【評論主題】A: What’s going on in the news today?B: _____________. (A) I’ve got to get 50 color copies made a.s.

【評論內容】D There was a terrible storm in the south. "was"--> is

【評論主題】A: What’s going on in the news today?B: _____________. (A) I’ve got to get 50 color copies made a.s.

【評論內容】D There was a terrible storm in the south. "was"--> is

【評論主題】12. Her career is still in its ___ stage.(A) embryonic (B) enamored (C) eminent (D) enthralling


(A) embryonic (adj)初始的/萌芽的

(B) enamored (adj) 迷戀的/傾心的

(c)eminent (adj)傑出的

(d) enthralling(adj) 迷人的


【評論主題】11. Those starving African children look ill and ___.(A) emanated (B) emancipated (C) emaciated (D)


(A) emanate (V)發散

(B) emancipate(V) 解放

(C)emaciate(V) 使消瘦/使衰弱

(D)embellish(V) 修飾/美化



【評論內容】史登 (G.G.Stern) 和史登霍夫 (C. Steinhoff) 認為哈爾品和克洛夫特忽視了組織環境的壓力對組織成員的影響,「需要 一壓力」(need,-press)理論來說明學校組織氣氛,認為學校組織氣氛乃是發展壓力與控制壓力交互作用的結果。1、發展壓力因素(1)智性氣氛:在智性氣氛高的學校,較重視人文、學術及科學等學術活動的興趣和追求。(2)成就標準:在成就標準高的學校,強調個人高的成就標準,重視任務的順利完成,對機構目標的奉獻。(3)實用性:在實用性高的學校,較重視實用性目標,並能將知識和技能應用到日常的工作環境中。(4)支持性:在支持性高的學校,重視個人的尊嚴,對個人依賴的需求予以支持,以滿足其需求。(5)秩序性:在秩序性高的...



網狀組織 (Web Organization Theory) :代表學者:瑞士國際管理發展學院教羅倫基(P. Lorange) ,企業組織為提升競爭力,除致力於組織的扁平化之外,更主張將組織層級打散成為一張網,形成機動、彈性和層級少的「網狀組織」 ( Web Organization)。







【評論主題】【題組】15. (A) are made up (B) come in (C) come up with (D) come down with

【評論內容】此處的"come in" 意為"以....呈現"

【評論主題】18. The best picture books ____ across age groups, providing a compelling interplaybetween the text

【評論內容】吸引是 appeal to ,故答案應該是(D) optimize V. 最佳化/發揮最大效用

【評論主題】12. People should not be ____ on the basis of race.(A)staid(B)stigmatized(C)sterilized(D)subdued

【評論內容】People should not be ____ on the basis of race.人們不該基於種族而被 subdue壓抑/鎮壓個人覺得這個答案在文法上或語意上都說得通

【評論主題】26. The Justice Department warned Apple that it planned to sue the company along with several U.S.pu

【評論內容】A選項的collaborating to改成collaboration with,which means 合作,就可以選了

【評論主題】30. _____ was clear from her obvious air of boredom.(A) That Angela lacked interest in me (B) What A

【評論內容】C或D的 why和that拿掉也可以是答案

【評論主題】35.把「老師」發音成「老酥」,是屬於何種構音障礙?(A) 添加 (B) 省略 (C) 替代 (D) 歪曲


把「老師」發音成「老酥」其實不算錯誤,因為台語的老師正是「老ㄙㄨ」。n這也可以解釋成code-switching的現象。 它發生在當說話者在單一對話情境中兩個語言間的替換。我們日常生活中有太多類似情況了,例如:你吃完了肉丸(台語),還吃得下pizza嗎?

【評論主題】31. One common aspect of instruction across the first-grade classrooms was that teachers(A )suppleme



【評論主題】15. Which of the following sentence is grammatically INCORRECT?(A) Even in small amount, mercury pro

【評論內容】B在文法上沒錯 只是語意錯誤

【評論主題】20. Known to every man, woman, and child in the town, _____.(A) friends were never lacking to my fat

【評論內容】lack of 在此是形容詞片語

【評論主題】A: What’s going on in the news today?B: _____________. (A) I’ve got to get 50 color copies made a.s.

【評論內容】D There was a terrible storm in the south. "was"-- is

【評論主題】33. What is the aim of the teacher’s instruction, “Listen to the pairs of sentences and say if they


【評論主題】30. “The learners do a gap-ill exercise for which there is only one answer for each gap.” What kind

【評論內容】因為是客觀式測驗 ,所有只有一個答案 , 若是主觀,則會有多種答案

【評論主題】In March, 2011, Italy and Tunisian reached an accord _____ promised to stem the flow economic migran

【評論內容】在這協議(accord)之中 ,所以是 in which

【評論主題】Without outside help, Greece is probably insolvent right now. _____(A) The close you look, the bad i

【評論內容】我還是覺得答案是B= 你越仔細看它,它的問題就顯得越嚴重

【評論主題】54.台灣「幼稚園」之名源自何國?(A)日本 (B)德國 (C)美國 (D)英國



