【評論主題】【題組】50. Which of the following is true about the Global Award for Sustainable Architecture?(A) It ha

【評論內容】50. Which of the following is true about the Global Award for Sustainable Architecture? (A) It has a history of over a decade and a half.

【評論主題】25. At the age of ten, Michael lost his parents, _____ he considered the most traumatic in his life.

【評論內容】25. At the age of te☆, ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ ...

【評論主題】【題組】50. Which of the following is true about the Global Award for Sustainable Architecture?(A) It ha

【評論內容】50. Which of the following is true about the Global Award for Sustainable Architecture? (A) It has a history of over a decade and a half.

【評論主題】25. At the age of ten, Michael lost his parents, _____ he considered the most traumatic in his life.

【評論內容】25. At the age of ten, Michael lost his parents, _____ he considered the most traumatic in his life. traumatic(adj.)痛苦難忘的;造成精神創傷的

【評論主題】34. 根據麥克魯漢(McLuhan)的理論,「涼媒」呈現的訊息不足,受眾在知覺上必須高度參與填補空缺,才能獲得完整的訊息。下列何者為「涼媒」?(A)電影 (B)報紙 (C)廣播 (D)電視


熱媒體:高解析度延伸單一感官,有充足的數據內容,閱聽人參與度低,eg. 廣播、電影、照片、演講冷媒體:資訊提供較少且模糊,理解時需動用多種感官,閱聽人參與度高,eg. 電話、電視、研討會等電視比電影更需要積極主動參與及解讀,所以電視為冷媒體(麥克魯漢是用光源來做電視與電影的區分)

【評論主題】24. 下列何者屬於「自媒體」常遭受到的負面批評?(A)收費較高昂 (B)營運要求多 (C)科技門檻高 (D)素質良莠不齊


【評論主題】18. 下列何種新媒介的功能,與其他三者差異最大?(A) Dropbox (B) Facebook (C) Line (D) WeChat

【評論內容】1. 為儲存空間2.~3. 皆可.....★★★★★★...

【評論主題】9. 下列哪一項政策行銷原則強調所有政策內容與相關資訊,必須透明化且據實呈現?(A)公開原則 (B)誠信原則 (C)設身處地原則 (D)主動積極原則



1. 公開:政策制定過程應適時、適度的公開

2. 設身處地:應站在行銷對象立場,以同理心進行行銷

3. 誠信:所有政策內容與相關資訊,必須透明化且據實呈現

4. 可靠:任何政策承諾,均應設法兌現

5. 主動積極:政策行銷單位與人員,應主動積極進行必要的行銷活動。

【評論主題】1. 下列何者不屬於超商的新媒體消費應用?(A) icash (B) ibon (C) iTunes (D)電子發票

【評論內容】C iTunes為美商Appl........