
A: Are you interested in the exhibition on aliens in Science Education Center?B: Why not? Let’s go this Saturday!A: __________ It will be too crowded on weekends.
(A)It’s a good idea.
(B)I prefer we go today.ƒ
(C)How can we get there?
(D)Let’s invite Tim to go together.


統計:A(158),B(1153),C(83),D(40),E(0) #
個人:尚未作答書單:101年公務人員特種考試關務人員考試、101年公務人員特種考試 移民行政人員考試及101年國軍上校以上軍官轉任公務人員考試試題、101 年公務人員特種考試關務人員考試、101 年公務人員特種考試關務人員考試、101 年公務人員特種考試-五等關務人員考試


【用戶】Dora Fei


【評論內容】prefer :vt.更喜歡; 寧願選擇I prefer we go today.:我寧願選擇今天去。

【用戶】Chun Jen Wan





【評論內容】exhibitionn.The act of displaying for inspection.陳列;展覽。The thing or things displayed.展覽品。A public show or demonstration.展覽會。A grant drawn from the funds of a school to a student.【英】獎學金。片語:make an exhibition of oneself當眾出醜。on exhibition展覽。

【用戶】Dora Fei


【評論內容】prefer :vt.更喜歡; 寧願選擇I pre.....

【用戶】Chun Jen Wan





【評論內容】exhibitionn.The act of displaying for inspection.陳列;展覽。The thing or things displayed.展覽品。A public show or demonstration.展覽會。A grant drawn from the funds of a school to a student.【英】獎學金。片語:make an exhibition of oneself當眾出醜。on exhibition展覽。

【用戶】Chun Jen Wan





【評論內容】exhibitionn.The act of displaying for inspection.陳列;展覽。The thing or things displayed.展覽品。A public show or demonstration.展覽會。A grant drawn from the funds of a school to a student.【英】獎學金。片語:make an exhibition of oneself當眾出醜。on exhibition展覽。