
Questions 186~190 refer to the following passage, advertisement, and schedule. 
In Taiwanese workplace culture, guanxi or personal connections and networks, is highly valued. The idea is that building and maintaining strong relationships is critical to success, both in business and in life. Employers in Taiwan often prefer candidates who come with a personal recommendation or introduction from someone they know and trust. Business negotiations often involve socializing, including meals, drinks, and other forms of entertainment. Building a strong personal relationship with one's business partner is seen as essential to a successful transaction. Cultivating personal connections with colleagues and superiors is also important, and those who are able to do so are more likely to be promoted or given opportunities for advancement. However, guanxi can sometimes lead to favoritism and exclusion, where people are hired or promoted based on personal connections rather than merit. It is important to be aware of the potential downsides of guanxi while appreciating its role in Taiwanese workplace culture. 
 Attention All Business Owners and Managers, 
 Are you looking to improve your workplace culture and enhance your employees' success? Look no further! As a newly minted PhD in Psychology, I am pleased to offer training courses that willprovide your employees with the skills they need to succeed in today's fast-paced and highly competitive business environment.
 In my courses, I will focus on the role of guanxi or personal connections and networks, in Taiwanese workplace culture. Through lectures, group activities, and case studies, I will teach your employees how to build and maintain strong personal connections, cultivate successful business relationships, and navigate the social dynamics of the workplace. 
 My courses will not only help your employees succeed professionally but will also create a more inclusive and equitable workplace culture, where everyone has the opportunity to thrive. With my help, your business can gain a competitive edge in the marketplace while promoting a positive and productive work environment.
 Don't wait to invest in your employees' success. Contact me today to learn more about my training courses and how they can benefit your business.  Dr. Emily Chen Mega-Mart Retail Corporation Training Course Information
 Course Title: Building Strong Connections: Understanding Guanxi in Taiwanese Workplace Culture  Date: April 11th Venue: Conference Room A, Taipei Marriott Hotel 

 Instructor: Dr. Emily Chen, PhD in Psychology
Course Schedule:

  To ensure the effectiveness of this training, all department managers will be required to attend. We believe that the participation of these leaders will help establish a more positive and healthy work culture throughout the organization.
【題組】186.According to the passage, what is guanxi in Taiwanese workplace culture?
(A)The use of socializing as a way to build business relationships.
(B)A system of merit-based promotions.
(C)The use of bribery to gain business opportunities.
(D) A formal agreement between business partners.

