
23.最近新上市一種抗氣喘藥物,您發現氣喘病人治療幾個月後,不僅相關臨床症狀消失,檢測血液中抗原特異性IgE抗體效價也降低,而且也偵測不到抗原特異性CD4+ T細胞分泌的IL-4、IL-5及IL-13,這種抗氣喘藥物可能具有調節免疫反應的功能,下列那種細胞最不可能與這種治療效果有關?
(D)CD4+ CD25+ T細胞












【評論內容】Natural  T-regulatory  (nT reg )  cells develop in the thymus and are CD4-positive cells that constitutively express CD25 and high levels of the L-selectin receptor CD62L and of CTLA-4. Induced T reg  (iT reg ) cells arise in the periphery from naive CD4 T cells and also express CD25 and CTLA-4.A hallmark of both natural and induced T reg  cells is expression of the transcription factor FoxP3, which, among other actions, interferes with the interaction between AP-1 and NFAT at the IL-2 gene promoter, preventing transcriptional activation of the gene and production of IL-2.CD4  T  cells ...









【評論內容】Natural  T-regulatory  (nT reg )  cells develop in the thymus and are CD4-positive cells that constitutively express CD25 and high levels of the L-selectin receptor CD62L and of CTLA-4. Induced T reg  (iT reg ) cells arise in the periphery from naive CD4 T cells and also express CD25 and CTLA-4.A hallmark of both natural and induced T reg  cells is expression of the transcription factor FoxP3, which, among other actions, interferes with the interaction between AP-1 and NFAT at the IL-2 gene promoter, preventing transcriptional activation of the gene and production of IL-2.CD4  T  cells ...