【評論主題】45 The government took immediate _____ to fight the pandemic.(A)measures (B)pleasures (C)sections (D


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【評論主題】45 The government took immediate _____ to fight the pandemic.(A)measures (B)pleasures (C)sections (D


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【評論主題】1 The virus can be spread through coughing or sneezing, and this makes it highly _______.(A) contagi

【評論內容】★【自製破解筆記】★(望能幫上大家!)(●´ω`●)ゞ★【速解●關鍵字義答題】★The virus(病毒) can be spread(傳播) through coughing or sneezing, and this makes it highly(高度的) ___"如何的"____.(A) contagious - (Adj.)接觸傳染的<---「同義詞」!✧⁺⸜(˙▾˙)⸝⁺✧(B) compassionate - (Adj.)有同情心的 (C) customized - (Adj.)訂做的、訂製的(D) construct.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】37 Parents want to know the best way to nurture and______ their child to adulthood.(A) bread (B) for

【評論內容】★【自製破解筆記】★(望能幫上大家!)(●´ω`●)ゞ★【速解●抓到key word,快速答題】★Parents want to know the best way to nurture(v.養育) and(和【"對等"連接詞】) __應該要是一個同樣是"v.且為同義詞"的單字____ their child to adulthood.▲一個小小的答題技巧---善用「and(和)」是一個「"對等"連接詞」的性質/特性!(^ρ^)/所以~言下之意就是說:「A and B」--->「A = B」(and的左邊詞等於and的右邊詞)₍₍◝(・'ω'・)◟⁾⁾那麼~聰明的你便知道就是要你找「同詞性的同義詞」( ^ω^)因此: [結論]--->『nurture(v.養.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】45 The government took immediate _____ to fight the pandemic.(A)measures (B)pleasures (C)sections (D


★【速解●抓到key word,快★★★】★→...

【評論主題】36 Hotel rooms here are usually overpriced during the ______ .(A) arrival (B) interval (C) festival

【評論內容】★【自製破解筆記】★(望能幫上大家!)(●´ω`●)ゞ★【速解●關鍵字義答題】★Hotel rooms(飯店房間) here are usually overpriced(價格過高) during(在...期間) the ______ .▲聰明的你肯定知道( ^ω^)「在 "什麼" 期間,飯店房價會過高呢?」---"節日"期間!d(d'∀')(A) arrival (n.抵達;到達)(B) interval (n.1.[時間or空間]間距;間隔            &n.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】45 The government took immediate _____ to fight the pandemic.(A)measures (B)pleasures (C)sections (D


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【評論主題】【題組】50 Which of the following is suggested by the author to be the best way for people today to show


【評論主題】3 The doctor warned Alex that his diet contained too much______ fat, which was the main cause ofhis

【評論內容】★【自製破解筆記】★(望能幫上大家!)(●´ω`●)ゞ★【速解●關鍵字義答題】★The doctor warned Alex that his diet contained too much(過多的) ___"什麼樣的"___ fat(脂肪), which was the main cause of his overweight and other physical health problems.(A) degenerated - (Adj.)衰退的;退化的(B) liquidated - (Adj.)清算的;清償的(C) saturated - (Adj.)飽和的;滲透的(D) validated - (Adj.)(驗證使)生效的Answer.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】46 Intercity transportation in Taiwan _____ heavily on the high-speed rail line, which runs from Tai

【評論內容】★【自製破解筆記】★(望能幫上大家!)(●´ω`●)ゞ★【速解●抓到key word,快速答題】★→此題,key word是「on」!Intercity transportation in Taiwan __"什麼"___ heavily on the high-speed rail line, which runs from Taipei in the north down to Kaohsiung in the south.(A) rallies-> rally - (V)集合;召集[人群、人馬](B) realizes - (V)1.理解 2.實現(C) relies-> rely - (V)倚賴+on+sth.◇〔慣用搭配介係詞用法: rely on sth. (倚賴某事物)〕(D) relishes - (V)享受[某.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】2 This is a description of the_______period from an agricultural to an industrial society.(A) transi

【評論內容】★【自製破解筆記】★(望能幫上大家!)(●´ω`●)ゞ★【速解●關鍵字義答題】★This is a description of the ___"什麼樣的"____ period(時期) from an agricultural to an industrial society(從農業社會到工業社會).(A) transitional - (Adj.)過渡(期)的<---正是答案!|•'-'•) ✧(B) directional - (Adj.)方向的(C) nutritional - (Adj.)營養的(D) i.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】21 Every one of us is responsible for protecting the environment for the ______of future generations

【評論內容】★【自製破解筆記】★(望能幫上大家!)(●´ω`●)ゞ★【速解●關鍵字義答題】★Every one of us is responsible for protecting the environment(保護環境) for(為了) the ___"什麼"___ of future generations(後代子孫的).(๑•̀ω•́)ノ(A) well-being - (N)安康;福祉(B) far-flung - (Adj.)"拋得很遠的"=「廣布的」o(´^`)o#far - (Adj.)遙遠的#fling - (V)投擲、拋/扔/丟(C) over-the-counter - (Adj.)(買藥)不用處方[醫生開立],在藥店即可直接購.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】3 Being a professional artist, Lisa mostly makes drawings, paintings, and sculptures, and __________

【評論內容】★【自製破解筆記】★(望能幫上大家!)(●´ω`●)ゞ★【速解●關鍵字義答題】★Being[分詞構句法] a professional artist, Lisa[主詞] mostly(大部分的時間主要是在...) makes drawings, paintings, and sculptures, and _____"偶爾地才..."______she is invited to make fashion illustrations.(A) aggressively - (ADV)侵略性地;積極進取地(B) evidently - (ADV)明顯地(C) intimately - (ADV)親密地(D) occasional.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】2 When we don’t believe we have the resources or abilities to cope with a certain problem or stimuli

【評論內容】★【自製破解筆記】★(望能幫上大家!)(●´ω`●)ゞ★【速解●關鍵字義答題】★When we don’t believe we have(當我們不相信我們有) the resources or abilities to cope with(資源或能力處理好) a certain problem or stimuli, we create(我們會創造出) _____"什麼樣的"______behaviors(行為) to deny or avoid it(來藉此否認或逃避它).(A) rigid - (Adj.)剛硬的;死板/刻板的(B) adaptive - (Adj.)適應性的(C) indiscrete - (Adj.)一體的;不分開的(D) insulated - (Adj.)絕緣的Answer: 選(B)。[句中詞彙集]: d(`・∀・)b▲ resource - (N)資源▲ ability - (N)能力▲ cope with = deal with =.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】1 The way our eyes and brain handle information has become ___________ . Thanks to television, film

【評論內容】★【自製破解筆記】★(望能幫上大家!)(●´ω`●)ゞ★【速解●關鍵字義答題】★The way(方式) our eyes and brain handle information(處理信息) has become(變得) ___________ . Thanks to(多虧) television, film and computers, our ability to process images(處理圖像、影像) is faster(更快速).(A) monotonous - (Adj.)單調的(B) subsequent - (Adj.)隨後的;隨之而來的(C) vulnerable - (Adj.)易受傷的(D) sophisticated - (Adj.)老練的[指的是: 「歷經世事,富有經驗,而純熟、精熟、熟練的意思」]ʕ•̀&omeg.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】【題組】50 Which of the following is suggested by the author to be the best way for people today to show


【評論主題】45 The government took immediate _____ to fight the pandemic.(A)measures (B)pleasures (C)sections (D


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【評論主題】44 The pace of the government’s reform has not been quick enough to _____ people’s expectation.(A)vi

【評論內容】★【速解●關鍵字義答題】★The ☆☆☆☆ ...

【評論主題】20 Which ______ do you use to make your clothes always so clean and white?(A) delegate (B) deposit (


【評論主題】19 They arrived at the historic town and took a leisurely______through the old district.(A) trench (


【評論主題】34. 法規以命令特定施行日期者,自何日起發生效力?(A)自該特定日起算至第3日起發生效力(B)自該特定日起算至第30日起發生效力(C)為顧及信賴保護,自該特定日起算至1年後始發生效力(D)自該特定日

【評論內容】★【自製破解筆記】★(望能幫上大家!)(●´ω`●)ゞ★【速解●抓到key word,快速答題】★法規以命令"特定"施行日期者,自何日起發生效力="生效"?(A) 自該特定日起算至第3日起發生效力(B) 自該特定日起算至第30日起發生效力(C) 為顧及信賴保護,自該特定日起算至1年後始發生效力(D) 自該特定日起發生效力Answer: 選(D)。▲《中央法規標準法》第三章 法規的施行&生效§12 : 「法規應規定施行日期,或授權以命令規定施行日期。」§13 : 「法規明定自公布或發布日施行者,自公布或發布之日起算至第三日起發生效力。」§14 : 「法規特定有施行日期,或以命令特定施行日期者,自該特定日起發生效力。」<---考此法條啦!!!(。◕∀◕。)★【補上個人關於「法規施行與生效」的整理筆記,望對各位有幫助喔~】:。゜+.(人-ω◕)゜+.゜法律〔生效日期〕有三種:"特"定施行日 -> a. 以「法律」制定之!   b. 以「授權命令」規定之!  ---> 都是『施行日期當天才生效』。    &nbs.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】39. 依《憲法增修條文》第2條規定,總統有權發布緊急命令,惟發布後須提交何機關追認?(A)行政院 (B)立法院 (C)司法院 (D)國家安全會議

【評論內容】★【自製破解筆記】★(望能幫上大家!)(●´ω`●)ゞ★【速解●抓到key word,快速答題】★依《憲法增修條文》第2條規定,總統有權發布緊急命令,惟發布後須提交何機關追認?(A) 行政院(B) 立法院(C) 司法院(D) 國家安全會議Answer: 選(B)。▲ 《憲法增修條文§2 Ⅲ》: 「總統  為避免國家或人民遭遇緊急危難或應付財政經濟上重大變故,   得經行政院會議之決議  發布『緊急命令』,為必要之處置,&n.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】17 A critical goal of the Highway Administration is to help the Nation’s transportation workforcerec

【評論內容】★【自製破解筆記】★(望能幫上大家!)(●´ω`●)ゞ★【速解●關鍵字義答題】★A critical goal(目標) of the Highway Administration is to help(幫助) the Nation’s transportation workforce recognize(認識) and(與) ___"如何"___ significant causes of early asphalt pavement distress(早期鋪設柏油路面苦惱的重要原因).(A) aggregate - (V)聚集[總合;總數](B) address - (V)處理[問題]=handle=deal with(C) abolish - (V)廢除[法律](D) advocate - (V)提倡;擁護Answer: 選(B)。[句中詞彙集]: d(`・∀・)b▲ critical - (Adj.)關鍵性的;至關重要的▲ goal - (N)終點;球門;目標▲ Highway Administration (公路局)▲ nation - (N)國家▲ transportation - (N)運輸▲ workforce - (N)勞動力▲ recognize - (V)認出;認識▲ significant - (Adj.)意義重大的;重要的▲ cause - (N)原因▲ early - (Adj.)早期的▲ asphalt - (N)瀝青;柏油▲ pavement - (N)鋪設的路面▲ distress - (N)苦惱;悲痛中譯 : 公路局的一項關鍵性/重要目標是要幫助國家的運輸勞動力(勞務人員)認識與 處理(解決問題) 早期瀝青/柏油鋪設路面苦惱的重大原因。P.S希望我的說明,大家會喜歡。有誤,請不吝指教喔!˗ˋˏ ♡ ˎˊ˗喜歡的話,幫我按個讚好嗎?!‎|•'-'•) ✧謝謝大家~(〃'▽'〃)

【評論主題】20 Donald is still ______ , but it’s a matter of time when he will become an experienced worker in t

【評論內容】★【自製破解筆記】★(望能幫上大家!)(●´ω`●)ゞ★【速解●抓到key word,快速答題】★→此題,key word是「but」!Donald is still(仍然還是~) ___"如何的"___ , but(但是;然而)【轉折連接詞】 it’s a matter of time when he will become an experienced(富有經驗的) worker in the shipping company one day.※「but(但是;然而)」是--->【轉折連接詞---前後句意呈現"相反",也就是一正一反】 (。•ᴗ-)_所以~聰明如你! 相對於「experienced(富有經驗的)」的【反義詞】--->就是「"如何的"[空格處]」的答案囉!✧⁺⸜(˙▾˙)⸝⁺✧那這答案自然是「沒有經驗的;或經驗不足的」啦!(ᕑᗢᓫ∗)˒(A) wet behind the ears - 字面意思"耳朵後面還是濕濕的",引申的意思是指:「乳臭未乾、少不更事、經驗尚且還不足的(新手、菜鳥)」(՞• •՞)(B) green with envy - 十分妒忌;分外眼紅(C) paying an arm and a leg - 就是大手大腳的花錢,「花了一筆數量十分可觀的錢」=「一筆巨額花費」(D) touching his heart - 觸動了他的心弦,「感動了!或心動了!」˗ˋˏ ♡ ˎˊ˗Answer: 選(A)。[句中詞彙集]: d(`・∀・)b▲ it's (only) a matter of time (這(只)是時間的問題[遲早、早晚的事])▲ experienced - (Adj.)富有經驗的▲ worker - (N)工作者;勞動者;工人▲ shipping - (N)運輸業▲ one day ([未來或過去]有一天=「過去的某一天」或「未來的有一天/有朝一日/總有一天」)中譯 : Donald(雖然目前)還是 經驗尚且不足的 ,但是這(只)是時間的問題,他有天將會在運輸公司裡成為一位富有經驗的工作者。P.S希望我的說明,大家會喜歡。有誤,請不吝指教喔!˗ˋˏ ♡ ˎˊ˗喜歡的話,幫我按個讚好嗎?!‎|•'-'•) ✧謝謝大家~(〃'▽'〃)

【評論主題】8 Language ambiguity has been under heated discussion and will continue to receive ______ attentioni


【評論主題】15 Collins made her______in the city’s concert hall. Her violin performance was highly praised forth

【評論內容】★【自製破解筆記】★(望能幫上大家!)(●´ω`●)ゞ★【速解●關鍵字義答題】★Collins made her(使她的) ___"什麼"___ in the city’s concert(演唱會/音樂會) hall(大廳). Her violin performance(小提琴表演) was highly praised for the first time(第一次).(A) badge - (N)徽章(B) catch - (V/B)抓住(C) debut - (N)初次登臺[初登場];首次亮相[首次表演/演出]<---同義詞---the first time(第一次)+performance(表演)੭ ˙ᗜ˙ )੭(D) jersey - (N)運動衫(球衣)Answer: 選(C)。[句中詞彙集]: d(`・∀・)b▲ concert - (N)演唱會;音樂會▲ hall - (N)大廳▲ violin - (N)小提琴▲ performance - (N)表演▲ highly - (ADV)高度地▲ praise - (V/N)讚美;讚揚中譯 : Collins讓她的 首次演出 在該市的音樂廳裡。她的小提琴表演首次(便)受到高度的讚揚。P.S希望我的說明,大家會喜歡。有誤,請不吝指教喔!˗ˋˏ ♡ ˎˊ˗喜歡的話,幫我按個讚好嗎?!‎|•'-'•) ✧謝謝大家~(〃'▽'〃)

【評論主題】19 Ian often does things that others won’t do. He’s therefore viewed as a person who is weirdand ___

【評論內容】★【自製破解筆記】★(望能幫上大家!)(●´ω`●)ゞ★【速解●抓到key word,快速答題】★→此題,key word是「and」!Ian often does things that others won’t do. He’s therefore viewed as a person who is weird(怪異的) and("並且") ___"怎麼樣的"___ .▲一個小小的答題技巧---善用「and」是「並且」之意!(^ρ^)/所以~言下之意就是說:要你找「同義詞」( ^ω^)「weird(怪異的)」----的同義詞----「古怪的」呀!(。◕∀◕。)(A) adjacent - (Adj.)毗連/比鄰的;相鄰/鄰近的(B) eccentric - (Adj.)古怪的;反常的(C) fatal - (Adj.)致命的(D) negligible - (Adj.)可忽略不計的;微不足道/無關緊要的Answer: 選(B)。[句中詞彙集]: d(`・∀・)b▲ therefore - (ADV)因此▲ A bev. viewed as B (A被視作為B)▲ weird - (Adj.)怪異的中譯 : Ian時常做些別人不會做的事情⚆_⚆。因此,他被視為是一個怪異且 古怪/反常的 人。(被當成是一個"怪人、怪咖"(´・ᆺ・`))P.S希望我的說明,大家會喜歡。有誤,請不吝指教喔!˗ˋˏ ♡ ˎˊ˗喜歡的話,幫我按個讚好嗎?!‎|•'-'•) ✧謝謝大家~(〃'▽'〃)

【評論主題】12 When Gemma’s two friends offered to give her a lift to the bus station ______, she really had noi

【評論內容】★【自製破解筆記】★(望能幫上大家!)(●´ω`●)ゞ★【速解●關鍵字義答題】★When Gemma’s two friends offered to give her a lift(兩位朋友都提出要載她) to the bus station ___"如何地"___, she really had no idea whose offer to accept(她真不知該接受誰的提議).(A) originally - (ADV)起初(B) plausibly - (ADV)貌似有理的;貌似可信的(C) retrospectively - (ADV)回顧、追溯、懷舊地(D) simultaneously - (ADV)同時地=at the same timeAnswer: 選(D)。[句中詞彙集]: d(`・∀・)b▲ offer - (V/N)提供;提出[意見];提議▲ give sb. a  lift (讓某人搭便車=載某人一程)▲ bus station (n.公車站)▲ have no idea (不知道)▲ accept - (V)接受中譯 : 當Gemma的兩位朋友 同時地 提出要載她去公車站時,她真不知該接受誰的提議。P.S希望我的說明,大家會喜歡。有誤,請不吝指教喔!˗ˋˏ ♡ ˎˊ˗喜歡的話,幫我按個讚好嗎?!‎|•'-'•) ✧謝謝大家~(〃'▽'〃)

【評論主題】13 Nina decided not to see her former boyfriend again because she did not want to give him any______

【評論內容】★【自製破解筆記】★(望能幫上大家!)(●´ω`●)ゞ★【速解●關鍵字義答題】★Nina decided not to see her former boyfriend again because she did not want to give him any(不想給他任何的) ___"什麼樣的"___ hope(希望) for making up their relationship.(A) fake - (Adj.)假貨、假冒、冒充、贗品的(B) fallen - (Adj.)下墜、墜落的(C) false - (Adj.)錯誤的;不正確的(D) faulty - (Adj.)有缺陷的;不完美的Answer: 選(C)。[句中詞彙集]: d(`・∀・)b▲ decide to + VR(do sth.) - 決定(做什麼~)▲ former - (Adj.)前任的▲ hope - (N)希望▲ make up (和好)▲ relationship - (N)關係中譯 : Nina決定不再見她的前男友,因為她不想給他任何對於復合的 錯誤的(不該有的、無謂的) 希望。P.S希望我的說明,大家會喜歡。有誤,請不吝指教喔!˗ˋˏ ♡ ˎˊ˗喜歡的話,幫我按個讚好嗎?!‎|•'-'•) ✧謝謝大家~(〃'▽'〃)

【評論主題】14 The speech about hazards within a community has______the audience up into a panic.(A) rambled (B)


【評論主題】9 The crime rate in this region of the country has been reduced ______ due to the increased frequenc


【評論主題】7 It’s been two weeks since the body was found, but the police have so far been unable to______ whot


【評論主題】16 The country was concerned that its ______and cultural identity would be harmed by the treaty.(A)


【評論主題】11 Global warming is bound to affect rainfall patterns, though there is______ disagreement about its


【評論主題】10 Affording the______of medical and health care for the residents in this area is crucial for resol


【評論主題】6 The drug can temporarily ______patients’ pains but it cannot cure this disease radically.(A) allev


【評論主題】5 If you sign into this online portal, you may join multiple meetings______and do not have to worryt


【評論主題】4 Even in a racially______ community, people can still be diverse in political ideology, belief, die


【評論主題】15 About 600 residents were safely evacuated from their village before the volcano started to_______

【評論內容】★【自製破解筆記】★(望能幫上大家!)(●´ω`●)ゞ★【速解●關鍵字義答題】 About 600 residents were safely evacuated(被安全地疏散撤離了) from their village before the volcano started to ___在火山開始"幹什麼"之前____ .(A) transform - (V)變換形態(B) conceal - (V)隱藏(C) erupt - (V)[火山]噴發(D) assemble - (V)組裝[零組件]Answer: 選(C)。[句中詞彙集]: d(`・∀・)b▲ about - (prep)大約[+數字]▲ resident - (N)居民;住戶▲ safely - (ADV)安全地▲ evacuate - (V)疏散;撤離;排空▲ village - (N)村莊▲ volcano - (N)火山中譯 : 大約600名居民被安全地從村莊中疏散撤離了,在火山開始 噴發 之前。P.S希望我的說明,大家會喜歡。有誤,請不吝指教喔!˗ˋˏ ♡ ˎˊ˗喜歡的話,幫我按個讚好嗎?!‎|•'-'•) ✧謝謝大家~(〃'▽'〃)

【評論主題】6 Every new employee is required to get familiar with the entire product_______ in one week.(A) conv


【評論主題】11 Influenza is a highly_______disease. It can easily be passed on to people around.(A) influential


★【自製破解筆記】★(望能幫上大家!)(●´ω`●)ゞ★【速解●關鍵字義答題】★ Influenza(流感) is a highly ___"如何的"____ disease(疾病).(句號-分割出前、後句)It can easily be passed on to people around(很容易地能傳遞給周圍的人).☆考題在測驗你【換句話說】找答案的能力!(˶˚ ᗨ ˚˶)「前句」與「後句」是一種〔換句話說〕而已~聰明的你,「passed on people around(傳遞給周圍的人)---等於"有傳染性的"」呀!*⸜( •ᴗ• )⸝*故而答案選(B)。(A) influential - (Adj.)有影響力的(B) infectious - (Adj.)有傳染性的;有感染力的;易傳播出去的 (C) infamous - (Adj.)聲名狼藉的;臭名昭著的;臭名遠揚的(D) inferior - (Adj.)低...

【評論主題】12 Whole fruits and vegetables_______their vitamins and other nutrients longer than those that have


【評論主題】13 Injuries and death can be effectively prevented if more harsh_______are to be enforced on drunk d


【評論主題】9 Good_______helps a business to build better relationships with its customers.(A) credibility (B) t


【評論主題】7 Of the five politicians criticized, only one was_______ enough to apologize to the public.(A) bald


【評論主題】10 You had better not drink that milk. I think it_______several days ago.(A) inspired (B) retired (C


【評論主題】8 Mexico has always had all the elements of an_______vacation destination: fantastic beaches andbeau



【評論主題】5 Only people wearing_______ clothing can be admitted to the graduation ceremony.(A) decent (B) dipl


【評論主題】14 The furniture company already committed to making all its new products from eco-friendly, renewab


【評論主題】4 In a highly industrialized society, people tend to feel_______ and lonely because it is not easy t


【評論主題】3 The dispute is a contest between these two countries over_______control of the region.(A) territor


【評論主題】50 _____, we should explore different possibilities before making any final decision.(A) Tentatively


【評論主題】49 After a long time of strike, the corporation finally _____ the wage increase to the workers.(A) c


【評論主題】48 Although the two countries signed a _____ treaty about the borderline, it was soon violated by on


【評論主題】47 In Japan, after regular classes are over, students participate in sports and cultural _____ for s


【評論主題】45 Taiwan’s obsession with milkfish is made all the more _____ by its East Asian neighbors’ reluctan


【評論主題】44 I like to _____ on some healthy snacks like bananas or apples during my breaks at work.(A) munch


【評論主題】43 The _____ Festival, which is celebrated on the 15th day of the first month of the Lunar New Year,


【評論主題】42 Do you know that the largest United States Air Force _____ in the Pacific is on Okinawa?(A) found


【評論主題】38 Upon seeing a poisonous snake, most people would stand _____ like stone, not knowing what to do,

【評論內容】★【自製破解筆記】★(望能幫上大家!)(●´ω`●)ゞ★【速解●關鍵字義答題】★Upon seeing【Upon+Ving(一...就)】(一見到) a poisonous snake, most people would stand ___"怎麼樣子的"___ like stone(像是石頭), not knowing what to do, let alone running away.(A) obstructed - (Adj.)阻擋;阻塞;妨礙的(B) obfuscated - (Adj.)模糊、混亂、困惑的(C) petrified - (Adj.)石化的;變成像是石頭一般的目瞪口呆、瞠目結舌[像呆若木雞]<---「同義詞」!✧⁺⸜(˙▾˙)⸝⁺✧(D) prostrated - (Adj.)俯臥.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】41 _____ salt intake to less than 5 grams per day helps prevent hypertension, and reduces the risk o


【評論主題】39 _____ is a way of having fun invented by holiday makers while they’re grounded by the pandemic.(A


【評論主題】37 It is very easy to get lost or _____ in such a community marked by its narrow and winding alleys.

【評論內容】★【自製破解筆記】★(望能幫上大家!)(●´ω`●)ゞ★【速解●關鍵字義答題】★It is very easy to get lost(迷路的) or(或) __"什麼呢?"___ in such a community marked by its narrow and winding alleys. We may not be able to find our way back(找不到回去的路).(A) disorientated - (Adj.)迷失方向的<---「同義詞」!✧⁺⸜(˙▾˙)⸝⁺✧(B) intractable - (Adj.)棘手=難處理的;倔強、不聽話的 (C) overreacted - (Adj.)反應過度的[過激的反應](D) disembarked - (V過/Vp......看完整詳解

【評論主題】50 The fans were ________ by the superstar’s charm and good looks.(A) convicted (B) dazzled (C) gran

【評論內容】★【速解●關鍵字義答題】★The ☆☆☆☆ ...

【評論主題】48 Many people________ the death penalty and try to pressure the government to abolish it.(A) posses

【評論內容】★【速解●抓到key word,快速答題】★→...

【評論主題】47 Farmers use________ such as animal waste to make plants grow more successfully.(A) energy (B) ins

【評論內容】★【速解●抓到key word,快速答題】★→...

【評論主題】46 Onions, cinnamon, and garlic are believed to improve________ by helping arteries and veins widen


★【速解●關鍵字義答題】★Onions, cinnamon, and garlic are believed to improve(增進) ____"什麼"____ by helping arteries and veins widen and blood flow increase(血流增加).△ 「血流增加」---「增進(血液的)"循環"」流通嘛!◔.̮◔✧(A) circulation - (N)循環(B) determination - (N)決心;判決(C) harmony - (N)和諧;和睦;和聲(D) extension - (N)延展;分機Answer: 選(A)。[句中詞彙集]: d(`・∀・)b▲ onion - (N)洋蔥▲ cinnamon - (N)肉桂▲ garlic - (N)蒜頭;大蒜▲ improve - (V)改善;增進▲ artery - (N)動脈▲ vein - (N)靜脈▲ widen - (V)變寬、加寬▲ blood flow (血流)▲ increase - (V)增加中譯 : 洋蔥、肉桂與大...

【評論主題】40 Despite________ competition, the athlete made a gallant effort to win the first medal of the cham


【評論主題】49 This credit card allows you to________ up to NTD 10,000 a day from most ATMs.(A) ascend (B) perce

【評論內容】★【速解●關鍵字義答題】★Thi☆ ...

【評論主題】42 The result of the experiment is ______, as it can be applied to many aspects of our life.(A) abst

【評論內容】★【速解●關鍵字義答題】★The ...

【評論主題】43 We were running out of________ and had to go to the petrol station before getting onto the motorw

【評論內容】★【速解●關鍵字義答題】★We ☆☆☆☆ ...

【評論主題】45 Nina felt ________ and couldn’t help shedding tears when she learned that she failed the exam for

【評論內容】★【速解●抓到key word,快速答題】★→此題,key word是「and」!Nina felt(感到) ____"什麼"____ and("並且") couldn’t help shedding tears(禁不住得流下淚來) when she learned that she failed the exam for the third time.▲一個小小的答題技巧---善用「and」是「並且」之意!(^ρ^)/所以~言下之意就是說:要你找「同義詞」( ^ω^)「禁不住得流下淚來」----的同義詞----就是一種「想哭的心情」---那就是「灰心喪志的心情」呀!(。◕∀◕。)(A) discouraged - (Adj.)沮喪、受挫、灰心喪志的(B) impressive - (Adj.)令人印象深刻的(C) ambitious - (Adj.)有抱負、雄心壯志、野心勃勃的(D) competitive - (Adj.)競爭的Answer: 選(A)。[句中詞彙集]: d(`・∀・)b▲ feel - (V)感覺;感到[動詞三態]: feel - felt - felt ▲ can't/couldn't help + N/Ving (禁不住~)▲ shed - (V)流下[眼淚]▲ tears - (N)[pl]眼淚;淚水;淚珠▲ learn - (V)1.學習;2.得知=獲悉[+that S. V.(某件事)]▲ fail - (V)不及格;失敗▲ exam - (N)考試=examination中譯 : Nina感到 沮喪 並且禁不住得流下淚來,當她得知她第三次這場考試失敗時。P.S希望我的說明,大家會喜歡。有誤,請不吝指教喔!˗ˋˏ ♡ ˎˊ˗喜歡的話,幫我按個讚好嗎?!‎|•'-'•) ✧謝謝大家~(〃'▽'〃)

【評論主題】41 The Internet plays a ______ role in modern society. It is closely related to our daily life.(A) c

【評論內容】★【速解●關鍵字義答題】★The ...

【評論主題】39 My________ of heat greatly increased after having lived in tropical areas for a decade.(A) avoida

【評論內容】★【速解●關鍵字義答題】★My(★★★★) ...

【評論主題】38 The slump in oil prices and the regions' foreign debt crisis have driven the economy of the


★【速解●關鍵字義答題】★The slump(下陷[陷落]) in oil prices and the regions' foreign debt crisis(外債危機) have driven(驅使) the economy(經濟) of the city into(進入(某狀況)[變成為]) ___"什麼狀態"_____.(A) revision - (N)校訂(B) reception - (N)接待;收訊(C) recession - (N)[經濟]衰退(期)(D) reduction - (N)減少Answer: 選(C)。[句中詞彙集]: d(`・∀・)b▲ slump - (V)驟降;暴跌;猛然下陷[陷落]▲ oil price (n.油價)▲ region - (N)區域[地域]▲ foreign - (Adj.)外國的▲ debt - (N)債務;負債[借貸款項]▲ crisis - (N)危機▲ drive - (V)驅使[動詞三態]: drive - drove - driven ▲ economy - (N)經濟中譯 : 油價的...

【評論主題】44 “Beyond Carbon” is a campaign that aims to reduce fossil fuel use, promote low-carbon manufacturi

【評論內容】★【速解●抓到key word,快速答題】★→...

【評論主題】37 The government was defeated in its attempt to pass the law by the main________ party.(A) contenti

【評論內容】★【速解●關鍵字義答題】★The government was defeated(政府[執政黨]被擊倒) in its attempt to pass the law(通過這項法律) by the main(被主要的) ___"什麼"_____ party(政黨).(A) contention - (N)論點;主張[爭論競爭](B) opposition - (N)敵對;對立(C) prevention - (N)預防(D) resolution - (N)決心Answer: 選(B)。[句中詞彙集]: d(`・∀・)b▲ government - (N).....看完整詳解

【評論主題】45 The government took immediate _____ to fight the pandemic.(A)measures (B)pleasures (C)sections (D


★【速解●抓到key word,快★★★】★→...

【評論主題】【題組】50 Which of the following is suggested by the author to be the best way for people today to show


【評論主題】【題組】49 According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?(A)The stars were conside


【評論主題】44 The pace of the government’s reform has not been quick enough to _____ people’s expectation.(A)vi

【評論內容】★【速解●關鍵字義答題】★The ☆☆☆☆ ...

【評論主題】【題組】48 According to the passage, what do shamans or priests usually do?(A)They control the only way


【評論主題】【題組】47 According to the author, what may be the reason why modern scientists study the skies?(A)To s


【評論主題】請依下文回答第46題至第50題:       Hundreds of millions of people read their horoscopes every day. Seekers scan

【評論內容】★【自製破解筆記】★(望能幫上大家!)(●´ω`●)ゞ★【速解●文章中找答案】★---答案在「第一段」!請看~第一段中:Many still confuse astrology with astronomy. Even with all my scientific training, I cannot say that I blame them.許多人仍然會將占星術/學與天文學搞混。甚至(即使)(我)有著我所有的科學的訓練,我(也)無法/不能說我責怪他們。46. What is the author's attitude towards people who cannot tell astrology from astronomy?(對於辨別不出占星術/學與天文學(的不同)的人,作者的態度是什麼?)(A) He would blame them for such a mistake. (他會責怪他們犯如此/這樣的一個錯誤)(B) He understands why people make such m...

【評論主題】42 Unlike the other four fingers of the hand, the _____ is short and thick but can hold things easil

【評論內容】★【速解●關鍵字義答題】★Unlike(不像) the other four fingers(其他四隻手指) of the hand, the __"什麼"___ is short and thick(短且粗) but can hold things easily.(A) death - (N)死亡(B) niece - (N)姪女;外甥女(C) river - (N)河流(D) thumb - (N)大拇指Answer:.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】43 Overwatering is a _____ mistake in taking care of houseplants for inexperienced plant parents.(A)

【評論內容】★【速解●關鍵字義答題】★Overwatering is a(是一個) __"如何的"___ mistake(錯誤) in taking care of houseplants for inexperienced(對於沒有經驗的來說) plant parents.(A) common - (Adj.)常見的(B) green - (Adj.)綠色的;綠蔭濃密的;環保的(C) normal - (Adj.)正常的;常規的;標準的(D) sufficient - (Adj.)足夠的;充足的;充分的=enoughAnswer: 選(A)。[句中詞彙集]: d(`.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】1 While many environmental organizations around the world are working to solve the climatecrisis,___

【評論內容】★【自製破解筆記】★(望能幫上大家!)(●´ω`●)ゞ★【速解●關鍵字義答題】★While(當) many environmental organizations around the world are are working to solve(正努力解決) the climate crisis,____"如何地"____ , some governments simply ignore(忽視) global warming issues.(A) amiably - (Adj.)和藹可親的[親切而友好、平易近人的](B) excessively - (Adj.)過度地=over了!(C) ironically - (ADV)諷刺的是(D) originally - (ADV)起初;一開始;原來(是)Answer: 選(C)。[句中詞彙集]: d(`・∀・)b▲ while .....看完整詳解

【評論主題】36 The director, who often does things carelessly and regardless of consequences, is now charged wit

【評論內容】★【自製破解筆記】★(望能幫上大家!)(●´ω`●)ゞ★【速解●關鍵字義答題】★The director, who often does things carelessly and regardless of consequences(漫不經心且不顧後果地), is now charged with causing death by _____"如何的"_____ driving(駕駛).(A) meticulous - (Adj.)周密嚴謹的;仔仔細細、一絲不苟的(B) conscientious - (Adj.)誠誠懇懇、勤勉認真的(C) reckless - (Adj.)不注意的、莽撞/魯莽的、不顧後果的<---「同義詞」!✧⁺⸜(˙▾˙)⸝⁺✧->〔reckless driving(n.莽撞駕駛)〕(D) ferocious - .....看完整詳解

【評論主題】【題組】50 Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?(A) Not until recently did Tesla beco



【評論主題】請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題       Nikola Tesla, a Serbian-American who emigrated to New York City in 1884, w


★【自製破解筆記】★(望能幫上大家!)(●´ω`●)ゞ★【速解●找關鍵字義答題】★------「第一段已"破題",開門見山的說出了該篇文章的大意」---就是我們要的「主旨」!ฅ՞•ﻌ•՞ฅ46. What is the passage mainly about?(此篇文章主要是關於什麼?)=問你該文【主旨】是什麼呢?ʕ ᵔᴥᵔ ʔ(A) The battle between Edison and Tesla. (愛迪生與特斯拉之間的戰役)(B) Tesla's inventions that shaped our lives. (形塑了我們生活的特斯拉的發明)(C) The influence of Tesla on modern scientists. (特斯拉對現代科學家的影響)(D) Tesla's famous patents and industrial revolution. (特斯拉著名的專利與工業革命)Answer: 選(B)。[句中詞彙集]:...

【評論主題】【題組】48 According to the passage, why did Tesla resign from working for Edison?(A) Tesla looked down



【評論主題】【題組】47 Which of the following is the closest in meaning to the word “revoked” in the third paragraph



【評論主題】【題組】49 Which of the following is NOT true about Tesla?(A) He put forward ideas to make X-rays safer.



【評論主題】請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題       When initiating a conversation, note how close you are standing to the per


★【自製破解筆記】★(望能幫上大家!)(●´ω`●)ゞ★【速解●前後句找關鍵字義答題】★When initiating a conversation, note(請注意)【VR做開頭[祈使句]請~如何】 how close you are standing to the person (省略who is) opposite you. Personal space is an essential concept in many cultures, and how much or little you give(給得多或少) often(往往會) ____41.("如何")____ the first impression (省略that) you make(你給人的第一印象).41.(A) affects - (V)影響(B) upsets - (V)作嘔、不舒服[腸胃不適]、[心情]被翻攪得心煩意亂的(C) defeats - (V)打敗(D) reduces - (V)減少Answer: 選(A)。[句中詞彙集]: d(`・∀・)b▲ initiate -...