【評論主題】43. 下列何者不屬於免疫檢查點(immune checkpoint)蛋白?(A) PD-L1 (B) CTLA4 (C) CD27 (D) CD133

【評論內容】43. 下列何者不屬於免疫檢查點(im☆☆☆☆...

【評論主題】16. In the late twentieth century, Japan played a role in the _______market for elderly healthcare,

【評論內容】16. In the late twentieth century, Japan played a role in the _______market for elderly healthcare, as an aging society has motivated the development of related industries.

【評論主題】15. SSRIs (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors) are known to_______ the body of sodium, which ma

【評論內容】15. SSRIs (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors) are known to_______ the body of sodium, which may lead to severe neurological changes. Therefore, patients who are prescribed SSRIs are advised to take supplements containing key nutrients and sodium點出服用SSRI要補充鈉,可知題目的SSRI會減少體內的鈉含量.

【評論主題】【題組】27. (A) turn (B) time (C) exchange (D) hindsight

【評論內容】In hindsight 表示「事後想想」,可以想做「事後才知道/認識」前面介系詞也常用with hindsight

【評論主題】III. Cloze: Choose the BEST answer for each blank in the passage.A Senate committee estimates the lo

【評論內容】estimate用法:to estimate sth. at/to be ... 估計某物為…vt.估計,估量(+at);評價;判斷The police estimated the number of demonstrators at about 5,000. 警方估計示威者的人數為五千左右。vi.估計;估價(+for)I asked a contractor to estimate for the repair of the house. 我請了承包商估計修繕這幢房子的費用。n.[C]估計;估價;估計數;(承包人的)估價單

【評論主題】43. 下列何者不屬於免疫檢查點(immune checkpoint)蛋白?(A) PD-L1 (B) CTLA4 (C) CD27 (D) CD133

【評論內容】43. 下列何者不屬於免疫檢查點(im☆☆☆☆...

【評論主題】16. In the late twentieth century, Japan played a role in the _______market for elderly healthcare,

【評論內容】16. In the late twentieth century, Japan played a role in the _______market for elderly healthcare, as an aging society has motivated the development of related industries.

【評論主題】15. SSRIs (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors) are known to_______ the body of sodium, which ma

【評論內容】15. SSRIs (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors) are known to_______ the body of sodium, which may lead to severe neurological changes. Therefore, patients who are prescribed SSRIs are advised to take supplements containing key nutrients and sodium點出服用SSRI要補充鈉,可知題目的SSRI會減少體內的鈉含量.

【評論主題】【題組】27. (A) turn (B) time (C) exchange (D) hindsight

【評論內容】In hindsight 表示「事後想想」,可以想做「事後才知道/認識」前面介系詞也常用with hindsight

【評論主題】III. Cloze: Choose the BEST answer for each blank in the passage.A Senate committee estimates the lo

【評論內容】estimate用法:to estimate sth. at/to be ... 估計某物為…vt.估計,估量(+at);評價;判斷The police estimated the number of demonstrators at about 5,000. 警方估計示威者的人數為五千左右。vi.估計;估價(+for)I asked a contractor to estimate for the repair of the house. 我請了承包商估計修繕這幢房子的費用。n.[C]估計;估價;估計數;(承包人的)估價單

【評論主題】【題組】50. Which is true according to the available information in the passage?(A) We are able to confi

【評論內容】50. Which is true according to the available information in the passage?

【評論主題】【題組】38. According to the passage, xenobots are environment friendly because _____.(A) they are power

【評論內容】38. According to the passage, xenobots are environment friendly because _____.

【評論主題】【題組】47. The word “intricate” in Paragraph 6 could be best replaced by which of the following?(A) mod

【評論內容】The complexity of receptors and their interactions with odor molecules are what allow us to detect a wide variety of smells. And what we think of as a single smell is actually a combination of many odor molecules acting on a variety of receptors, creating an intricate neural code that we can identify as the scent of a rose or freshly-cut grass.

【評論主題】27. 在早期的人類胚胎中,基因 HoxB7 表現後,生產出同源盒蛋白(homeobox protein) HoxB7,此蛋白參與中樞神經系統的發育,持續發育的人類胚胎中,HoxB7 亦在腎臟的生長和

【評論內容】27. 在早期的人類胚胎中,基因 HoxB7 表現後,生產出同源盒蛋白(homeobox protein) HoxB7, 此蛋白參與中樞神經系統的發育,持續發育的人類胚胎中,HoxB7 亦在腎臟的生長和發育中起關鍵作用,此種同一基因表現在不同時間和發育區域具有不同功能的現象,是屬於下 列何種現象?

【評論主題】【題組】27. (A) for (B) their (C) as (D) its

【評論內容】Around the globe, China’s growing hunger for red meat, specifically, has seen ___27___ beef imports grow 40-fold between 2010 and 2018.這一個空格,其實什麼都不加也可以成為一個句子,而且能夠表達一個完整的意思:在全球範圍內,中國對紅肉的需求日益增長,尤其是在 2010 年至 2018 年間,牛肉進口量增長了 40 倍。可以選一個代名詞插在27的空格,這個代名詞要代替的是China,所以選its(A) for 加了for之後語意不通,表示後面有個目的或目標,但這邊是指進口量增長有目共睹。

【評論主題】【B】          The planet needs China to curb its appetite for meat. In the first three decades of the

【評論內容】Raising them polluted water supplies and ___26___ scarce arable land.飼養牠們(紅肉家畜)污染了水源並______了稀缺的耕地(A) make up for 彌補