【評論主題】8、林老師為了解學生在學習英文「fast food」的單元後,是否達到「能聽懂日常生活應對中常用語句(速食店購物的對話),並能作適當的回應。」的目標,特別安排全班學生到英語村的速食店以英文購買食物。此







【評論主題】8、林老師為了解學生在學習英文「fast food」的單元後,是否達到「能聽懂日常生活應對中常用語句(速食店購物的對話),並能作適當的回應。」的目標,特別安排全班學生到英語村的速食店以英文購買食物。此







【評論主題】15. Long after the game, she was still _______ over her rival’s disappointment.(A) glutting (B) graf

【評論內容】(A) glutting 暴食(B) grafting 移植(皮膚、骨等);嫁接;使緊密結合;將(新的事物)移植於;努力工作(C) gloating+ over/about  (v/n) (因自己的成功或好運而)沾沾自喜;(因別人的.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】14. When the microphone broke during the performance, Phoebe did not lose her _______. She just smil

【評論內容】(A) premonition (尤指不祥的)預兆,預感(B) composure 鎮靜,沉著,泰然自若(C) .....看完整詳解

【評論主題】12. The _______ effort that went into the century-old patchwork quilt is hard to imagine. There are

【評論內容】(A) colloquial (詞語或表達方式)口語的,俗語的,非正式的(B) emaciated (通常由於疾病或極度饑餓)消瘦的,憔悴的,.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】9. I asked the museum’s press representatives what steps were being undertaken to improve traffic fl

【評論內容】(A) ameliorate 使變好,改善,改進(B) amplify 擴大,放大(聲音)(C).....看完整詳解

【評論主題】8. The restaurant offers a(n) _______ buffet-style breakfast each morning and a wide choice of dishe

【評論內容】(A) sumptuous 奢侈的,豪華的,奢華的(B) perspicacious 聰穎的;敏銳的;有洞察.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】7. To find the answer, we _______ his theories with repeated experiments and discussions.(A) abated

【評論內容】(A) abated 減少;減弱;減輕;減退(B) brawled (亂哄哄的)毆鬥,閙事(C) endo.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】5. The decision hasn’t yet been finalized, but I was told the ______ location of our graduation trip

【評論內容】(A) prompt 迅速的;敏捷的;及時的 ;(v) 引起;導致;激起(B) obsolete 廢棄的;過時的;淘汰的;老化的(C) stark 赤裸的;簡.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】3. While her account seems ______, I believe she’s withholding the key evidence from the police.(A)

【評論內容】(A) intangible (感覺或性質)難以捉摸的,無法形容的,難以確定的(B) susceptible 易受影響的.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】2. Nearly all the tourists stood in awe of the ______ skyscraper built by the world-famous architect

【評論內容】(A) intrinsic 固有的,本質的,根本的(B) erratic (動作、行爲等)不規則的,不確定的,無計劃.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】8. The extreme climate change could bring heavy rain to a flood-prone region, _______  agriculturald

【評論內容】(A) exacerbating  使惡化;使加重;使加劇(B) waning 衰減;減弱(C) vindicating 證明……無辜 .....看完整詳解

【評論主題】7. The reason why the project was successfully carried out was due to the ______ planning beforehand

【評論內容】(A) paradoxical 矛盾的 (B) meticulous 嚴謹的,一絲不苟的;非常注意細節的 .....看完整詳解

【評論主題】5. Despite their wealth, the billionaire and his family live a(n) ______ lifestyle, enjoying no such

【評論內容】(A) affable 和藹可親的;友善的;容易交談的(B) spartan 簡樸的,清苦的;斯巴達式的 e.g. They lead a spartan life, with very .....看完整詳解

【評論主題】3. The general manager _______  all the subordinates in the department to discuss sales target achie

【評論內容】(A) convoked 召集 e.g. He has convoked a summit conference in Brussels.(B) invoked 援引,.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】10. Japan’s middle-aged salarymen are earning less as they take the______ of company cost-cutting.(A


(A) debris 碎片,殘駭

(B) brunt …的主要壓力(或衝力) e.g. Small companies arefeeling the full brunt of the recession.

(C) apathy 無興趣,懈怠;(尤指對重要事情的)漠不關心,無動於衷

(D) presage 預示,預兆(尤指不祥之事)

【評論主題】5. Probable as a longer______ has been suspected, the CDC holds nevertheless onto the decision to de


(A) lethargy 沒精打采,懶散;無生氣,呆滯

(B) acumen 敏銳;精明

(C) patriarchy 父權社會;男權社會

(D) incubation 孵化;(細菌或病毒在體內)潛伏

【評論主題】3. Widespread bankruptcy could leave industry in a weakened state ______ of investment and innovatio


(A) reconfigured 重新配置

(B) impeded 妨礙,阻礙;阻止

(C) depleted 消耗;耗費;減少

(D) confounded 該死的,討厭的 e.g. What aconfounded nuisance!

【評論主題】4. By sheer luck—I think, for there seemed hardly a chance of escape—that she was able to avoid the


(A) sediment 沉澱物,沉渣

(B) maneuver 精巧動作;軍事演習

(C) oblivion 被遺忘,被忘卻;湮沒;完全被毀滅;徹底被消滅

(D) apparition 鬼,鬼魂,幽靈

【評論主題】12. It was not that I was annoyed at her avidity but I was really struck with the_______ betweensuch


(A) blight 破壞,妨害

(B) atrocity 兇惡的行為,殘暴的行為

(C)congruence 一致

(D) disparity 不平等;(不公平的)差異

【評論主題】8. Though I knew how to translate exactly what she had told me, I realized that anytranslation would


(A) revolt 反抗;造反;反叛

(B) replicate 複製

(D) distort 扭曲;使變形;歪曲

(C) emulate 效仿,模仿;和…競爭,努力趕上

【評論主題】4. Abandoning everything to the greedy grasp of those around het, the mother darted, withdistraction


*mien 風度;儀表;(尤指)神態

(A) stem 阻擋;阻止;遏制;(n)主幹,植物的莖、梗

(B) reclaim 取回;拿回;收回

(C) craze 時尚;風行一時的東西

(D)forgo 放棄,摒絕(令人愉悅之物)

【評論主題】3. The men were lined up in a long_______. , making their way to the recruiting office. (A) queue (B


(A) queue (人或車排成的)隊,隊伍,行列

(B) repatriation 遣返

(C) query 疑問,問題

(D) representative 代表

【評論主題】2. The English-Lrish boy band has developed a strong and oftentiones rabid_______ since therelease o


* rabid過激的;患狂犬病的

(A) fandom 狂熱喜愛

(B) phobia (尤指道理上無法解釋的)恐懼,懼怕

(C) simmer 燉,煨;(分歧或消極情緒)醞釀,積聚

(D)axiom (被普遍接受的)公理,原則

【評論主題】1. Far too often today historical works are_______ in unreadable academic jargon.(A) petered out (B)



(A) petered out 逐漸停止;慢慢消失

(B) screwed up 神經緊張的,受刺激的,受困擾的

(C) churned out (不顧品質快速地)大量生產;粗製濫造

(D) backfired (計劃)產生適得其反的結果,產生反效果


【評論內容】repercussionthe effect that an action, event, or decision has on something, especially a bad effect(尤指壞的)影響,反響;惡果Any decrease in tourism could have serious repercussions for the local economy.旅遊業只要出現任何一點衰退,都可能會給當地經濟帶來嚴重影響。President Kennedy's assassination had far-reaching repercussions.甘乃迪總統遇刺産生的影響是深遠的。



crop up

to happen or appear unexpectedly


Her name keeps cropping up in conversation.


【評論主題】7. International _______ has been heaped on the country following its attack on itsneighboring count

【評論內容】(A) hermitage 隱居處;修道院  *hermit 隱士(B) opprobrium 譴責;抨擊;討伐;責難ob(反,朝向)+prob(求證,測試)+ium(名)(C) nadi.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】6. She has a few _______ ideas about what she might want to do in the future, but nothingdefinite.(A

【評論內容】(A) nebulous 星雲的;模糊的(B) immutable 永恆的;不可改變的(C) unassailable 不.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】4. Had the nutrition during ______ been poor, this might have resulted in long-termimpairment of gro

【評論內容】(A) convalescence 休養期;康復期,恢復期(B) encomium 贊詞,頌詞(C).....看完整詳解

【評論主題】13. The ingenuity and audacity of the con artist, as illustrated by both physical andtestimonial evi


(A) flabbergasted 使大吃一驚,使目瞪口呆

(B) exasperated 被激怒的;惱怒的;極厭煩的

(C) compunctious 後悔的,慚愧的,內疚的

(D) jubilant (尤指因成功而)歡欣的,喜氣洋洋的

(E) impoverished 赤貧的;惡化的

【評論主題】12. After careful investigation, the police department announced that the arson case was_____ by Mr.


(A)infuriated 使大怒,激怒

(B)instigated 促使發生;發起

(C)inspected 檢查;審視

(D)imploded 向內坍塌;內爆

(E)invited 邀請

【評論主題】15. From the way the rooms were ransacked, we can ______________ that the burglar hadbeen inside the


(A) produce 生產;出產;製造

(B) reduce 減少;減小;降低;縮小

(C) deduce 推論

(D) adduce 引證,舉出(理由、證據等)

(E) seduce 勾引;誘姦

【評論主題】11. Signs were posted in the lobby to prevent _____ beggars and others of that ilk fromentering.(A)


(A) itinerant (工作)巡迴的,流動的

(B) torturous 非常艱苦的,備受折磨的

(C) conjugal 婚姻的;夫妻間的(尤指性生活)

(D) sumptuous 奢侈的,豪華的,奢華的

(E) anesthetic 麻醉劑

【評論主題】14. Most students who work hard will eventually see results _____ with their efforts.(A) essential (


(A) essential 重要的

(B) commemorate (尤指舉行公開儀式或豎立雕塑或特別建築)紀念,緬懷

(C) salient 明顯的

(D) commensurate 相當的,相稱的

(E) contingent 視…而定的;因…而變的;取決於…的

【評論主題】8. Ivan proposed _____ music as proper background for the funeral scene.(A) lugubrious (B) lukewarm


(A) lugubrious 憂傷的,憂鬱的,悲傷的

(B) lukewarm (尤指液體)溫的,微熱的

(C) mirthful 快樂的,高興的;充滿歡聲笑語的

(D) springy 有彈性的,有彈力的

(E) exuberant (尤指人或其行為)精力充沛的,熱情洋溢的,興高采烈的

【評論主題】四、篇章結構:        Female coaches – especially across baseball, basketball, and football – are suddenlye

【評論內容】Female coaches – especially across baseball, basketball, and football – are suddenly expanding their presence in the uppermost ranks of men’s professional sports. During the past 18 months alone, at least 12 women in MLB organizations, 12 women in NBA organizations, and eight women in the NFL were working as full-time coaches. This doesn’t include the dozens more occupying mental skills and player development roles  While women still occupy only a fraction of such positions, their nascent movement into coaching represents what some believe could be the beginning of a second gender revol...

【評論主題】6. Some athletes have taken to living and sleeping in _______ sealed tents or rooms thatsimulate hig


(A) negligibly 可以忽略不計地

(B) hermetically 不透氣的,密封的

(C) inductively 歸納地

(D) capriciously 反覆無常地

【評論主題】4. Some dentists are convinced that the addition of fluoride in water is ineffective as a_______ tre


(A) loquacious 多話的

(B) corporeal 物質的,有形的;身體的

(C) prophylactic 預防(性)的

(D) sympathetic 有同情心的,同情的

【評論主題】2. It is sad to know that the right to health, education, safe food, water, telecommunicationsand en


(A) arraigned 提審;提訊;控告

(B) inscribed 題寫;刻,雕

(C) jettisoned 把…作為廢物拋棄,扔掉

(D) subjugated 征服,使臣服,使屈服

【評論主題】10. The monarchy was ever more widely perceived as an oppressive, _______ institutionwhich failed to

【評論內容】(A) compliant 順從的,聽從的;服從的(B) sanctimonious 假裝聖潔的;道貌岸然的;僞善的(C).....看完整詳解

【評論主題】5. During the mid-1960s, relations between white liberals and the civil rights movementbecame increa

【評論內容】(A) immolating (通常指透過焚燒)將…作為祭品殺死(或毀滅)(B) illuminating 照亮(C) .....看完整詳解

【評論主題】18. Mother Teresa was the ______ of comparison and care. She prayed constantly. She wasa joyful Chri


(A) epitome 典型;典範

(B) reprise  (n.)(尤指樂曲的)重複部分,重奏;(v.) 再次演唱;再次演出;再次行動

(C) acclamation (公開的)稱譽;讚賞;歡迎

(D) eulogy 悼詞,悼文;(爲剛剛退休的人所作的)頌詞,頌文

(E) perspicacity 聰穎;敏銳

【評論主題】9. The president’s pledge to renew and rebuild ______ on a large scale has liftedcommodity prices on


(A) infrastructure 基礎建設

(B) configuration 佈局;構造,結構;格局

(C) framework (建築物等的)架構,框架;(規則、觀念或信仰的)框架,體系,結構

(D) lattice 格子木架,格子金屬架,格柵

(E) composition (音樂)作品,樂曲

【評論主題】10. The ________ teen, due to his well-rounded mental superiority, was admitted to theprestigious un


(A) precocious (尤指兒童)智力超常的,早熟的

(B) efficacious 靈驗的;奏效的;有效的

(C) anomalous 異常的

(D) meticulous 嚴謹的,一絲不苟的;非常注意細節的

(E) exiguous 稀少的;細微的;微小的

【評論主題】11. Neil Armstrong’s first steps on the moon marked the ________ of achievement of thehuman spacefli


(A) quail 鵪鶉

(B) ravine 峽谷,深谷

(C) pinnacle 極點;頂點,頂峰

(D) salvage (尤指從失事船隻、火災或水災中)搶救,打撈

(E) recalcitrance 頑固不化

【評論主題】14. You can ______ the fish with lemon slices before serving the dish on the table.(A) emblazon (B)


(A) emblazon (v.) (醒目地)印製,裝飾;炫示

(B) garnish  (v.) 在(食物)上加飾菜,(用菜)為(食物)加裝飾

(C) ruffle (v.) 弄亂;弄皺;使不平整

(D) swathe (v.)  (用布)裹,綁,包,纏

(E) quench  (v.) 解渴;撲滅

【評論主題】7. Several reporters asked for information about the budget but the speaker _____ theirquestions.(A)


(A) evaded 逃脫,躲開;迴避,逃避

(B) evacuated (把人從危險的地方)撤離,撤出,疏散,轉移

(C) exposed 暴露;露出;使曝光

(D) confronted 面對,面臨;遭遇;直面,正視

(E) undermined (常指逐漸地)削弱信心、權威等,損害

【評論主題】8. The doctor advised him not to have ________ food.(A) greedy (B) grain (C) greasy(D) grease (E) gr


(A) greedy 貪吃的;貪財的;貪婪的

(B) grain穀粒,穎果,穀(物)一點兒;微量,少量;

(C) greasy 沾滿油脂的;含脂肪的;油膩的

(D) grease 油,油脂;油膩狀物

(E) gravelly (尤指男性聲音)低沉沙啞的

【評論主題】1. A________ beach shack in this coastal town was transformed into a luxurioussix-bedroom mansion wi


(A) ramshackle 搖晃的

(B) precocious 早熟的

(C) multifarious 各式各樣的

(D) lethargic 無力的

【評論主題】1. During the civil rights battles of the 1950s and early 1960s, the legislators defeated manyanti-d


(A) filibusters  (為拖延或阻止新法律的通過而)發表冗長的演說

(B) compunctions 良心的不安;內疚;自責;後悔

(C) impostures 冒名行騙

(D) arrogations 霸佔;擅取;妄稱

【評論主題】I. Structure: organize logically the following descriptions and put them into the passage.       Yea

【評論內容】原文:https://olsonfarlow.com/editorial-images/frederick-law-olmsteds-last-home-cottage-called-hope“Near the end of a long life otherwise steeped in serendipitous good luck and brilliant achievement, Frederick Law Olmsted—maker of our nation’s first great urban parks and founding father of landscape architecture in America—succumbed to a senile dementia so severe it demanded his confinement in this institution he had intended for others a generation before. The year was 1898; the.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】9. The young soprano retains a(n) ______ humility that is surprising, given the critical acclaim she

【評論內容】9. The young soprano retains a(n) ______ humility that is surprising, given the critical acclai.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】8. The movement aimed to discourage smoking and other offensive habits, to ______ moral values inchi

【評論內容】(A) inculcate 反覆灌輸;諄諄教誨(B) cogitate 仔細考慮;深思熟慮;沉思(C) dissip.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】6. He had too much to think about and felt lost in the bewildering ______ of his thoughts.(A) suture

【評論內容】(A) suture (縫合傷口的)一針,縫針(B) geyser (特別是舊時)煤氣熱水器,.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】【題組】20. (A) drive a nail in the coffin(C) roll in the grave(B) hit a nail on the head(D) steal the t


(A)drive a nail in the coffin 棺材釘子(致使的一擊,決定成敗的最重要因素)

(B)roll in the grave (某人若還在世的話)會死不瞑目

(C)hit a nail on the head 說得中肯;打中要害

(D)steal the thunder 竊取別人的成果和榮譽從而達到利己的目的

【評論主題】【題組】18. (A) reprise (B) reiterate (C) replicate (D) reimburse


(A) reprise 再次演唱;再次演出;再次行動

(B) reiterate 反復地說,反復講;重申

(C) replicate 使複現;重複;複製

(D) reimburse 償還;付還;補償

【評論主題】【題組】13. (A) repertoires (B) alimony (C) connoisseur (D) pulchritude


 (A)repertoires (總稱某人可演出的)全部劇目,全部節目,全部曲目

(B) alimony 贍養費,生活費

(C) connoisseur (藝術品、食品、飲料等的)鑒賞家,鑒定家,行家

(D) pulchritude (尤指女性)美麗,標緻

【評論主題】【題組】14. (A) amicable (B) intimidating (C) artless (D) internecine


(A) amicable 心平氣和的;不傷和氣的

(B) intimidating 令人緊張的,嚇人的

(C) artless 單純的,直率的;不詭詐的

(D) internecine (戰爭或爭鬥)內部的

【評論主題】8. It is strange that Klay is humble and modest with his best friend, but snotty and_____ toward his


(A) docile 溫和的;溫順的,馴服的;易控制的

(B) supercilious 傲慢自大的,目中無人的,目空一切的

(C) copious 大量的,豐富的;過量的

(D) exiguous 稀少的;細微的;微小的

【評論主題】【題組】15. (A) valediction (B) vacillation (C) variations (D) ventilation


(A) valediction (尤指正式的)告別,告別辭

(B) vacillation 動搖

(C) variations 變化;變動

(D) ventilation 通風(設備);空氣流通(系統)

【評論主題】II. Cloze Test (10%)        There are few more complex or studied chess openings than the Sicilian D






原文: https://www.masterclass.com/articles/chess-101-what-is-the-sicilian-defense-learn-how-to-perform-and-defend-against-the-chess-opening-with-a-step-by-step-guide#stepbystep-guide-the-open-sicilian-and-major-variations

【評論主題】9. Many consider political systems rife with corruption and _____, obviating the possibility ofrunni


(A) disapprobation 不贊成,反對

(B) aptitude 天資,資質;才能

(C) candor 坦白

(D) nepotism 裙帶關係

【評論主題】III. Contextual Matching (7%)        A record-breaking commercial-scale hydrogen plane has taken off

【評論內容】原文: https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20210401-the-worlds-first-commercial-hydrogen-plane#:~:text=Future%20Planet&text=A%20record%2Dbreaking%20commercial%2Dscale,cutting%20the%20aviation%20industry's%20emissions%3F&text=As%20the%20plane%20rose%20from,b.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】10. It is the lack of detailed data and proper statistical analysis that has begun to raise doubtsab


(A) veracity 真實;誠實;實事求是

(B) juxtaposition 並置

(C) rapprochement (與敵對群體或敵對之人達成的)和睦,和解,恢復友好關係

(D) opprobrium 譴責;抨擊;討伐;責難

【評論主題】4. Doctors said that the conventional medicine can only _____ the condition, but it cannot curethem


(A) palliate 減輕負面影響;緩解痛苦(但無法治癒病因)

(B) captivate 使著迷;迷住;吸引

(C) extirpate 拔除;消滅;根除

(D) recapitulate 概括

【評論主題】5. Public housing tenants routinely complain about _____ living conditions, including frequenthot wa


(A) immaculate 潔淨的,整潔的

(B) hypnotic 催眠的

(C) squalid (地方常因缺錢)極其骯髒的,汙穢的

(D) flaccid 鬆弛的;軟弱的

【評論主題】7. My father holds _____ beliefs that boys should always dress in blue while girls shouldgo with pin


(A) pugnacious 愛爭吵的;愛爭鬥的,好鬥的

(B) tenacious 緊握的;頑固的;固執的

(C) capricious 反覆無常的

(D) egregious (錯誤等)極其嚴重的,極壞的,令人震驚的

【評論主題】3. The new movie sequel immediately became divisive, with some praising the film’s intensefight chor


(A) nullified 使(協議或決議)失去法律效力

(B) lamented 對…感到悲痛,對…表示失望,痛惜

(C) lambasted 猛烈抨擊;狠狠批評

(D) perforate 在…上開孔;使穿孔

【評論主題】2. To preserve their energy, hummingbirds in the Andes Mountains have been found to go intoexception


(A) tumult 吵鬧,喧嘩;騷亂,混亂

(B) torpor 不活躍;萎靡;遲鈍

(C) turmoil 混亂,騷亂,動亂

(D) tentacle (海洋動物的)觸手,觸角

【評論主題】6. In the past five years, skin care companies have increasingly _____ beauty with wellness.Sixty-fi


(A) conflated 合併,結合,混合(尤指文本)

(B) toppled (使)倒下;(使)倒塌

(C) spurned 輕蔑地拒絕;摒棄

(D) envisaged 設想;展望,預計

【評論主題】1. Our new manager Patricia is _____ about punctuality, so always arrives 10 minutes beforeany meeti


(A) fractious 易怒的;暴躁的

(B) fastidious 挑剔的

(C) factitious 假的

(D) facetious (尤指不問場合)好開玩笑的;滑稽的,詼諧的

【評論主題】(c) Greenland's economy has long been based on fishing. Seal hunting, once the mainstayof the e


(A)suspensive 懸而未決的

(B) susceptible 易受影響的,易受傷害的

(C) suspicious 可疑的,引起懷疑的

(D) superlative (形容詞或副詞的)最高級形式

【評論主題】【題組】35.(A)innocuous (B) innovative (C) ponderous (D) oblique)

【評論內容】(A)innocuous 無害的(B) innovative 創新的,革新的;新穎的(C) .....看完整詳解

【評論主題】【題組】34.(A)perseverant (B) pervasive (C) persuasive (D) prevernal)

【評論內容】(A)perseverant 堅持不懈(B) pervasive 滲透的(C) .....看完整詳解

【評論主題】2.There is a still and_______ lake in this region and it can help us calm down.(A)plausible (B) pala


(A)plausible 貌似真實(或可信)的(B) palatable 美味的,可口的;可以接受的,合乎趣味的(C) placid 寧靜的;平和的(D) pliable) (物質)易彎的,柔韌的;(人)易受影響的,順從的

【評論主題】8. Taurus people are said to________over the people around.(A)domineer (B) domesticize (C) deprecate


(A)domineer (vi.)跋扈,作威作福(vt.)盛氣淩人

(B) domesticize 馴化

(C) deprecate 反對,不贊成;貶低,輕視

(D) descry 看見,望見

【評論主題】5. The surgeon had to wash their hands_______ before performing surgery, otherwise bacteriamay infec


(A) deliberately 故意地;不慌不忙地,從容地

(B) scrumptiously 美味地

(C) schematically 圖解地

(D)scrupulously 一絲不苟地

【評論主題】【題組】27.(A)distinction (B)diversity (C) diffusion(D)deference


(A)distinction 區別,差別,不同

(B)diversity 多樣性,多樣化

(C) diffusion 擴散

(D)deference 尊重,尊敬

【評論主題】10. The singer's album sales were________ after his scandal.(A)amplifying (B) languishing (C) l


(A)amplifying 擴大,放大(聲音)

(B) languishing 受苦,經歷苦難,受煎熬

(C) laundering 洗,洗滌

(D) polarizing 使兩極分化,使截然對立

【評論主題】7. He wrote _______ summaries for this search paper and was given a "'A" grade by his


(A)tumultuous 吵鬧的,喧嘩的;騷亂的,混亂的

(B) muddled 混亂的;雜亂無章的

(C) succinct 簡明的;言簡意賅的

(D) succinic 琥珀的

【評論主題】6. Johnson was so_______ in the football match that he did not notice his mother coming intohis room


(A)obliged 被迫做某事;必須做某事;只好做某事

(B) engrossed 全神貫注的;專心致志的

(C) obsessed 心神不寧的;著迷的;困擾的

(D) oppressed 被壓迫的;受壓制的;被欺壓的

【評論主題】4. 'This document is marked_______ and the authority concerned should not make it public.((A)co


(A)confidential 秘密的,機密的

(B) configurative 配置的

(C)conferential 商量的

(D)competent 有能力的;能幹的;稱職的