【評論主題】According to the psychological_________, all children normally succeed in learning if given the oppo


A 期望

B 提案

C 觀點

D 指南

【評論主題】After years of 'painstaking' research a cure was finally found.(A) intermittent (B) haphaz

【評論內容】meticulous 嚴密的 一絲不苟的

【評論主題】4. Mozart was known for his __________ speed in writing music which could only come from his own spo


intractable 不聽話的 棘手的 a

invaluable 無價的 a

insolent 無禮的 無恥的 a

incredible 不可置信的 極妙的 a

【評論主題】9. The more accurately you can assess your _____ for the next year, the easier it is to keep on top


 A  傾向 習性

 B 目的

 C 消費 支出額

 D 全體公民 公益

【評論主題】7. Science and religion are generally regarded as being _____exclusive.(A) cruelly (B) mutually (C)

【評論內容】mutually exclusive 互不相容的



A  幽默的

B 好戰的

C 囉嗦的

D 喧鬧的

【評論主題】一、國字注音:【題組】1. 秋「暝」:

【評論內容】d 可公開的



exacerbate 使惡化








【評論主題】【題組】24. 教練


【評論主題】四、請說明刺網依其作業水層之深淺及漁法之不同,可分為那四大類?並請依此四大類刺網,各列舉二種主要漁獲物。(20 分)


innovative 創新的 a

sentimental 感情的 a

descriptive 描寫的 a

skeptical 懷疑的 a

【評論主題】1. 解一元二次方程式 。(4分)

【評論內容】contigent on 視... 為條件的

【評論主題】3. 若一元二次方程式 的一根為3,求 【9 】。(課本P166)


A 已認知的




【評論主題】【題組】 (5)  【 8 】。(課本P175)

【評論內容】ramification分枝 分派

【評論主題】【題組】(3) =【 3 】。(課本P146)


a 使認罪

b 共謀

c 裁決

d 幽禁


【評論主題】【題組】 (2) =【 2 】。(課本P147)


【評論主題】【題組】(2) 162×(-1002)

【評論內容】coveted 渴望得到的


【評論內容】a 小題大做



cope with 處理



analogy 類似 比擬<n

boredom 無聊 厭倦<n

captivity 囚禁 束縛<n

heritage 遺產 繼承<n

【評論主題】7. 穠纖合度

【評論內容】interfere with 妨礙 牴觸

【評論主題】12.坐標平面上有一組和向量( 4 , -3 )同方向的平行光線,將圓x2+( y-5 )2=9投影到x軸的影長為  _____________  。


expound 詳細解釋

compound  混合 複合

pound 磅

expend 花費 消費



 A 動亂 

 B 繞行

 C 違反

 D 啟蒙

線上測驗: http://yamol.tw/reponse.php?id=2997226&noslave=1&exp=80#ixzz1n4FShYTV



A  敵手的

B 當心的

C 隨意的

D 理解的

【評論主題】For all the hardships involved in the study of seals, the Arctic researchers have occasional moments


exhilaration  愉快心情 <n

indignation  憤怒 <n

abomination 厭惡<n

hallucination 幻覺<n

【評論主題】6. During lunch, Dr. Smith had to rush back to the hospital to deal with an e_______cy.


A 穿透




【評論主題】3. Tokyo is the c_______l of Japan.


A 共生

B 惡毒

C 穎慧

D 驚駭

【評論主題】Surrounded by a host of besiegers and unable to _____ their supplies, the defenders of the castle fe


relish 加味道 v

refurbish 再磨亮 v

replenish 再補充 v

relinquish 交出 鬆開 v

【評論主題】His life was solely devoted to _____ pleasures, like food, wine, women, and so on, before he met the


A 慎重的

B 熱情的



【評論主題】In a time when 98 percent of households own at least one television set the degree to which people l






【評論主題】【題組】 (3)BF3

【評論內容】imminent 即將發生的 迫近的

【評論主題】Before developing any new product, the marketing department must survey as many similar items as pos


ins and outs 裡裡外外的詳細情形

【評論主題】17.Though the new European Union has sparked tourist overload fears, many travel industry experts ha


shrug off 不理

flood in 大量湧入

【評論主題】10. According to the modern physics, it seems it would be impossible for anything in the universe to


A頑固的 難治的

B多管閒事的 非官方的


D傾斜的 拐彎的

【評論主題】A ______ of charities is hoping the black grouse will soon be spreading its wings after the success






【評論主題】33. Her brother who works as a businessman is a (suave) young man.(A) Cute (B)wealthy (C) refined (D

【評論內容】refined 有教養的 精緻的]

【評論主題】13. The second part of the movie seemed ______ easier and more interesting to understand than the fi

【評論內容】easier 已是比較級 more 用於多音節形容詞