【評論主題】【題組】27.「己所不欲,勿施於人」之意涵,與下列何者最為相近?(A)獨善其身 (B)潔身自好 (C)明哲保身 (D)設身處地





【評論主題】77.DNA複製在真核生物細胞週期(cell cycle)的那一個時期(phase)中進行?(A)G1 (B)S (C)G2 (D)M


(A)G1 休止期,細胞不分裂,合成DNA所需酵素(B)S :DNA複製(C)G2:合成有絲分裂所需的細胞成分(D)M:有絲分裂


【評論主題】56. 下列何者為身體在直線加速(linear acceleration)時協助維持平衡的最主要構造?(A)Ruffini corpuscle (B)organ of Corti (C)semicir


(A)Ruffini corpuscle:為皮膚下的受器

(B)organ of Corti:和聽覺有關(C)semicircular canals半規管:半規管的壺腹脊偵測旋轉加速度(D)utricle and saccule 橢圓囊和球狀囊:主要偵測水平和垂直直線加速度


【評論主題】28.下列哪一字「不屬於」象形字? (A)鼠 (B)牛 (C)郊 (D)虎。


【評論主題】【題組】33. 呈上題,丁激素通常於何時分泌?(A)緊張、運動時 (B)血糖濃度低時 (C)血糖濃度高時 (D)睡覺時


【評論主題】【題組】55.Which is a picture of a mountain bongo?(A) (B) (C) (D)

【評論內容】按照題目的敘述,The coat of ☆ ...

【評論主題】【題組】52. What is that when Kelly says, “Hand it in the day before that.”(A) The real deadline. (B) To

【評論內容】No, you can’t hand i☆ ☆☆☆☆ ...

【評論主題】44.( ) 人體中的哪個器官可分泌激素,也可分泌消化液?(A)胃 (B)肝臟 (C)胰臟 (D)小腸。














【評論主題】2.一個電熱器在5秒內損耗了4000焦耳,試問此電熱器的電功率為多少瓦特?(A)4000÷5 (B)4000ㆍ5(C)5÷4000 (D)4000+5




【評論主題】【題組】55.台灣哪一座國家公園的特色與大堡礁最接近?(A)墾丁(B)台江 (C)雪霸 (D)太魯閣。


【評論主題】(三)附圖為海洋生態系分區示意圖,回答下列問題:【題組】10.潮間帶位於哪一個區域?(A)A (B)B(C)C (D)D


【評論主題】9.根瘤菌常出現在豆科植物的根部,有助於植物對下列何者的利用?(A)氮元素 (B)碳元素 (C)水 (D)光。


【評論主題】34. 下列何種動物的循環系統屬於開放式循環? (A)鯉魚 (B)蝗蟲 (C)青蛙 (D)老鼠。


【評論主題】34.附表有關人體呼吸運動的比較,何者正確?  (A)(B)(C)(D)


【評論主題】23. Mom: Look at the toy car. It’s so _____. Please wash it.Son: Yes, Mom.(A) free (B) funny (C) cle

【評論內容】(A) free 免費的、自由的(B) ☆☆☆☆☆ ...

【評論主題】21. Bob: What’s that in your _____?Ted: It’s an eraser.(A) head (B) class (C) hand (D) letter

【評論內容】(A) head 頭(B) class ★★(☆) ☆☆☆☆ ...

【評論主題】Peter’s house is on a small hill in the mountains. Look down from Peter’s house. There is a small vi

【評論內容】Some    (6)    on th☆ ☆☆☆☆....

【評論主題】7 Sue:_____ are you looking for? Ben: My schoolbag.(A) What (B) Who (C) Where (D) What time

【評論內容】(A) What 什麼(東西)(B) W☆☆ ★(☆) ...

【評論主題】【題組】46. (A)Christmas cards (B)snowmen (C)costumes (D)cookies

【評論內容】Then people in Austr☆☆☆☆ ☆☆☆’☆ ...

【評論主題】37. Tina: This costume is so pretty. I like it. Oops! ______________.(A) It’s too small.(B) It’s rea


【評論主題】27. My uncle, Williams, ______ nice to his friends.(A)be (B) are (C)so (D)is


【評論主題】25. ______ is the first(第一) day of the weekend.(A) Sunday (B) Monday (C) Wednesday (D) Saturday


【評論主題】23. ______ me, sir. This is your table.(A) Wave (B) Follow (C) Wait (D) Fight

【評論內容】(A) Wave 波浪、捲、揮動(B) ☆☆☆☆☆☆ ...

【評論主題】22. I’m too short. Please help me _______ the picture on the door.(A) use (B) call (C) study (D) han

【評論內容】(A) use 使用(B) call 叫、★(★★)、★(...

【評論主題】21. Many people are playing with their ______ on the bus. It’s bad for their eyes.(A) guitars (B) ce

【評論內容】(A) guitars 吉他(B) ce☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ ...

【評論主題】18. Are you ______ now? Let’s go to the party and dance!(A) hungry (B) free (C) great (D) kind

【評論內容】(A) hungry 餓的(B) fre☆ ★★★、...

【評論主題】16. Six is my ____ number. It’s my favorite. (A) funny (B) yummy (C) smart (D) lucky

【評論內容】(A) funny 好笑的(B) yum☆☆ ★★★、...

【評論主題】四、閱讀測驗 1.Look at the family tree and answer the questions.【題組】30. Who are husband and wife? (A) Chri

【評論內容】依照題意,選出哪兩人是夫妻。有Tom L☆☆...

【評論主題】(43~44) Helen is looking for her watch. Where is her watch? Is it on the desk? No, only her pencil c

【評論內容】從第四行「Is it in the ba☆? ☆☆, ...

【評論主題】9. 關於文化的意義,下列哪一位同學的發言最正確? (A)    (B)   (C)    (D)


【評論主題】【題組】2. How many people are there in the Chen family?(A) five (B) six (C) seven (D) eight

【評論內容】從題目可以知道,有Mr. Chen 、 ☆☆☆. ...

【評論主題】2.         The Chen family is at home. Mr. Chen is watching TV withhis father in the living room. Mr

【評論內容】從 Mrs. Chen is cooki☆☆ ☆☆☆☆☆☆ ...

【評論主題】【題組】9. I wonder what they talked about.


【評論主題】【題組】8. That sounds like fun.


【評論主題】【題組】7. What can people do?


【評論主題】5. 極小的 (A) safe (B) float(C) dream (D) tiny

【評論內容】(A) safe 安全的(B) floa☆ ★★(☆) ☆☆...

【評論主題】4. 值得 (A) plan (B) deserve(C) limit (D) choice

【評論內容】(A) plan 計畫(B) deser☆☆ ★★(☆........

【評論主題】3. 申請 (A) apply (B) feed(C) admit (D) noise

【評論內容】(A) apply 申請(B) feed ★★(☆) ☆☆...

【評論主題】2. 採訪 (A) discover (B) limit(C) interview (D) answer

【評論內容】(A) discover 發現、發掘(B) ☆☆☆☆☆ ...

【評論主題】A: 請選出符合中文意思的英文單字 1. 教育 (A) degree (B) education(C) design (D) control

【評論內容】(A) degree 程度 學位(B) ...

【評論主題】6. There are________ on the farm.(A) pig (B) sheep(C) chicken (D) duck


【評論主題】5. Mom is talking to your teacher ________ thecellphone.(A) with (B) in (C) on (D) to

【評論內容】talk on the phone 講電★  ★★★........

【評論主題】【題組】43. Tina spent NT$950 on a dress, and she will get it on April 16. When did she most likely(最可能)

【評論內容】Tina 花運費+衣服共950元,故可以...