
V.閱讀測驗 8%  In the past, when foreigners came to Taiwan, they often came to Danshui first. That’s because for many years the town was also Taiwan’s most important harbor.Now, only a few old buildings—like Fort San Domingo—are left to remind us of Danshui’s history.  Fort San Domingo was first built out of wood by the Spanish in 1629. About a dozen years later, the Dutch destroyed it and built the stone fort that we see today. The Dutch didn’t have much time to celebrate, though, because in 1661 their fort was, in turn, captured by the Chinese.  However, most Taiwanese people remember the Dutch to this day: they still call Fort San Domingo “the Fort of the Red-Haired Devils.” At sunset, the fort turns blood red—almost as if it wants to remind us of the many lives that were lost defending it.
【題組】40. The Fort San Domingo we see today was built by _____.
(A) the local people of Danshui
(B) the Spanish
(C) the Dutch
(D) the Chinese

