
Gambling is an issue that has always been loaded with moral overtones. Is gambling morally wrong? In the current debate, some critics agree that it is. And they have been quick to point out all the terrible consequences and --6--. that may accompany gambling operations, whether legal or illegal, such as gambling addiction, prostitution, drugs, money --7--. , underworld control and so forth. But so far, government officials, businesspeople, and casino supporters have --8--.touched on these issues. They are mostly likely aware of these issues, but their emphasis has always been on the benefits — how casinos can boost the tourism industry and the --9--. in general.The government may not be interested in the --10--. issues, but if gambling is tobe legalized, there must be careful planning, strict laws and tight control to prevent casinos from becoming a hub for criminal activities. The government must not take it lightly. Legalizing gambling must not be a gamble itself.




【用戶】Cou Cty


【評論內容】後面提到 legal和illegal,加上前面已經有後果了,所以選crimes

【用戶】Cou Cty


【評論內容】後面提到 legal和illegal,加上前面已經有後果了,所以選crimes