
When I was in high school, I seldom had time to do my favorite activity, reading novels about Kung Fu. We had lots of tests and schoolwork every day, especially in the last year. Because the CAP was coming, I stayed up studying to 2 o'clock every night. I felt so tired and often slept in class. Once I was woken up by my English teacher in class. She asked me why I looked so tired every day. I told her I studied late for tests. She said I should try to use my time well. For example, I should listen to the teachers carefully, try to understand every part of the class and take notes of important things; then I only had to review the notes before tests. I was surprised. I never thought of that. From then on, I went to bed at 11 o'clock every night but I still got good grades. On weekends, I could also listen to some music and surf the Net for a while though it was only two months before the CAP. Everyone should learn to use time wisely. If you do so, you'll find life is more interesting and meaningful.CAP 國中教育會考
【題組】38. Why did the author(作者) stay up before?
(A) She liked to listen to music every night.
(B) She read novels about Kung Fu.
(C) She had to prepare for tests.
(D) She took some notes of important things.






【評論內容】When I was i☆ ☆☆☆☆ ...