【評論主題】A thief stole all ___ was in the room.(A) what(B) which(C) that(D) whatever

【評論內容】關係代名詞that, 如果前面有the only, the same, the vary, the first, ALL, on, little, much, none, any, every 時。較常用 THAT.  Ex. 1. He was the on.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】The ___ from several newspapers will meet in Taipei next month.(A) editor-in-chief(B) editor-in-chie

【評論內容】An editor-in-chief (Editorial Head) is a publication's primary head, having fin.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】This is ___ house for such a small family.(A) too big(B) too big a(C) too a big(D) big too a

【評論內容】Yuchen, thanks for your information. Good night!

【評論主題】This is ___ house for such a small family.(A) too big(B) too big a(C) too a big(D) big too a

【評論內容】too big a house, 差點寫錯。但,這跟哪個文法有關呀?

【評論主題】Assign the job to ___ you think can do it well.(A) whoever(B) who(C) whomever(D) whatever

【評論內容】Shu Yu Chen, 謝謝你的提醒。以你的例句,我想通了。whoever 不論誰,主格。Give it to whoever wants it.把它給任何要它的人。這裡用"主格" 因為我們一看後面那一句. 這句話我們可以把它分作兩句。 1. Give it to someone. 2. Someone wants it.  我們要著眼在第二句,"一個人想要這東西"。"這個人"想要,所以我們要用主格"whoever" 而不是受格whomever.  whomever 不論誰,受格。 Give it to whomever you like.把它給任何你喜歡的人。 同樣道理,我們把Give .....

【評論主題】This is ___ house for such a small family.(A) too big(B) too big a(C) too a big(D) big too a

【評論內容】Yuchen, thanks for your information. Good night!

【評論主題】This is ___ house for such a small family.(A) too big(B) too big a(C) too a big(D) big too a

【評論內容】too big a house, 差點寫錯。但,這跟哪個文法有關呀?

【評論主題】A thief stole all ___ was in the room.(A) what(B) which(C) that(D) whatever


關係代名詞that, 如果前面有the only, the same, the vary, the first, ALL, on, little, much, none, any, every 時。較常用 THAT.


Ex. 1. He was the only man that I saw in that room.

Ex. 2. His writing contains little that is new, but much that is old.


【評論主題】The ___ from several newspapers will meet in Taipei next month.(A) editor-in-chief(B) editor-in-chie

【評論內容】An editor-in-chief (Editorial Head) is a publication's primary head, having final responsibility for all the operations and policies. Pural = editors-in-chief

【評論主題】Assign the job to ___ you think can do it well.(A) whoever(B) who(C) whomever(D) whatever


Shu Yu Chen,


whoever 不論誰,主格。 Give it to whoever wants it. 把它給任何要它的人。

這裡用"主格" 因為我們一看後面那一句. 這句話我們可以把它分作兩句。


1. Give it to someone.

2. Someone wants it.



"一個人想要這東西"。"這個人"想要,所以我們要用主格"whoever" 而不是受格whomever.


whomever 不論誰,受格。 Give it to whomever you like. 把它給任何你喜歡的人。


同樣道理,我們把Give it to whomever you like. 拆開= Give it to someone. Someone you like. 看第二句,"someone" you like是被你喜歡的那個人。所以用受格。



Assign the job to ___ you...






