
46. Which of the following happened first?
(A) Hemingway wrote about the Spanish Civil War.
(B) Hemingway moved to Paris.
(C) Hemingway wrote The Old Man and the Sea.
(D) Hemingway traveled to Africa.What would you like to drink on a hot summer day? How about a glass of cola with lots of ice in it? Cola is thegeneral name for drinks that has caffeine. It is made from“kola”nuts. Cola is just a simple drink, but selling thisdrink brings billions of dollars every year to Coca-Cola and Pepsi Cola Companies.In the nineteenth century, there was a medical drink called“coca.”Coca was a kind of wine with cocaine in it.Coca was usually sold in a drugstore because people believed coca could cure stomach and some other problems.Coca was quite popular at that time.A pharmacist in Atlanta named John Pemberton sold coca in his drugstore. In 1885, Atlanta had a new law.According to this law, drugstores should not sell any kind of wine. Pemberton came up with an idea. He replaced thewine in coca with heavy syrup and added caffeine to it. Pemberton called this new soft drink“Coca-Cola”or knownas “Coke.”His customers liked it very much, so he formed a company with a few friends and started sellingCoca-Cola in1886. Their business went very well. caffeine 咖啡因 nut 果核 cocaine 古柯鹼 cure 治療 pharmacist 藥劑師 replace 代替 syrup 糖漿add 添加 physical 身體的

