【評論主題】10. Her tone of voice ______ him. He could not tell whether she was being ________ or whether he was


(C) reassured 再保證/ condescending 謙卑; 屈尊

(D) perplexed 困惑 / sarcastic 嘲笑的, 諷刺的, 挖苦的

【評論主題】9. Despite the fact that it is almost universally ________, the practice of indentured servitude sti


(A) condemned 譴責/ abates 緩和 

(C) proscribed禁止/ persists

(D) mandated命令/ lingers 徘徊

【評論主題】4. Once an enemy’s true nature is _______, an opponent has some chance to ___________ the situation


(A) superimposed 放在上面 / recreate (B) exposed/ arbitrate 評斷

(C) disguised 裝扮的 / ameliorate 改良 (D) manifest 明顯的/ reverse 逆轉

【評論主題】A nonprofit organization started recruiting people with a wide range of _____ to staff their office.

【評論內容】vexations 煩惱;過敏性;惱怒

【評論主題】Nowadays, even museums are using cellphone technology: mobile phones are _____ replacements for clun


(A) streamlined 精簡 (B) stipulated 規定;明定 

(C) speculative 思索的, 推理的 (D) stimulative 鼓舞的;促進的

【評論主題】The act of removing a woman’s veil in public is condemned as _____ in Saudi Arabia.(A) relentless (B


(A) relentless 狠      (B) auspicious        吉利

(C) sporadic 零落   (D) blasphemous     褻瀆的

【評論主題】The reporter constantly _____ the manager with telephone calls until he promised to give the intervi


(A) pester 纏繞;煩擾  (B) render 給予

(C) pledge  保證                  (D) exempt  豁免

【評論主題】Christopher was diagnosed as _____. He has odd obsessions, is terrified of loud noises and doesn’t p


arduous 艱苦

apathetic  麻木不仁

antagonistic 敵對的

【評論主題】I became angry with the little boy at his _____ remarks.(A) facetious (B) abstemious (C) malicious (

【評論內容】  facetious 形容詞 滑稽的; 好開玩笑的

【評論主題】1. 請將下列各式作因式分解:【題組】 (1) =【 1 】。(課本P141)

【評論內容】(A) swindling  騙  (B) bewildering 意外

【評論主題】3. 計算下列各式的值。【題組】(1) (-86)×84+(-86)×16

【評論內容】(B) percolating 傳布 (C) perforated 穿孔的 (D) perfunctory 敷衍的


【評論內容】Provisions 糧;食品

【評論主題】1.在一次六年級數學基本能力抽考中,教務處給六年八班方老師的資訊為「貴班數學 成績的T分數為54.50」。以下有關該資訊的描述,何者最為適切?(A)是全年級平均最低的 (B)是全年級平均最高的(C)原



54.5=50+10z  z=0.45

(A) 六年八班的T分數是54.50- 在50平均數以上,所以不可能是全年級平均最低

(B) 也不可能是全年級平均最高,因為平均成績只贏0.45個標準差

(C) T分數無法知道原始的平均分數及不及格



【評論主題】一、試解同餘方程組:(20 分)2x ≡ 1(mod 3),3x ≡ 3(mod 5),4x ≡ 4(mod 8)。

【評論內容】prevail 贏得;戰勝

【評論主題】一、Переведите следующие тексты на китайский язык.(每小題 10 分,共 20 分)【題組】⑴ Евросоюз рассматривает вариан


(B) haunted    出沒;作祟 

(C) obliged    恩惠;強制

(D) possessed  瘋狂的;著魔的

【評論主題】【題組】⑵如果正整數 −1 p a 是質數,則 a = 2 且 p 是質數。(10 分)


(A) undermine  破壞;削弱 

(B) underscore 講;劃線於...之下

(C) undergo  經歷 

(D) underlie  1 位於…之下, 放在…之下 2 成為…的基礎; 潛藏…的下面, 使發生

【評論主題】【題組】⑵請問如何處理 R,使它能再滿足更高一層的正規型式。(10 分)

【評論內容】inclination 優先權;志趣




satellite transmitters  衛星發射機(A) implanting    注入 (B) embedding  鑲嵌 

(C) transplanting  移植 (D) incising 裁

【評論主題】【題組】⑵國內各級政府機關在國家資通安全會報的要求下,均已完成或正在進行資訊安全管理制度(Information Security Management System, ISMS)的導入,說明 SOC


(A) dominance 優越    (B) disposal  分佈; 配置

(C) dominion 領土;主權 (D) disposition 脾氣;性格

【評論主題】二、何謂數位鑑識?為能有效保全及使用數位證據,說明其方法與基本原則為何?(20 分)


(A) Chemotherapy    『醫』化學療法

(B) Hypnotherapy     催眠療法

(C) Acupuncture therapy  針灸, 針刺療法  

(D) Thermotherapy     溫熱療法

【評論主題】3. 故木受繩則直,(10)□□□□□;君子博學而(11)□□□□□,則(12)□□□□□□矣。【題組】10


(A) intensified 加強, 增強 

(B) plunged 投入; 陷入

(D) stumbled 跌倒; 摔倒

【評論主題】二、在一場會計審計實務經驗分享會中,主講者指出,依據舞弊偵防協會(AssociationCertified of Fraud Examiners, ACFE)之 2016 年的調查報告,企業發現的舞弊


(A) scraped 摩擦

(B) slurped 出聲的吃 [喝] 

(C) taunted   辱罵; 嘲弄 

(D) trampled  踐踏

【評論主題】【題組】⑶ MAC


(A)optimize  <<及物動詞1 充分運用, 盡量有效地利用…2 表示樂觀

(D)ravage  蹂躪

【評論主題】【題組】⑵ MLDW

【評論內容】droplet 小滴

【評論主題】一、試解釋為何飛機重心越後面越省油。(20 分)


(A)consultation 諮詢  (B)intimidation 威嚇

(C)instruction  教導  (D)imitation  模擬

【評論主題】一、請依序列舉擬訂衛生計畫的步驟並說明之。(20 分)


(A) specimen 樣本  (B) spectacles 眼鏡

(C) species  種類  (D) specialties 特產




(A)back to back    緊接的 

(B) neck and neck   不分上下; 並駕齊驅

(C) bumper to bumper 前後緊接而且行進緩慢的長車隊的

(D) ins and outs   詳細情形; 裡裡外外

以上為YAHOO dictionary 查的,照這樣看來,答案是否應為(B)??

【評論主題】【題組】(3)上述物系經10分鐘後,容器內壓力增爲140mmHg,則30分鐘後的壓力增爲 多少mmHg?


(A) impinging  打; 撞; 衝突; 侵犯; 照射

(B) granulating  使...表面粗糙

(C) expatriating  流放

(D) commandeering 強行徵募



decoy  誘餌; 誘惑物

status  地位, 身分

throes  陣痛; 痛苦的掙扎

reprisal 報復

【評論主題】【題組】83. War soon seemedi esince the peace talk between the two countries failed. All citizens would


 inflection  1. 變音; 轉調

  2.【語】屈折變化; 屈折形式

derivation 語言的衍生

compounding  複合字, 複合句

epenthesis 【語】增音; 插入字母

【評論主題】【題組】4. 其子代膚色最深的基因型為何?【    】


culminate  達到最高潮, 到達極盛 lionize  捧人, 奉承


perpetrate 犯;做        warrant 保證

【評論主題】【題組】87. It is no e____________ to say that health is above wealth.    After all, money can buyanythi


blemish 缺點, 瑕疵, 汙點

stigma 『醫』濾泡小斑 

sludge 污物, 污泥 

feces 糞便, 排泄物

【評論主題】Local authorities claimed that investment was needed not only to build new homes and replace ______


impeccable 無瑕疵的, 完善的, 沒有缺點的

dilapidated  破爛的, 荒廢的, 要倒塌的 

sullen 沈悶的, 陰鬱的

austere  無裝飾的, 樸實無華的 

【評論主題】Jon suffers an _______ form of depression due to his bereavement and only dares to peak into the liv

【評論內容】(A) ubiquitous 普及  (B) ostensible 表面的;虛設的

【評論主題】2.When you want to catch a big fish, don’t forget that a great deal of pressure is placed on the ben

【評論內容】tall tale 荒誕不經的故事

【評論主題】14.The days were short and cold, the wind whistled _______, but there was no snow. Cold rains were f

【評論內容】(A) sharply; pattering 滴答地響 (B) violently; tipping 翻倒

【評論主題】12.What dreams have you put on the shelf? Likely you have a dream that seems impossible, but it cont


 (A) boast 誇口 of; carry out  (B) pique 引起; 刺激 ; unearth 發現

(C) irritate 刺激; fulfill  (D) incite 引起; root out

【評論主題】9.Will the next century again be American? The American empire is doomed, and the cause is coffee. D


(C) trigger


n. 名詞 [C]

(槍砲的)扳機; 觸發器

He pulled the trigger and the bottle was shot to pieces.他扣動扳機, 瓶子當即被打得粉碎。

起動裝置; 扳柄; 閘柄


Some people say that violent movies are potential triggers for juvenile delinquency.一些人說暴力影片可能引起青少年犯罪。

vt. 及物動詞

扣扳機開(槍); 發射

觸發, 引起[(+off)]

His action has triggered off a crisis.他的行動已經引起一場危機。

A spark triggered the explosion.一粒火星引起了這場爆炸。

vi. 不及物動詞



(D) depict


t. 及物動詞

描畫; 雕出

Mediterranean scenes depicted in these paintings這些畫中描繪的地中...

【評論主題】6. He was ____ to speak of things he had not spoken of before.(A) position (B) partition (C) imposed

【評論內容】(B) partition 瓜分 (C) imposed 強加

【評論主題】【題組】44. According to the passage, which poses the greatest obstacle?(A) Indolence.(B) Immaturity.(C)


Indolence 懶惰

Infidelity 無神論;異心

【評論主題】11. The cockroach is _____ at squeezing into cracks because it canflatten its skeleton, which is on

【評論內容】 (A) adroit  機敏的, 熟練的 (B) adoring (C) dormant 睡著 (D) admonishing 告誡

【評論主題】10. I like grocery shopping late at night when the store isn’t crowded.But boxes placed in the aisle


(A) implode 集中 

(B) impede 妨礙 

(D) imminent 即將來臨

【評論主題】9. New York City drivers are _____ for failing to pay their parking fines.Currently they owe about h



(A) notorious   眾人皆知的(B) stringent   嚴竣;嚴格

(C) symmetrical  對稱的

(D) magnanimous 高姿態

【評論主題】7. The large purse had a long strap, and she carried it ____ across hershoulder. (A) slung (B) sling


(A) slung< sling的過去式  拋; 投擲

(B) sling

(C) thither  到那裡

(D) twitter  慌張;嘰嘰喳喳

【評論主題】1.An Internet oversight board, in order to expand the available universe of Web names, has given the

【評論內容】(C) batch

一批生產量; 一批投料量

【評論主題】47. The researchers hope that this conservation project can be used as _____ for more investment in


(A) accolade 贊成   (B) felicity幸福 

(C) suavity 慇懃, 和藹, 柔和 (D) leverage 手段; 力量; 影響力; 勢力

【評論主題】10. Her tone of voice ______ him. He could not tell whether she was being ________ or whether he was


(C) reassured 再保證/ condescending 謙卑; 屈尊

(D) perplexed 困惑 / sarcastic 嘲笑的, 諷刺的, 挖苦的

【評論主題】9. Despite the fact that it is almost universally ________, the practice of indentured servitude sti


(A) condemned 譴責/ abates 緩和 

(C) proscribed禁止/ persists

(D) mandated命令/ lingers 徘徊

【評論主題】4. Once an enemy’s true nature is _______, an opponent has some chance to ___________ the situation


(A) superimposed 放在上面 / recreate (B) exposed/ arbitrate 評斷

(C) disguised 裝扮的 / ameliorate 改良 (D) manifest 明顯的/ reverse 逆轉

【評論主題】14. When the U.S. stock market collapsed in 1987, the Japanese stock market was the most _____. (A)


 (A) revile 咒罵 (B) resolute 果斷的

 (C) resilient 恢復精神的, 恢復活力的 (D) reciprocal 互惠

【評論主題】7. The _____ acts of the Nazi during World War Two shocked the entire world. (A) hapless (B) hackney


(A) hapless 壞運氣的 (B) hackneyed 平凡的 

(C) haphazard 偶然 (D) hideous 可怕

【評論主題】6. The moral _____ of the people was reflected in the lewd literature of the period. (A) daredevil (

【評論內容】(A) daredevil 膽大妄為 (B) decadence 衰落

【評論主題】This powder is corroborated to be extremely __________, so it must be kept in a hermetically sealed

【評論內容】deliquescent  潮解性的

【評論主題】The __________ of the speaker became so obvious to all when he began to indulge in sarcastic and ins



1 『生物』隔代遺傳, 返祖現象2 呈現隔代遺傳的例子

【評論主題】A nonprofit organization started recruiting people with a wide range of _____ to staff their office.

【評論內容】vexations 煩惱;過敏性;惱怒

【評論主題】Nowadays, even museums are using cellphone technology: mobile phones are _____ replacements for clun


(A) streamlined 精簡 (B) stipulated 規定;明定 

(C) speculative 思索的, 推理的 (D) stimulative 鼓舞的;促進的

【評論主題】Despite the ___ of websites like Facebook and Twitter, which encourage people to share privacy, tech

【評論內容】 (C) galvanization 通電 (D) proliferation 擴散

【評論主題】The act of removing a woman’s veil in public is condemned as _____ in Saudi Arabia.(A) relentless (B


(A) relentless 狠  (B) auspicious吉利

(C) sporadic 零落 (D) blasphemous 褻瀆的

【評論主題】The reporter constantly _____ the manager with telephone calls until he promised to give the intervi


(A) pester 纏繞;煩擾  (B) render 給予

(C) pledge  保證  (D) exempt  豁免

【評論主題】Christopher was diagnosed as _____. He has odd obsessions, is terrified of loud noises and doesn’t p


arduous 艱苦

apathetic  麻木不仁

antagonistic 敵對的

【評論主題】Mercifully, the man survived the 9/11 attacks on the Pentagon and he survived again when a roadside


fetch up

1 到達目的地; 結束

2 彌補 (如逝去的時間)

3 產生; 引起

4 停止; 停步


go off

1 爆炸

2 發出聲音

  The siren went off at noon. 警報器在中午響起

3 使人成為某種狀態

  Don't go off mad. 不要那麼激動

4 ((口語)) 進行

  The project went off smoothly. 這項計畫進行的很順利


set forth

1 提議

  set forth a sound plan 提出一項完美的計畫

2 用文字表達

  She has set forth her ideas. 她已經發表她的想...

【評論主題】North Korea believes no matter how hard the hostile forces may try all sorts of isolation and blocka



patch up  1匆促拼湊的 2修補的; 多補綻的

flinch   1(因驚訝, 痛苦) 退縮 2畏縮

plow into ((口語)) 1 用力打 2 衝勁十足地工作

resort  1 訴諸; 依靠 2常去; 履次往返

【評論主題】Shops were ________ and burned down by a pack of bandits.(A) loosened (B) loopholed (C) loped (D) lo


(B) loophole 漏洞

(C) lope  <動物 大步跑, 跳躍而行; 大步慢跑; 以輕鬆寬步躍進

(D) loot 掠奪; 劫掠

【評論主題】The small town is the cheapest place for _______ workers, who don’t have many job opportunities in t


(A) expiratory 呼氣的, 吐氣的 (B) expatriate 放逐

(C) explicit 直率的  (D) exquisite  精美

【評論主題】Israel and Palestine will still be at the top of the political __________ . In addition, they will a


(C) propaganda 宣傳 

(D) agenda   應辦事項

【評論主題】Diplomas were _____ on the students who had completed all courses of study.(A) deferred(B) referred(


 Diplomas 畢業證書  (A) deferred 延期的  (D) conferred 發放

【評論主題】There are still many poor families in Taiwan that are dependent on the government for a _____ existe

【評論內容】(B) subsistence 度日  (C) subsidence 塌  (D) subsequence 隨後發生的事情

【評論主題】In the past, outspoken intellectuals were often regarded as _______by the authoritarian government a

【評論內容】(B) radicals 激進 (D) ambassadors 大使

【評論主題】You can’t be too careful when traveling alone. Be _______ of strangers who are trying to pick you up

【評論內容】 (A) dreary 沉悶的 (B) weary 疲倦 (C) wary 小心的