
36 The director, who often does things carelessly and regardless of consequences, is now charged with causing deathby _____ driving.
(A) meticulous
(B) conscientious
(C) reckless
(D) ferocious






【評論內容】★【自製破解筆記】★(望能幫上大家!)(●´ω`●)ゞ★【速解●關鍵字義答題】★The director, who often does things carelessly and regardless of consequences(漫不經心且不顧後果地), is now charged with causing death by _____"如何的"_____ driving(駕駛).(A) meticulous - (Adj.)周密嚴謹的;仔仔細細、一絲不苟的(B) conscientious - (Adj.)誠誠懇懇、勤勉認真的(C) reckless - (Adj.)不注意的、莽撞/魯莽的、不顧後果的<---「同義詞」!✧⁺⸜(˙▾˙)⸝⁺✧->〔reckless driving(n.莽撞駕駛)〕(D) ferocious - .....看完整詳解



【評論內容】The director, who of☆☆☆ ☆☆☆☆ ...



【評論內容】The director, who often does things carelessly and regardless of consequences, is now charged with causing death by _____ driving.那位經常不顧後果和馬虎行事的導演,現在被指控因_____ 駕駛而導致死亡。(A) meticulous 謹慎的(B) conscientious 有責任感的(C) reckless 魯莽的(D) ferocious 凶猛的regardless 不管怎樣,無論如何;不管,不顧



【評論內容】The director, who of☆☆☆ ☆☆☆☆ ...



【評論內容】The director, who often does things carelessly and regardless of consequences, is now charged with causing death by _____ driving.那位經常不顧後果和馬虎行事的導演,現在被指控因_____ 駕駛而導致死亡。(A) meticulous 謹慎的(B) conscientious 有責任感的(C) reckless 魯莽的(D) ferocious 凶猛的regardless 不管怎樣,無論如何;不管,不顧



【評論內容】★【自製破解筆記】★(望能幫上大家!)(●´ω`●)ゞ★【速解●關鍵字義答題】★The director, who often does things carelessly and regardless of consequences(漫不經心且不顧後果地), is now charged with causing death by _____"如何的"_____ driving(駕駛).(A) meticulous - (Adj.)周密嚴謹的;仔仔細細、一絲不苟的(B) conscientious - (Adj.)誠誠懇懇、勤勉認真的(C) reckless - (Adj.)不注意的、莽撞/魯莽的、不顧後果的<---「同義詞」!✧⁺⸜(˙▾˙)⸝⁺✧->〔reckless driving(n.莽撞駕駛)〕(D) ferocious - .....看完整詳解



【評論內容】The director, who of☆☆☆ ☆☆☆☆ ...



【評論內容】The director, who often does things carelessly and regardless of consequences, is now charged with causing death by _____ driving.那位經常不顧後果和馬虎行事的導演,現在被指控因_____ 駕駛而導致死亡。(A) meticulous 謹慎的(B) conscientious 有責任感的(C) reckless 魯莽的(D) ferocious 凶猛的regardless 不管怎樣,無論如何;不管,不顧