
8. Though I knew how to translate exactly what she had told me, I realized that anytranslation would _______the decpest meaning of her message.
(A) revolt
(B) replicate
(D) distort
(C) emulate





【評論內容】(A) revolt 反抗;造反;反叛(B) replicate 複製(D) distort 扭曲;使變形;歪曲(C) emulate 效仿,模仿;和…競爭,努力趕上

【用戶】Yun Ying


【評論內容】8. Though I knew how to translate exactly what she had told me, I realized that any translation would _______the decpest meaning of her message.(A) revolt(B) replicate(D) distort(C) emulate題目應修正為8. Though I knew how to translate exactly what she had told me, I realized that any translation would _______the decpest deepest meaning of her message.(A) revolt(B) replicate(C) emulate(D) distortdecpest應改為deepest選項C.D應調換位...