
48-51題為題組Do you know the meaning of the word “relationship”? Here is an easy way of understanding it. Whenever two people come together, even for a brief moment, they exchange looks, feelings, thoughts, ideas, and energy. Their relationship is how they interact with each other. Everything that happens in the world happens through relationships. We human beings need to love and be loved, and this will come from our relationship with others. Accordingly, anyone who wishes to love and be loved will want to establish lasting relationships.Here are a few tips to help us create enduring relationships. First, know our steps. The relationship between two people is like the art of dancing. Before we can dance with a partner, we need to be able to dance by ourselves. We need to feel the rhythm of the music, hear how it inspires us to move and learn our unique style of movement and expression. Second, trust. As the key building block for enduring relationships, trust is a bond that evolves as two persons get to know each other and experience safety in opening their hearts. Trust develops when we respect each other’s needs and develop a history of common experience and caring. Third, be intimate. While intimacy is often limited to the sexual bond, we can be intimate with many people without sexuality. That is, by relating heart to heart. We need to be seen and known by another person. In this way, intimacy enables us to thrive and grow. Lastly, treat relationship as an organism. A new relationship is like an embryo that requires time, care and attention to grow into whatever may evolve. In our proper relationship with others, we will be known and seen for who we are, and love will come out of the seeing and the knowing.
【題組】48.The author writes the above passage chiefly to______.
(A) encourage readers to build blocks for intimacy
(B) tell readers that things happen through feelings
(C) help readers establish sound relationships
(D) urge readers to become expert dancers

