
【評論內容】發現教學 布魯納    - 教師只是引導角色闡述教學 奧蘇.....


【評論內容】發現教學 布魯納    - 教師只是引導角色闡述教學 奧蘇貝爾 - 教師教,學生主體認知

【評論主題】22. 一群人共同運用團體做創造性思考,在短暫的時間內,對某項問題的解決,提出大量構想的技巧,這種方法稱作?(A) 決策樹法 (B) 層級分析法 (C) 德懷術 (D) 腦力激盪術


【評論主題】46. Interactions patterns(A) are useful when the course book is not suitable for the learners.(B) he

【評論內容】Interaction patterns

In ELT interaction patterns are the different ways learners and the teacher can interact in the class. Using the right interaction pattern is a fundamental factor in the success of any activity and the achievement of aims.

ExampleThe class are doing a dictation activity. The interaction pattern is teacher to the whole group (T-Ss). Other patterns include pair work (S-S), and group work (Ss-Ss).

In the classroomDifferent interaction patterns can support the aims of different kinds of activities. For example, if the learners are doing group writing then small Ss-Ss groups are b...

【評論主題】一、Wie heißen alle Bundesländer Deutschlands (nach Anfangsbuchstabeauflisten) ?(8 分)

【評論內容】Individualized Education Program

【評論主題】一、Wie heißen alle Bundesländer Deutschlands (nach Anfangsbuchstabeauflisten) ?(8 分)

【評論內容】Individualized Education Program

【評論主題】【題組】 ⑷動特性(2 分)1.道路系統


【評論主題】【題組】 ⑵動力夯實(Dynamic compaction)


【評論主題】哪一個語詞屬於褒義詞?(A) 螳臂擋車   (B) 餘音繞梁(C) 物以類聚   (D) 畫蛇添足

【評論內容】1.褒義詞:表示說話人對事物的讚許、褒揚感情的詞,帶有喜愛、尊敬、肯定等    感情。褒義詞通常用在以下三種情況中:A. B. C.人的性格品質:勤懇、善良、虛心等。例如:「虛心使人進步,驕傲使人落後」是一句至理名言。稱呼人的詞語:可愛、尊敬、德高望重等。 例如:今天來出席會議的還有德高望重的張校長。美好的事物:美麗、清新、山明水秀等。 例如:我的家鄉是一個山明水秀的小村莊。http://www.classroom.com.hk/weblink/c-step/chi/page.aspx?content=chi06c1.html

【評論主題】Mr. Anderson does not look forward to traveling by train_____ the schedules are too irregular and th

【評論內容】Mr. Anderson does not look forward to traveling by train_____ the schedules are too irregular and the service is usually poor.