
IV. 篇章結構(10%)  There are essentially three sorts of motivations that might emerge whenever someone takes a seat in the car. 51 If you takea moment to look at yourself, your work style, and personal relationships, you will soon discover that you are most likely motivatedby one of these three primary motivators.  The power people view cars as a symbol of power and status. Within moments of taking a seat in the car, they will start askingall sorts of questions about the value of the car, how many of them are on the road, and so forth. These are the people who areobsessed with power relationships, extremely focus on themselves, and have a hard time identifying with others. 52 There isnothing wrong with this personal trait but the power-motivated person needs to be in a position that makes the most of thischaracteristic.  The relationship person sees the car as an opportunity to establish a relationship. While taking a seat in the car, they will startsaying things like, “It is so cool that you are showing your car to me.” These people want to excel in work in order to pleaseothers—not necessarily so that they can earn more money, get more power, or become more successful. 53 Since harmony andteamwork are where their motivations come from, they will not be happy in dealing with people overly competitive or power hungry.  The achievement-minded person tends to focus on the best possible quality of the car. They will probably ask, “Was the leatheron this hand stitched?” 54 Such people are interested in success personally, professionally and in just about everything they do.They cannot tolerate lazy people for they believe that others should constantly be motivated to do things better, just as they are.However, they are not that interested in competing with others like the power-motivated person. They are more concerned withcompeting with themselves.  Failure often comes to people simply because they are in a position that requires they be motivated by a particular style—whenthey are not. 55 You need to be in a position that allows you to thrive with whatever your particular personality style is.

【題組】 51


統計:A(103),B(138),C(1321),D(381),E(0) #




【評論內容】立法委員  百分之1.5,若是政黨提名要在最近一次總統或立委選舉百分之五



【評論內容】總統副總統選舉罷免法第 22 條 依政黨推薦方式向中央選舉委員會申請登記為總統、副總統候選人者,前項之政黨,於最近任何一次總統、副總統或立法委員選舉,其所推薦候選人得票數之和,應達該次選舉有效票總和百分之五以上。第 23 條依連署方式申請登記為總統、副總統候選人者,連署人數,已達最近一次立法委員選舉選舉人總數百分之一點五者,