
36 Hotel rooms here are usually overpriced during the ______ .
(A) arrival
(B) interval
(C) festival
(D) survival






【評論內容】Hotel rooms are often in high demand during festivals due to the increased number of visitors and tourists in town. This leads to an increase in room rates, as hotels take advantage of the heightened demand and limited supply of rooms. People are willing to pay a premium to secure a room during this time, which makes it a lucrative period for the hotel industry. As a result, it's common for hotel rooms to be overpriced during festivals.



【評論內容】解題技巧如下:在這裡,酒店房間在______期間通常定價過高。(A) arrival(抵達) (B) interval(間隔) (C) festival(節日) (D) survival(生存) 根據選項,(A) arrival(抵達)、(B) interval(間隔)、(C) festival(節日)和(D) survival(生存),其中只有(C) festival(節日)符合句子的語境。因此,正確答案應該是(C) festival(節日)。在這裡,酒店房間在節日期間通常定價過高。



【評論內容】1.36.(C) Hotel rooms here are usually overpriced during the festival  .節日期間,這裡的酒店房間通常價格過高。(A) arrival      



【評論內容】Hotel rooms are often in high demand during festivals due to the increased number of visitors and tourists in town. This leads to an increase in room rates, as hotels take advantage of the heightened demand and limited supply of rooms. People are willing to pay a premium to secure a room during this time, which makes it a lucrative period for the hotel industry. As a result, it's common for hotel rooms to be overpriced during festivals.



【評論內容】解題技巧如下:在這裡,酒店房間在______期間通常定價過高。(A) arrival(抵達) (B) interval(間隔) (C) festival(節日) (D) survival(生存) 根據選項,(A) arrival(抵達)、(B) interval(間隔)、(C) festival(節日)和(D) survival(生存),其中只有(C) festival(節日)符合句子的語境。因此,正確答案應該是(C) festival(節日)。在這裡,酒店房間在節日期間通常定價過高。



【評論內容】1.36.(C) Hotel rooms here are usually overpriced during the festival  .節日期間,這裡的酒店房間通常價格過高。(A) arrival      



【評論內容】Hotel rooms are often in high demand during festivals due to the increased number of visitors and tourists in town. This leads to an increase in room rates, as hotels take advantage of the heightened demand and limited supply of rooms. People are willing to pay a premium to secure a room during this time, which makes it a lucrative period for the hotel industry. As a result, it's common for hotel rooms to be overpriced during festivals.



【評論內容】解題技巧如下:在這裡,酒店房間在______期間通常定價過高。(A) arrival(抵達) (B) interval(間隔) (C) festival(節日) (D) survival(生存) 根據選項,(A) arrival(抵達)、(B) interval(間隔)、(C) festival(節日)和(D) survival(生存),其中只有(C) festival(節日)符合句子的語境。因此,正確答案應該是(C) festival(節日)。在這裡,酒店房間在節日期間通常定價過高。



【評論內容】1.36.(C) Hotel rooms here are usually overpriced during the festival  .節日期間,這裡的酒店房間通常價格過高。(A) arrival      



【評論內容】Hotel rooms are often in high demand during festivals due to the increased number of visitors and tourists in town. This leads to an increase in room rates, as hotels take advantage of the heightened demand and limited supply of rooms. People are willing to pay a premium to secure a room during this time, which makes it a lucrative period for the hotel industry. As a result, it's common for hotel rooms to be overpriced during festivals.



【評論內容】解題技巧如下:在這裡,酒店房間在______期間通常定價過高。(A) arrival(抵達) (B) interval(間隔) (C) festival(節日) (D) survival(生存) 根據選項,(A) arrival(抵達)、(B) interval(間隔)、(C) festival(節日)和(D) survival(生存),其中只有(C) festival(節日)符合句子的語境。因此,正確答案應該是(C) festival(節日)。在這裡,酒店房間在節日期間通常定價過高。



【評論內容】1.36.(C) Hotel rooms here are usually overpriced during the festival  .節日期間,這裡的酒店房間通常價格過高。(A) arrival      



【評論內容】Hotel rooms are often in high demand during festivals due to the increased number of visitors and tourists in town. This leads to an increase in room rates, as hotels take advantage of the heightened demand and limited supply of rooms. People are willing to pay a premium to secure a room during this time, which makes it a lucrative period for the hotel industry. As a result, it's common for hotel rooms to be overpriced during festivals.



【評論內容】1.36.(C) Hotel rooms here are usually overpriced during the festival  .節日期間,這裡的酒店房間通常價格過高。(A) arrival      



【評論內容】解題技巧如下:在這裡,酒店房間在______期間通常定價過高。(A) arrival(抵達) (B) interval(間隔) (C) festival(節日) (D) survival(生存) 根據選項,(A) arrival(抵達)、(B) interval(間隔)、(C) festival(節日)和(D) survival(生存),其中只有(C) festival(節日)符合句子的語境。因此,正確答案應該是(C) festival(節日)。在這裡,酒店房間在節日期間通常定價過高。



【評論內容】Hotel rooms are often in high demand during festivals due to the increased number of visitors and tourists in town. This leads to an increase in room rates, as hotels take advantage of the heightened demand and limited supply of rooms. People are willing to pay a premium to secure a room during this time, which makes it a lucrative period for the hotel industry. As a result, it's common for hotel rooms to be overpriced during festivals.



【評論內容】解題技巧如下:在這裡,酒店房間在______期間通常定價過高。(A) arrival(抵達) (B) interval(間隔) (C) festival(節日) (D) survival(生存) 根據選項,(A) arrival(抵達)、(B) interval(間隔)、(C) festival(節日)和(D) survival(生存),其中只有(C) festival(節日)符合句子的語境。因此,正確答案應該是(C) festival(節日)。在這裡,酒店房間在節日期間通常定價過高。



【評論內容】1.36.(C) Hotel rooms here are usually overpriced during the festival  .節日期間,這裡的酒店房間通常價格過高。(A) arrival      



【評論內容】★【自製破解筆記】★(望能幫上大家!)(●´ω`●)ゞ★【速解●關鍵字義答題】★Hotel rooms(飯店房間) here are usually overpriced(價格過高) during(在...期間) the ______ .▲聰明的你肯定知道( ^ω^)「在 "什麼" 期間,飯店房價會過高呢?」---"節日"期間!d(d'∀')(A) arrival (n.抵達;到達)(B) interval (n.1.[時間or空間]間距;間隔            &n.....看完整詳解



【評論內容】Hotel rooms are often in high demand during festivals due to the increased number of visitors and tourists in town. This leads to an increase in room rates, as hotels take advantage of the heightened demand and limited supply of rooms. People are willing to pay a premium to secure a room during this time, which makes it a lucrative period for the hotel industry. As a result, it's common for hotel rooms to be overpriced during festivals.



【評論內容】解題技巧如下:在這裡,酒店房間在______期間通常定價過高。(A) arrival(抵達) (B) interval(間隔) (C) festival(節日) (D) survival(生存) 根據選項,(A) arrival(抵達)、(B) interval(間隔)、(C) festival(節日)和(D) survival(生存),其中只有(C) festival(節日)符合句子的語境。因此,正確答案應該是(C) festival(節日)。在這裡,酒店房間在節日期間通常定價過高。



【評論內容】1.36.(C) Hotel rooms here are usually overpriced during the festival  .節日期間,這裡的酒店房間通常價格過高。(A) arrival