【評論主題】5. Teachers must be aware of children’s level of emotional maturity as well as their________ abiliti

【評論內容】5. Teachers must be aware(意識到) of children’s level of emotiona maturity (情感成熟度) as well as their________ abilities to select appropriate materials.(選擇合適的素材 (A) inconclusive 不確定的

【評論主題】19. By the time his boss________ back from Singapore, he will already have finished the project.(A)

【評論內容】19. By the time his boss ……. back from Singapore, he will already have finished the project.(A) gets(B) got(C) will get(D) gotten

【評論主題】13. ________condemning someone to a suffering or undignified death, euthanasia allows patients toexp


13.⋯⋯⋯ condemning(譴責) someone to a suffering(痛苦) or undignified(不尊嚴的) death, euthanasia(安樂死) allows patients to experience a dignified(有尊嚴的) death.(A) Therefore所以(B) In spite of儘管(C) Likewise同樣的(D) Instead of取代

【評論主題】10. These trends have required young people to accumulate significant work experience andeducational


10. These trends(趨勢) have required young people to accumulate(累積) significant work experience andeducational credentials(證書) in order to earn enough to support(養活)a family.(A) certificates證書(B) creeds信條(C) crashes崩潰(D) crazes瘋狂

【評論主題】8. Alzheimer’s is a disease that causes brain cells to deteriorate and eventually die.(A) enliven (B

【評論內容】8. Alzheimer's(阿茲海默症) ☆☆ ☆ ...

【評論主題】9. It began with the mundane problem of spoiled wine. Wine—making was an important industryin France

【評論內容】9. It began with the mundane(庸俗的) problem of spoiled(變質的) wine. Wine-making(釀酒)was an important industry(行業)in France, and the problem of spoilage was a costly one.(A) baneful有害的(B) parlous危險的(C) incomparable無與倫比的(D) common普通的

【評論主題】3. When you are in a bad mood, you look morosely________ .(A) consecutive (B) prevenient (C) increme

【評論內容】3. When you are in a ☆☆☆ ☆☆☆☆, ...

【評論主題】4. This is captain speaking: we are currently flying at an________ of 15,000 meters.(A) altitude (B)

【評論內容】4. This is captain s☆☆☆☆☆☆☆: ☆☆...

【評論主題】【題組】46. 各國政府為了對抗嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎 ( COVID-19 ) ,無不加緊腳步開發相關疫苗,除了基本的兩劑疫苗完整接種,現在更為了提高對新型冠狀病毒變異株的保護力,政府已展開第三劑加強針


(A) 疫苗必須能夠刺激T細胞活化為漿細胞才能產生中和抗體-B細胞(B) 疫苗若能活化體內的體液免疫作用,則胞毒T細胞可協助清除受感染細胞-巨噬細胞(C) 接種第二劑疫苗甚至是第三劑加強針,可以刺激B及T細胞的記憶細胞延長免疫時效(D) mRNA疫苗須進入肌肉細胞,在細胞內製造組裝出完整病毒顆粒後才能刺激免疫系統 發揮作用- 蛋白質片段並釋出細胞外

【評論主題】41. 保護區為就地保育的重要場所,現今以維護生物多樣性為目標,國家公園及自然保留區為其中兩種重要的保護區類型,下列相關之敘述,何者最正確?(A) 太魯閣國家公園以雪山山脈的生態景觀為主軸(B) 出雲


(A) 太魯閣國家公園以雪山山脈的生態景觀為主軸-家公園

(B) 出雲山自然保留區主要保護崩塌斷崖地理景觀及原生馬尾松林- 火炎山自然保留區(C) 關渡自然保留區為我國第一個廢止的自然保留區(D) 東沙環礁國家公園主要是以完整之珊瑚礁、海洋生態為特色,更涵蓋獨特梯田式菜宅 人文地景等資源-澎湖南方四島國家公園


【評論主題】33. 下列何者皆屬於傳統生技產品?①啤酒 ②螢光小豬 ③乳酪 ④抗生素⑤黃金米 ⑥醬油(A) ①③④⑥ (B) ①②④⑤ (C) ①②⑤⑥ (D) ①③⑤⑥



【評論主題】29. 自從孟德爾發表遺傳學理論,說明「遺傳因子(現在稱為基因)」的存在後,直到二十世紀中證明基因在DNA上,其中發生的科學事件,最正確的排列順序為下列何者?①赫希(Alfred Hershey)與闕


1.洒吞(Walter S.Sutton)提出染色體的遺傳學說-1902年2.摩根(Thomas Morgan )的白眼果蠅研究-1910年3.克里夫茲(Frederick Griffith )發現肺炎鏈球菌的自然轉型現象-1928年4.赫希(Alfred Hershey)與闕思(Martha Chase )的嗜菌體研究-1952年