
(B) tighten
(C) explore
(D) soften 






【評論內容】原本題目:第 46 題至第 50 題為題組:   Urban legends are popular stories alleged to be true and passed from individual to individual via oral or written(e.g., forwarded email) communication. 46 , said stories concern outlandish, humiliating, humorous, terrifying, orsupernatural events--events which, in the telling, always seem to happen to someone other than the teller.    In lieu of evidence, the conveyor of an urban legend relies on narrative flourishes and/or reference tosupposedly 47 sources (e.g., “I heard this from a friend of a friend,” or “This really happened to my sister...



【評論內容】strengthen 加強



【評論內容】原本題目:第 46 題至第 50 題為題組:   Urban legends are popular stories alleged to be true and passed from individual to individual via oral or written(e.g., forwarded email) communication. 46 , said stories concern outlandish, humiliating, humorous, terrifying, orsupernatural events--events which, in the telling, always seem to happen to someone other than the teller.    In lieu of evidence, the conveyor of an urban legend relies on narrative flourishes and/or reference tosupposedly 47 sources (e.g., “I heard this from a friend of a friend,” or “This really happened to my sister...



【評論內容】strengthen 加強