
Ambush marketing is a marketing strategy wherein the advertisers _________ themselves with, and therefore capitalize on, a particular event without paying any sponsorship fee.




【用戶】Yu-Lin Kao


【評論內容】Product Placement (置入性行銷) 是 Ambush marketing 的方法之一。



【評論內容】ambush 埋伏; 伏擊  associate使聯合, 使結合[+with]   rationalize 使合理化 



【評論內容】<補充capitalize on ...:利用= take advantage of ...capitalize 利用vcapital : n 首都(可數)、資本(不可數)EX : You should capitalize on this opportunity to learn more English. 你應該利用這個機會多學英文。



【評論內容】ambush 埋伏; 伏擊  associate使聯合, 使結合[+with]   rationalize 使合理化 



【評論內容】<補充>capitalize on ...:利用= take advantage of ...capitalize 利用vcapital : n 首都(可數)、資本(不可數)EX : You should capitalize on this opportunity to learn more English. 你應該利用這個機會多學英文。



【評論內容】Ambush marketing is a marketing strategy wherein the advertisers associate themselves with, and therefore capitalize on, a particular event without paying any sponsorship fee.伏擊行銷是一種行銷策略,其中廣告商與某個特定事件相關聯,而不支付任何贊助費。(A) regulate 控制,管理,調節,調整(B) improvise 臨時做;即興做(C) rationalize 為…找出合理的理由;就…辯解(D) associate 將…(與…)聯繫起來,把…聯繫在一起-------------------------------------ambush 伏擊,埋伏突襲capitalize 給...提供資金particular 特定的,具體的sponsorship 贊助



【評論內容】ambush 埋伏; 伏擊  associate使聯合, 使結合[+with]   rationalize 使合理化 



【評論內容】<補充>capitalize on ...:利用= take advantage of ...capitalize 利用vcapital : n 首都(可數)、資本(不可數)EX : You should capitalize on this opportunity to learn more English. 你應該利用這個機會多學英文。



【評論內容】Ambush marketing is a marketing strategy wherein the advertisers associate themselves with, and therefore capitalize on, a particular event without paying any sponsorship fee.伏擊行銷是一種行銷策略,其中廣告商與某個特定事件相關聯,而不支付任何贊助費。(A) regulate 控制,管理,調節,調整(B) improvise 臨時做;即興做(C) rationalize 為…找出合理的理由;就…辯解(D) associate 將…(與…)聯繫起來,把…聯繫在一起-------------------------------------ambush 伏擊,埋伏突襲capitalize 給...提供資金particular 特定的,具體的sponsorship 贊助