言表示執行團隊正在考慮取消這個建設計畫。(A) sedentary 缺乏運動的Ex: My doctor says I should start playing sports because my lifestyle is too sedentary.(B) germane (想法、訊息等)有密切關係的,有重要意義的Ex: Her remarks could not have been more germane to the discussion.(C) lukewarm 冷淡的,不熱情的Ex: Her proposals got a lukewarm response.(D) vehement (感情)強烈的;猛烈的Ex: They launched a vehement attack on the government's handling of environmental issues.

【評論主題】10. At the 2019 Cannes Film Festival, all jury members were fascinated by Bong Joon-ho’s blackcomedy


在 2019 年坎城影展上,所有評審團成員都被奉俊昊所執導的黑色幽默驚悚劇情片《寄生上流》迷住了。在討論中,他們一致認為這部電影是所有參賽影片中最好的,應該頒發最高榮譽獎。

(A) capricious 反覆無常的

Ex: He was a cruel and capricious tyrant.

(B) tenacious 緊握的;頑固的;固執的

Ex: There has been tenacious local opposition to the new airport.

(C) unanimous (團體)意見一致的;(決定或裁決)一致通過的,獲得全體支援的

EX: After a lengthy discussion we reached a unanimous decision on the proposal.

(D) veracious 誠實的;真實的,正確的

Ex: He is a veracious and trustworthy historian.

【評論主題】12. At first, we started playing the audio book in our car out of boredom during the 3-hour ride,but


起初,我們在 3 小時的車程中無聊地開始在車上播放有聲書,但最終被它的故事內容迷住了,以至於到達目的地時還不想下車。

(A) concocted 編造,捏造,虛構(藉口、解釋或故事)

Ex: He concocted a story about working late at the office.

(B) enthralled 迷住,使著迷;吸引住

Ex: The baseball game completely enthralled the crowd.

(C) thwarted 反對;阻撓;挫敗

Ex: Our holiday plans were thwarted by the airline pilots' strike.

(D) gnawed 使煩惱

Ex: I've been gnawed by guilt about not replying to her letter yet.

【評論主題】11. My supervisor’s tendency to _______ makes him an unsuitable leader of the group.Unfortunately, m

【評論內容】我的主管優柔寡斷的傾向使他不適合成為團隊的領導者。可惜老闆看不出來他的優柔寡斷,還是把幾個重要的項目託付給他。(A) subjugate 克制、抑制(B) vacillate 躊躇;猶豫;搖擺不定EX: Her mood vacillated between hope and despair.(C) patronize 經常光顧,經常惠顧(商店、餐館等)(D) incarcerate 監禁;禁閉、困住Ex: We were incarcerated in that broken elevator for four hours.*indecisiveness = indecision 優柔寡斷,無決斷力

【評論主題】1. It was stunning when the YouTuber introduced the _______ sea-facing apartment, which wasworth mor


(A) viable (adj.) 可以實施的、可望成功的

Ex: I am afraid that your plan is not financially viable.

(B) finite (adj.) 有限的;有限制的;有盡的

(C) lavish (adj.) 奢華的,豪華的ExThe lavish production makes this musical truly memorable.

(D) rigid (adj.) 僵硬的;固定的;不能彎曲的

【評論主題】Il. Cloze Test : A and B are multiple choices, C is blank-filling A) Human language is made possible


(A) latitude (n.) 緯度

(B) aptitude(n.) 天資,資質;才能

(C) multitude

*a multitude of 許多,眾多

(D) platitude (n.) 陳腔濫調;老生常談

【評論主題】8. We do not yet have the theory of everything, but most physical phenomena are readily_______(A) fr


(A) frivolous (adj. ) 無聊的、不重要的

Ex: I feel like doing something completely frivolous today.

(B) palatable (adj.) 美味的;可口的

Ex: The meal was barely palatable.

(C) terse (adj.) 簡潔的

Ex: The president issued a terse statement denying the charges.

(D) explicable(adj.)可解釋的;可辨明的

Ex: Under the circumstances, what happened was quite explicable .

【評論主題】7. The landlord _______the tenants who didn't keep up their payments.(A) eschewed (B) blasted (


The landlord evicted the tenants who didn't keep up their payments.


(A) eschewed

*eschew (v.) 迴避,避開;放棄

(B) blasted

*blast (v.) 炸毀;爆破 ; 抨撃,嚴厲批評

(C) infringed

*infringe (v.) 違反、違背

(D) evicted

*evict (v.) 驅逐;趕走,逐出

Ex: Tenants who fall behind in their rent risk being evicted.

【評論主題】14. The accused managed to _______away the false signature, but it was clear that he was guilty.(A)

【評論內容】(A) erase* erase sth、 ☆☆☆☆☆ ☆☆☆...

【評論主題】13. Whether chocolate is in _______desserts or crunchy candy, people the world over are in love with

【評論內容】(A) palpable (adj.) ★★★★,★★★★;...

【評論主題】6. Firefighters searched for survivors, combing the remains of houses and neighborhood _______ by th

【評論內容】Firefighters searche☆ ☆☆☆ ...

【評論主題】5. The law _______that steel furnace slag could only be used for road paving, not on farmlands.(A) s


【評論主題】4. John was in such a(n)_______ that he didn't know whether to advance or give up.(A)predilecti

【評論內容】John was in such a p☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆...

【評論主題】2. When the U.S. stock market collapsed in 1987, the Japanese stock market was the most _______(A) r

【評論內容】(A) resilient (adj.) ★★★★;★★★★...

【評論主題】1. John cannot make a decision right now. Let me_______ on it and I'll get back to you by the w

【評論內容】(A) mired * be/bec☆☆☆ ☆☆☆☆☆ (...

【評論主題】18. ______Lulu hurt her leg, ______he wasn’t in a good mood (心情) then.(A) Because; so (B) Because; X

【評論內容】because 跟 so 不可以同時出現...

【評論主題】16. Ivy was busy this morning. She mopped the floors and ______the bathrooms.(A) clean (B) cleans (C

【評論內容】and 為對等連接詞 前面用mopped★★........

【評論主題】2. There was no food at home, so we ________ to therestaurant.(A) didn’t go (B) don’t go (C) went (D


【評論主題】9. Choose the correct sentence. (選出正確的句子)(A) Come meet my family.(B) This is a eraser.(C) This is my

【評論內容】(B) This is "an"eras☆☆.(☆) ☆☆☆☆ ...

【評論主題】8. Emma is ______. She studies (讀書) in theelementary school.(A) ten year old (B) a ten-year-old girl

【評論內容】Emma is ten years ol☆. (☆☆☆☆★★10...

【評論主題】2. A: Isn’t that your uncle? B: _________(A) No. He is my uncle.(B) No. He is a police officer.(C) Y

【評論內容】題目詢問 : 他是你的叔叔嗎?(A) (☆) ☆☆....

【評論主題】1. A________ beach shack in this coastal town was transformed into a luxurioussix-bedroom mansion wi


(A) ramshackle 搖搖欲墜的;東倒西歪的;要散架的

      Ex: There's a ramshackle old shed at the bottom of the garden

(B) precocious 早熟的

(C) multifarious 各式各樣的

(D) lethargic 無精打采的;懶散的,倦怠的

    Ex: I was feeling tired and lethargic.

*shack 簡陋小屋,棚屋

【評論主題】1.Many countries don’t let their people go around___________ Covid-19.(A) thanks for (B) as for (C)

【評論內容】because of .....看完整詳...

【評論主題】3. They quickly walked past the decrepit market, disturbed by the ______ odor of the rotting vegetab


(A) fetid 惡臭的;腐臭的

Ex: She tried to inhale as little of the fetid air as possible.

(B) gratuitous (不良行為等)不必要的,無謂的

Ex: A lot of viewers complained that there was too much gratuitous sex and violence in the film.

(C) onerous  繁重的;麻煩的;艱巨的

Ex: She found the duties of motherhood onerous.

(D) stingy 小氣的,吝嗇的

【評論主題】1. People were ______ by the murderer’s attitude. Apparently, he showed no compunction about his cri


(A) appalled 驚駭的;震驚的

   appall (v.) 使震驚

   Ex: I was appalled at/by the lack of staff in the hospital.

(B) compounded

(C) elated 得意揚揚的;興高采烈的

  Ex: The prince was reported to be elated at/by the birth of his daughter.

(D) redressed 矯正的;補償的;賠償損失的

   redress (v.) 糾正,矯正;補償,向…賠償損失

   Ex: Most managers, politicians and bosses are men - how can women redress the balance (= make the situation fairer and more equal)?

*compunction 良心的不安;內疚;自責;後悔

Ex: I wouldn't have any compunction about telling him to leave...

【評論主題】7. It has been great to witness the transformation of this ________ housing into beautifully renovat


(A) duplicitous 雙面的 = deceitful

    Ex: The leaked documents reveal the duplicitous nature of government propaganda.

(B) debonair (尤指男人)有魅力的,明亮照人的,風度翩翩的

   Ex: He strolled about, looking very debonair in his elegant new suit.

(C) doughty 頑強勇敢的;不屈服的

   Ex: She has been for many years a doughty campaigner for women's rights.

(D) dilapidated 年久失修的,破敗的,破舊的

   EX: The hotel we stayed in was really dilapidated...

【評論主題】2. The country has been ________ by drought ever since the river that ran along the border was cut o

【評論內容】(A) bedridden    Ex: His aunt was 93 and bedridden.

(B) mandated

    Ex: At the forthcoming elections, the government will be seeking a fresh mandate from the people.

(C) stricken

    Ex: My country has been stricken by war for the past five years.

(D) validated

   Ex: The data is validated automatically by the computer after it has been entered.

【評論主題】5. Stephen Hawking is recognized for his ________ work on black holes and singularities. His theory


(A) demeaning 羞辱的,貶低的

      Ex: That advertisement is demeaning to women.

(B) flamboyant 炫耀的;賣弄的

    EX: The writer's flamboyant lifestyle was well known.

(C) indulgent 遷就的;縱容的;寛容的

  Ex: He had been a strict father but was indulgent to/towards his grandchildren.

(D)trailblazing 開創性的,開拓性的

EX: He cited the California judges' trailblazing role in overturning a ban on interracial marriage 56 years ago.

【評論主題】9. With both important subway lines passing through it, the station has become an important ________


(A) junction 聯結點;樞紐;(公路的)交叉口;(鐵路)聯絡車站

    Ex: In the 19th century the town became an important railway junction.

(B) multitude 許多,眾多= multifarious 

   Ex: The library offers a whole multitude of books for young readers.

(C) predicate 斷言,斷定,肯定

   Ex: It would be unwise to predicate that the disease is caused by a virus before further tests have been carried out.

(D) signifier 符號,標記,象徵、示意的人(或物),示意動作

  Ex: The image of Santa Claus is a cultural signifier of Christmas.

【評論主題】4. To ensure the mobility rights, protesters inveigh against the military ________ in their city. (A


(A) subsidy 補助金;津貼,補貼

     EX: The company received a substantial(大筆的) government subsidy.

(B) curfew (尤指戰爭或政治動盪時期實行的)宵禁,戒嚴

    Ex: He was shot for breaking (= not obeying) the curfew.

(C) service 服務

(D) tribunal (尤指由政府正式選定的)特別法庭,審理委員會   

  Ex: They set up a tribunal to deal with the petty criminals.

【評論主題】28. Clara: ________ Ivan: Because she didn’t like its color.(A) Did Cindy have to read the book? (B)

【評論內容】從 Ivan 的答句 Because 可★★★★........

【評論主題】26. Alice: Why aren’t you reading? Daisy: My eyes hurt ______ I stopped reading.(A) because (B) ,so

【評論內容】My eyes hurt 是因I sto☆☆☆☆ ........

【評論主題】25. Amy: ________ Mom put my new pair of shoes?Roy: She put them in my room.(A) How does (B) What di

【評論內容】從Roy的回答 She "put" th☆☆ "☆☆ ☆☆ ...

【評論主題】24. Ken: ________ did John do this morning? Mandy: He did nothing.(A) Why (B) How (C) What (D) Where

【評論內容】(A) Why --> 問原因(B) ☆☆☆ --&☆☆;...

【評論主題】23. There ________ many things in the bedroom yesterday, but there ________ anything in the bedroom

【評論內容】英文中的 there 是用來帶出名詞的,...

【評論主題】22. Andy: ________ you late for school this morning? Odin: No, I wasn’t.(A) Are (B) Do (C) Did (D) W


【評論主題】25. Jimmy has worked all day long without eating anything. He’s _______ now.(A) starving (B) delight

【評論內容】(A) starving (adj.) ★★★(☆) ...

【評論主題】2. They are not my bikes. They are my _____, and they ridethem to work together every morning.(A) mo

【評論內容】(A) mothers' & (☆) ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆'...

【評論主題】21. The _______ body temperature for humans is about 37℃.(A) energetic (B) normal (C) exquisite (D)

【評論內容】(A) energetic (adj.) ★★★★★;...

【評論主題】1. This watch stands _____ my _____ love for my wife.(A) out; last (B) up; lasted (C) for; lasting(D

【評論內容】stand for 代表lasting ★★★,★★★(☆)...

【評論主題】5. I was _________ to my teacher for helping me to get through many difficulties.(A) forgetful (B) u

【評論內容】(A) forgetful (adj.) ★★★(☆) ...

【評論主題】3. Rice and soup is a ______________ breakfast in Japan.(A) former (B) conventional (C) apparent (D)

【評論內容】(A) former (adj.) 早先★;★★★(☆) ...

【評論主題】1.Rachel doesn’t like to reveal her____ when shopping in the traditional market.(A)identity (B)petty

【評論內容】identity 身分reveal ........

【評論主題】5. I was _________ to my teacher for helping me to get through many difficulties.(A) forgetful (B) u

【評論內容】(A) forgetful (adj.) ★★★(☆) ...

【評論主題】3. Rice and soup is a ______________ breakfast in Japan.(A) former (B) conventional (C) apparent (D)

【評論內容】(A) former (adj.) 早先★;★★★(☆) ...

【評論主題】25. Jimmy has worked all day long without eating anything. He’s _______ now.(A) starving (B) delight

【評論內容】(A) starving (adj.) ★★★(☆) ...

【評論主題】21. The _______ body temperature for humans is about 37℃.(A) energetic (B) normal (C) exquisite (D)

【評論內容】(A) energetic (adj.) ★★★★★;...

【評論主題】1. This watch stands _____ my _____ love for my wife.(A) out; last (B) up; lasted (C) for; lasting(D

【評論內容】stand for 代表lasting ★★★,★★★(☆)...