
四、閱讀測驗(共 6 分) Have you ever thought of making a family album? The first thing to do is to find an album. A nice, big, and strong album is the best. Make sure that the album has pages made of paper, not plastic. It’s hard to paste things onto plastic. The next thing to do is to collect family treasures to paste in the album. Some treasures you might collect are photographs, tickets, programs from special events, or postcards. After that, you’ll want to organize the treasures. You could give each family member one page, or try to put things in time order. Finally, label each treasure and write something about it. Ask a family member to help you finish it.
【題組】41) ( ) What is the best title for this passage?
(A) Taking a Family Picture
(B) Making a Family Album
(C) Planning a Family Trip
(D) Making a Family Dinner

