【評論主題】37 It is very easy to get lost or _____ in such a community marked by its narrow and winding alleys.

【評論內容】It is very easy to get lost or _____ in such a community marked by its narrow and winding alleys. We may not be able to find our way back.在這樣一個以狹窄且迂迴小巷為特色的社區中,很容易迷路或迷失方向。我們可能無法找到回家的路。disorientate (v) 使失去方向感,使迷路,使迷失方向intractable (adj) 難駕馭的;難對付的;難解決的overreact (v) 反應過激,反應過火(尤指憤怒或恐懼)disembark (v)(旅途結束後)下(車、船、飛機等)

【評論主題】37 It is very easy to get lost or _____ in such a community marked by its narrow and winding alleys.

【評論內容】It is very easy to get lost or _____ in such a community marked by its narrow and winding alleys. We may not be able to find our way back.在這樣一個以狹窄且迂迴小巷為特色的社區中,很容易迷路或迷失方向。我們可能無法找到回家的路。disorientate (v) 使失去方向感,使迷路,使迷失方向intractable (adj) 難駕馭的;難對付的;難解決的overreact (v) 反應過激,反應過火(尤指憤怒或恐懼)disembark (v)(旅途結束後)下(車、船、飛機等)

【評論主題】36 The director, who often does things carelessly and regardless of consequences, is now charged wit


The director, who often does things carelessly and regardless of consequences, is now charged with causing death by _____ driving.那位經常不顧後果和馬虎行事的導演,現在被指控因_____ 駕駛而導致死亡。(A) meticulous 謹慎的(B) conscientious 有責任感的(C) reckless 魯莽的(D) ferocious 凶猛的

regardless 不管怎樣,無論如何;不管,不顧

【評論主題】5 對某一事項,法律並無明文規定,而以類似的其他事項之規定,適用於該一事項,稱為:(A)補正解釋 (B)當然解釋 (C)體系解釋 (D)類推適用



補正解釋: 又稱為補充解釋,係指法律條文規定的內容有明顯的疏漏或錯誤時,綜觀法律全文加以推論,以為補充或修正的解釋。

當然解釋: 指法律雖無明文規定,但按諸事理,某種事項當然包括在內之解釋方法。一般所說「舉輕以明重」、「舉重以明輕」,即是指此而言。

體系解釋: 體系解釋是一種法律解釋方法,它將特定法律條文置於整個法律體系的上下文中,以確定其含義。這種解釋方式考慮法律體系中其他相關條文、法律原則、法院先前的判決和法律背景,以確保法律條文的解釋與整體法律體系保持一致。體系解釋的目的是確保法律條文的解釋與整個法律體系保持協調一致,並避免與其他法律規定相矛盾或不協調的情況。

類推適用: 類推適用...

【評論主題】38 This area used to be an agricultural land with dozens of farms, but the__________ of factories ha

【評論內容】這個地區曾經是擁有數十個農場的農業用地,但是工廠的(B) 建設改變了它的景觀。(A) 協會

【評論主題】36 For many innovative entrepreneurs, E-commerce is a__________ industry in this technological era.(


【評論主題】37 You will never succeed if you__________ to try all and over again.(A) return (B) refrain (C) refu


【評論主題】32 「登山最高的境界之一,是見識了一切性靈的源頭,原來盡在一步一腳印的貼身覺察與自我生命對話;在時光雕鑿而出的眾神花園中,任何人皆可尋覓到自己的精神家園與心靈故鄉,當生命最敏感的當下,當實實在在的活


登山最高的境界之一,是見識了一切性靈的源頭,原來盡在一步一腳印的貼身覺察與自我生命對話;在時光雕鑿而出的眾神花園中,任何人皆可尋覓到自己的精神家園與心靈故鄉, 當生命最敏感的當下,當實實在在的活著片刻,我們可以找到歸依之處。(A) 登山過程可敏銳的體察自我、安頓生命

【評論主題】37 It is very easy to get lost or _____ in such a community marked by its narrow and winding alleys.

【評論內容】It is very easy to get lost or _____ in such a community marked by its narrow and winding alleys. We may not be able to find our way back.在這樣一個以狹窄且迂迴小巷為特色的社區中,很容易迷路或迷失方向。我們可能無法找到回家的路。disorientate (v) 使失去方向感,使迷路,使迷失方向intractable (adj) 難駕馭的;難對付的;難解決的overreact (v) 反應過激,反應過火(尤指憤怒或恐懼)disembark (v)(旅途結束後)下(車、船、飛機等)

【評論主題】36 The director, who often does things carelessly and regardless of consequences, is now charged wit


The director, who often does things carelessly and regardless of consequences, is now charged with causing death by _____ driving.那位經常不顧後果和馬虎行事的導演,現在被指控因_____ 駕駛而導致死亡。(A) meticulous 謹慎的(B) conscientious 有責任感的(C) reckless 魯莽的(D) ferocious 凶猛的

regardless 不管怎樣,無論如何;不管,不顧

【評論主題】37 It is very easy to get lost or _____ in such a community marked by its narrow and winding alleys.

【評論內容】It is very easy to get lost or _____ in such a community marked by its narrow and winding alleys. We may not be able to find our way back.在這樣一個以狹窄且迂迴小巷為特色的社區中,很容易迷路或迷失方向。我們可能無法找到回家的路。disorientate (v) 使失去方向感,使迷路,使迷失方向intractable (adj) 難駕馭的;難對付的;難解決的overreact (v) 反應過激,反應過火(尤指憤怒或恐懼)disembark (v)(旅途結束後)下(車、船、飛機等)

【評論主題】36 The director, who often does things carelessly and regardless of consequences, is now charged wit


The director, who often does things carelessly and regardless of consequences, is now charged with causing death by _____ driving.那位經常不顧後果和馬虎行事的導演,現在被指控因_____ 駕駛而導致死亡。(A) meticulous 謹慎的(B) conscientious 有責任感的(C) reckless 魯莽的(D) ferocious 凶猛的

regardless 不管怎樣,無論如何;不管,不顧

【評論主題】37 You will never succeed if you__________ to try all and over again.(A) return (B) refrain (C) refu


【評論主題】38 This area used to be an agricultural land with dozens of farms, but the__________ of factories ha

【評論內容】這個地區曾經是擁有數十個農場的農業用地,但是工廠的(B) 建設改變了它的景觀。(A) 協會

【評論主題】36 For many innovative entrepreneurs, E-commerce is a__________ industry in this technological era.(
