
五.閱讀測驗10% Stacy:Who is Justin? Is he your boyfriend? Debby:No, he is my favorite singer. Justin Bieber is from Canada. He is an actor, too. Stacy: Wow! He has great talent. Is he a handsome man? Debby:Well, he’s handsome, but he’s a boy. He’s only seventeen years old. Stacy: Seventeen years old? He’s so young! Debby: But he’s very popular. His songs, like “One Time,” “Baby,” “Somebody to Love,” and “Never Say Never,”are great hits. Watch this music video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kffacxfA7G4 Stacy:This song is cool, and Justin is tall and handsome. Debby:This is my favorite song. By the way, Justin will have a concert in Taiwan. Let’s go to the concert.Stacy: Great! handsome 英俊的 ; only 只有; popular流行的; like 例如 ; hit 暢銷歌曲 ; will 將 ;have舉辦; concert 演唱會
【題組】1. Where is Justin from? 
(B) The USA.
(C)The UK.
(D) Taiwan.

