
【題組】35 How is the new fingerprint testing different from the old ones?
(A)It can identify body fluids, such as blood, sweat, and saliva.
(B)It relies on fingerprints taken from the crime scene.
(C)It can reveal if the person has taken any medicine.
(D)It can record a fingerprint pattern.




【用戶】Joana Lin





【評論內容】There are also new kinds of fingerprint testing. In the past, fingerprint testing was only helpful if the fingerprints from the crime scene could be matched with “prints” that were already on file. People whose fingerprints were not on file couldn't be identified in this way, and as a result, many crimes had not been solved. However, the newest kind of fingerprint testing can do much more than simply record a fingerprint pattern. It can provide additional information, such as the age and sex of its owner. The fingerprints can reveal if the person takes medication, too....

【用戶】Majie Chen


【評論內容】可由文章段落中發生的時間順序去找答案,從文章中可得知並未有選項B的描述,依照其他選項順序來看,選項C比選項A和選項D還要晚提到,為題組四個選項中最新的指紋辨識實驗,故正確答案為選項C。For example, crime labs have new kinds of DNA testing,(A) which can identify body fluids such as blood, sweat, and saliva. However, (D)the newest kind of fingerprint testing can do much more than simply record a fingerprint pattern.It can provide additional information, such as the age and sex of its owner.(C)The fingerprints can reveal if the person takes medication, too. But the latest technology does even more. It ...

【用戶】Joana Lin





【評論內容】There are also new kinds of fingerprint testing. In the past, fingerprint testing was only helpful if the fingerprints from the crime scene could be matched with “prints” that were already on file. People whose fingerprints were not on file couldn't be identified in this way, and as a result, many crimes had not been solved. However, the newest kind of fingerprint testing can do much more than simply record a fingerprint pattern. It can provide additional information, such as the age and sex of its owner. The fingerprints can reveal if the person takes medication, too....

【用戶】Majie Chen


【評論內容】可由文章段落中發生的時間順序去找答案,從文章中可得知並未有選項B的描述,依照其他選項順序來看,選項C比選項A和選項D還要晚提到,為題組四個選項中最新的指紋辨識實驗,故正確答案為選項C。For example, crime labs have new kinds of DNA testing,(A) which can identify body fluids such as blood, sweat, and saliva. However, (D)the newest kind of fingerprint testing can do much more than simply record a fingerprint pattern.It can provide additional information, such as the age and sex of its owner.(C)The fingerprints can reveal if the person takes medication, too. But the latest technology does even more. It ...